How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Long time no see

Recently, I got a new Raspberry Pi, and today I will update how to install the Raspberry Pi OS.

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Considering that some readers may not know what a Raspberry Pi is, I will start with a brief introduction.

About Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi, in English: Raspberry Pi, is a small, compact computer. It is powerful and can connect to devices such as computers, TVs, monitors, mice, and keyboards. It is called a single-board computer and can be used for browsing the web, playing games, learning programming, and running various pre-set programs.

There is a question on Zhihu: what can a Raspberry Pi be used for? Here are a few answers; if interested, you can check them out:

1. Website server

2. Private cloud storage

3. Smart home

4. Home theater system

5. Control RGB LED lights

6. Video surveillance

7. Robot control

8. Install GitLab to create a private Git service

System Installation
Writing the system to the SD card

To install the Raspberry Pi OS, just write the system to a removable storage SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi slot, and power it on.

Download the image:


How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Download the image writing tool – Etcher


How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Writing the system to the SD card

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

After writing, to allow the Raspberry Pi to connect to Wi-Fi directly, and to log into the Raspberry Pi OS using SSH tools, two preparatory steps are needed:

  1. Open the boot drive letter, create a new ssh file without an extension. This opens the SSH service on the Raspberry Pi.

  2. In the boot drive, create a wpa_supplicant.conf file with the following content:


ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



ssid=”Your Wi-Fi Name”

psk=”Your Wi-Fi Password”




Insert the image SD card into the Raspberry Pi, provide power, wait a few minutes, and when you see the yellow light flashing, check your router list to see if a new network has joined. Record its IP.

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Then you can use software like SecureCRT for remote connection.

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

The default username and password are: pi raspberry

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Login successful!

Enable Remote Desktop

Enable Raspberry Pi VNC

Enter the command line:

sudo raspi-config

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Select option 5 Interfacing Options, press Enter

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Select option 3: “VNC” and enable it.

Connect using a VNC client.

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

If it opens in a black screen state,

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

You need to adjust the resolution to resolve it.

Enter the command line: sudo raspi-config

Select 7 and press Enter

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

Select a resolution other than the first, finish and reboot.

Open again, success!

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

How to Install Raspberry Pi OS
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How to Install Raspberry Pi OS
How to Install Raspberry Pi OS
How to Install Raspberry Pi OS

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