Explanation:1. In general applications, we usually set the task RTOS system clock tick (heartbeat) to 1ms, but if we directly set the RTOS system clock tick to 1us, the system burden is very high, and many RTOS cannot switch tasks every 1us at a 100MHz main frequency, resulting in the RTOS not having time to handle application tasks.2. This mechanism is mainly used to replace the DelayUS microsecond delay API in your programs that do not support task switching, allowing it to also support releasing CPU permissions to enable task scheduling. After the delay time, it can return to execution based on its own priority situation. Currently, it is also feasible to replace the RTOS’s own delay API, such as tx_thread_sleep, with the newly created API implementation.3. RTOS communication components, semaphores, message queues, event flags, etc. do not require microsecond resolution delays, because urgent interrupt calls to these communication APIs will allow the highest priority waiting communication tasks to execute immediately.4. This method also has an advantage of better reducing CPU utilization.Tencent Video:
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Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QxnwR5hbAugZ83zldSqyUg Extraction Code: 7q3i