Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Grasshopper (GH) is a visual programming software that runs on the Rhino platform and is one of the mainstream software in data-driven design. In this sharing series, we will continue from the previous issue (Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper – Part 1) to share on 1. Design Generation, 2. Data Processing. Below, I will briefly summarize and provide links to filtered tutorial videos regarding 3. Mechanical Control and 4. Method Expression.

Previous Issue: Tool Sharing | Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 1)

1.Design Generation

2.Data Processing

3.Mechanical Control

4.Method Expression

5.Program Writing

6.Artificial Intelligence

The article is 4100 words long, reading time is 7 minutes.

Mechanical Control

1. KUKA | prc

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Simulation of robotic arm movement

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description:

KUKA | prc is familiar to those interested in digital construction. It provides robot building blocks that integrate KUKA robots directly into a parametric environment. Unlike coding, simple battery groups in Grasshopper connect with immediate feedback and visualizes a dynamic simulation process that quickly links programming environments with robots, as well as design and construction. The generated files can be executed in KUKA robotic arms without any additional software. The free trial version can meet the basic simulation methods and code generation for robotic arm paths. Other features, such as support for SunriseOS, external axes, GCode import, etc., are only available for paid members.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Function introduction on the official KUKA | prc website

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Download of official free tutorial materials for KUKA | prc

Intermediate Tutorial:



Related Self-Learning Tutorials:

(3 common functions of robotic arms: 3D printing, cutting, and handling)

Case 1: Cutting and engraving paths:

https://www.robotsinarchitecture.org/913/kukaprc-tutorial-and-update(Files in the tutorial can be downloaded)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Official tutorial for KUKA | prc, along with accompanying gh files

Case 2: KUKA’s 3D space printing application:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

3D printing tutorial

Case 3: KUKA’s handling function:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Tutorial for stacking objects

2. HAL

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description:

HAL is a commonly used robot library that allows designers to simulate and program simple or multiple robot units. Through its special programming package, it covers a large number of native robot commands. HAL helps create advanced application structures, including I/O management, error handling, and multitasking. HAL also supports other specific processes for hot wire cutting, milling, picking, and placing. Its main compatibility is with the ABB IRC5 controller, enabling real-time control and monitoring of robotic arms.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Simulation of robotic arm movement

Basic Introductory Tutorial:


There are few tutorials about HAL, and if your network conditions allow, you can watch related project videos and detailed 15-step tutorials on the official HAL Robotics YouTube site.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

HAL Robotics’ official YouTube site (related projects and tutorials)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

15 basic operation tutorials from HAL’s official site


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

FUROBOT is an integrated control plugin developed by FabUnion that allows simultaneous simulation of robotic arm movement and paths in Rhino during visual programming, solving the technical challenges of directly controlling construction robots. KUKA | prc only supports KUKA robots and does not allow customization of multi-axis external axes; while HAL supports KUKA, ABB, and UR robots, it cannot customize hardware and is more complex, which poses certain limitations for beginners and intermediate users of robotic arms. FUROBOT addresses these issues by supporting different manufacturers and models of robots, allowing customization of external axes and tool head libraries, and sharing with other users. This greatly helps users achieve rapid experimental simulation and deployment in digital construction. (For more information about FUROBOT, you can check FabUnion’s related tweets)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

(Left) Simulation of the printing process of FUROBOT in Rhino, (Right) Specific numerical deployment of the robot’s 6 axes

Basic Introductory Tutorial:


There is a detailed explanation of the battery operations regarding FUROBOT on the official website, including adding custom external axes and tool heads, which everyone can check out if interested.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Detailed battery introduction on the official site

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Setting and operation of tool heads

Regarding tutorials for FUROBOT, official tutorials from FAB-UNION will be published gradually, so stay tuned. FAB-UNION’s related webpage on FUROBOT:http://www.fab-union.com/en/col.jsp?id=103

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

FAB-UNION will continue to update tutorials (not officially released yet)


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Firefly is the key plugin that connects Arduino and Grasshopper, linking physical operations with virtual data. In addition to being able to import Arduino data into Grasshopper for reprocessing and visual expression in real time, the battery groups of Firefly in Grasshopper can also control Arduino circuits and specify electric shocks for the operation of switches. Its commonly used functions also include connecting network cameras and mobile devices (collecting camera and sound data), and linking the generated code back to the Arduino circuit board.

Basic Introductory Tutorial:

Firefly’s official website: http://fireflyexperiments.com/ (The Gallery section also has many related cases to view)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Official operation guide for firefly on the official site

Related Self-Learning Tutorials:

Case 1: Introductions


2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1fwyfkEHAg&list=PL7rDCaXfwZV8ZVc0_-8078Gj5vSBSXqXH (Includes 9 basic operation explanations)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Left: First link, Right: Collection of 8 basic tutorials

Case 2: Real-time video data visualization


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Real-time visualization of video data

Case 3: Visualization of sound data

1) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tA411b7yy?from=search&seid=14889804338409723138

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prUeQuvMvIU

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Real-time visualization of sound data

5. Silkworm

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Silkworm can convert geometric shapes from Grasshopper and Rhino into Gcode for 3D printers. Silkworm allows for fully intuitive manipulation of printer GCode, such as extrusion amounts, extrusion settings between layers, textures on planes, and printing paths, thereby specifying novel printing material properties through non-solid geometric shapes and digital craft technologies. Official website:https://projectsilkworm.com/ which also includes many cases and links for downloading all basic to advanced cases (marked in red box).

