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Learn to Use Industrial Raspberry Pi as
MQTT Broker for Testing
MQTT is a client-server based message publish/subscribe transport protocol. The characteristics of the MQTT protocol are lightweight, simple, open, and easy to implement, making it widely applicable. Currently, the MQTT protocol is widely used in scenarios such as satellite link communication sensors, occasionally dialed medical devices, smart homes, and some miniaturized devices. Additionally, the MQTT protocol can also be used in machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios.
In the communication process, there are three identities in the MQTT protocol: Publisher, Broker (Server), and Subscriber. The message publishers and subscribers are both clients, while the message broker is the server, and a message publisher can also be a subscriber. The industrial Raspberry Pi can act as both a client and a server. This article will share how to set up the industrial Raspberry Pi as an MQTT server.
HongKe Technology
1. 24V Power Supply * 1
2. RevPi Connect Module * 1
3. Router * 1
Operation Steps

Download the dependencies required for mosquitto
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake

Download mosquitto and extract
1. Version:
Currently, the latest version of mosquitto on the official website is 2.0.14. For more version information, you can click the link to view: Download | Eclipse Mosquitto. This article uses version 2.0.9 as an example:
wget https://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-2.0.9.tar.gz

2. Extract:
tar zxfv mosquitto-2.0.9.tar.gz
3. Enter the directory:
cd mosquitto-2.0.9
4. Compile:

If an error occurs: fatal error: cjson/cJSON.h: No such file or directory, execute the following code before compiling again:
sudo apt install libcjson1 libcjson-dev

5. Install
sudo make install

Start mosquitto
mosquitto -v

The default configuration file is used here. If you have other requirements, you can modify the configuration file yourself.
At this point, start the MQTT client and try to connect.

The industrial Raspberry Pi can facilitate MQTT testing to a certain extent. For example, in cases with smaller data volumes, the industrial Raspberry Pi can be used as a testing tool to replace the server for testing pathways.
Furthermore, the industrial Raspberry Pi is more suitable as a client to upload data to the cloud platform, enabling data interaction between the site and the cloud platform. The industrial Raspberry Pi supports many communication protocols, such as Modbus TCP/RTU, EtherCAT, Profinet, etc., and can act as a protocol conversion gateway, transmitting industrial site device data through communication protocols to the industrial Raspberry Pi, which then uploads the processed data to the cloud platform via MQTT for management.

Solution Overview
The HongKe industrial Raspberry Pi product features a real-time Raspbian system, with an integrated Broadco multi-core processor capable of handling complex tasks such as image processing.

Additionally, it is compact and flexible, with low power consumption, supports development using Python/Java/C/C++/C#/Node-RED visual programming tools, and can realize CPDESYS soft PLC functions, helping users quickly create applications in data acquisition and small control scenarios, achieving industrial IoT and digital production.

HongKe – Industrial IoT
HongKe is a high-tech company with over 3 years of experience in the industrial IoT IIoT industry, collaborating with top companies in the world such as EXOR, Eurotech, Unitronics, Matrikon, KUNBUS, etc., providing advanced high-end industrial 4.0 industrial touch screens, high-end edge computers, IoT development frameworks, PLC and HMI integrated machines, OPC UA, industrial Raspberry Pi, SCADA and other solutions. All members of the IoT division are professionally trained and certified, with an average of over 3 years of technical experience, consistently earning excellent reputations from customers. We actively participate in industry associations and have made significant contributions to the promotion of advanced technology. To date, HongKe has provided various solutions from hardware to software for numerous users in the industry and has participated in and assisted in many OEM device R&D and migration projects, as well as intelligent factory and industrial 4.0 upgrade projects for end users.
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