Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips


The new MacBook M1 has an Apple-designed chip, which causes many tools to be incompatible. Both developers and security industry professionals face the same frustrations. This article addresses the issues faced by Android developers and security practitioners. In April 2021, Google released an open-source emulator (google/android-emulator-m1-preview) that works quite well.

Installing Android Studio

Official download link:

Version selection:

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

This indicates that we should choose arm and Apple silicon. After downloading, proceed with the installation as per the instructions.

Installing Android SDK and Emulator

Android SDK

Select the arm architecture and proceed to install normally. The ARM system image supports Android images for M1 and M2 chips.

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Open SDK tools and select layout inspector image server for API S

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

After installing all dependencies, click OK to close the window.


Open AVD manager

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

It should be running now; our Android emulator has successfully launched.

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Quick Launch on Mac

Use Mac’s automation to quickly launch the Android emulator

cd /Users/your_username/Library/Android/sdk/emulator

./emulator -list-avds
cd /Users/your_username/Library/Android/sdk/emulator

./emulator -avd Pixel_3a_API_33_arm64-v8a

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

After saving, you can quickly launch by replacing it with your favorite image (Walnut is my favorite ~).

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Installing Applications

Currently, Google’s Android images seem to only support ARM64-v8a architecture application packages, so we need the following tools to help us find and download the installation packages.

APK Download

APK Download is a Chrome extension that helps you search for application installation packages in Google Play, find the version you need, and download it directly.

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

You can freely choose the version to download:

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

APKCombo Installer

Here is the official installation tutorial:

Application Installation

Packet capture testing is currently fine, WeChat can be installed normally.

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

Installing Android Studio and Emulator on Apple M1 Chips

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