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Basic & advance examples on the official website, as well as tutorial download links

Basic Introductory Tutorial:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Related Self-Learning Tutorials:

Case: 3D Rotating Curve Printing


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Droid,Xylinus (similar to Silkworm)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2) Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Droid and Xylinus are plugins related to 3D printing that control model slicing, customize printing curve paths, and Gcode generation. Compared to Droid, Xylinus offers more control over the printing nozzle. Its application range is broad, from small desktop 3D printers to large robot manufacturers using FFF technology. During use, custom input printing paths can also be provided to better control and experiment with print results.

Brief tutorial on Xylinus


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Personal website introducing the Xylinus battery group

Data Processing

1. gHowl

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

gHowl is the key plugin that connects Grasshopper with Processing. Designers can import code from Processing into Grasshopper, generating corresponding models based on the code written. The plugin can connect with many types of grid data, such as XML files (Google map data), and can connect with physical devices, like mobile interactive components. At the same time, gHowl can achieve real-time interaction with Processing, allowing data analyzed in Grasshopper to be fed back to Processing for timely adjustments.

Related open-source platform — Open Processing


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

(Open Processing is a learning and sharing community for Processing, where you can enter the desired effect example to get the corresponding code. You can also quickly obtain real-time simulation results after changing the code online)

Basic Introductory Tutorial:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

The information I found about gHowl is limited, the above is a relatively detailed Chinese tutorial, which also includes cases for everyone to learn, such as importing and exporting spreadsheets, Geo & KML geographic information, and Google Earth interactive components.

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case: Google Earth Data Visualization Tutorial


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Some tutorial screenshots

2. Bison

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

For students in architecture, urban, and landscape studies, data analysis of the site is an essential part of design and related research, whether it is terrain slope analysis, earthwork estimation, or surface runoff simulation, all of which can provide important guidance for our preliminary analysis and design. In addition to the Elk mentioned in the previous issue (commonly used for urban visualization and road visualization), Bison also greatly lowers the barrier for data analysis, allowing Grasshopper beginners to quickly complete a series of data visualization operations for the site in Rhino.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Site slope and flow analysis diagrams

Basic Introductory Tutorial:

(Official detailed tutorial of the battery)https://www.bison.la/


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Some tutorial screenshots

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case: Architectural Landscape Terrain Analysis


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

3. Human

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Human is the most commonly used file and graphic attribute editor that helps visualize proposals. It extends Grasshopper’s ability to create and reference geometries including lights, blocks, and text objects. It can specify graphic properties in Grasshopper, such as line width, color, material, light, etc. It can also access information from the Rhino document, reading properties of Rhino graphics in Grasshopper, such as grouping, layering, etc.

Basic Introductory Tutorial:


The official “Reference Guide” has detailed introductions to the usage of battery combinations in Human:

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Detailed explanations of battery groups in Grasshopper3D

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case: Visualizing Data from Excel Files


In the tutorial, the author uses Excel + Rhino + Grasshopper + AI software to analyze how to visualize the urbanization rates of different countries. Everyone can draw parallels to other data visualizations.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

(Similar case video tutorial)https://www.bilibili.com/video/av26528199/

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

4. Mandrill

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Mandrill is also a visualization plugin in Grasshopper, mainly used to create bar charts, pie charts, and scatter plots. Due to its easy color adjustment and simple operation, it has no learning barrier.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Visual effects that can be achieved by Mandrill

Related open-source platform — Observable:


(There are many visual effects achievable with Mandrill)

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case: Basic operations of Mandrill


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

5. Conduit

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Conduit is an open-source plugin created by Proving Ground, similar in function to Mandrill. Conduit enables designers to customize data visualization effects, such as pie charts and bar charts that change with real-time parameters. The generated analysis images are diverse in style and highly interactive and operable.

Related Effects:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case: 4 basic tutorials for Conduit operations


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

6. Horster Camera Control

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Plug-in Brief | Plugin Description

Horster Camera Control tool allows easy control of the camera in the Rhino view through Grasshopper. It consists of three parts: getCamera to obtain the current view camera’s position, target, and lens length; setCamera to control the current view camera using the position and target point as inputs; animateCamera allows users to save camera properties directly from the Rhino view and animate smooth transitions between them. This plugin is easy to operate and user-friendly.

Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Setting of main parameters for the battery

Effects that can be achieved:


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

(IAAC-MAA project course project)

Related self-learning tutorials:

Case 1: Horster basic operations


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

Case 2: Video presentation of terrain


Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

Effects that can be achieved in the tutorial

Disclaimer: The images used in this article are sourced from the internet

All related copyrights belong to the original authors

For more content on Grasshopper plugins, feel free to contact TechArt academic consultants at the end of the article for discussions.

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Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)
Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

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Efficient Plugin Organization for Parametric Software Grasshopper (Part 2)

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