Long time no see
Recently, I got a new Raspberry Pi, and today I will update how to install the Raspberry Pi OS.
Considering that some readers may not know what a Raspberry Pi is, I will start with a brief introduction.
The Raspberry Pi, in English: Raspberry Pi, is a small, compact computer. It is powerful and can connect to devices such as computers, TVs, monitors, mice, and keyboards. It is called a single-board computer and can be used for browsing the web, playing games, learning programming, and running various pre-set programs.
There is a question on Zhihu: what can a Raspberry Pi be used for? Here are a few answers; if interested, you can check them out:
1. Website server
2. Private cloud storage
3. Smart home
4. Home theater system
5. Control RGB LED lights
6. Video surveillance
7. Robot control
8. Install GitLab to create a private Git service
To install the Raspberry Pi OS, just write the system to a removable storage SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi slot, and power it on.
Download the image:
Address: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspberry-pi-os/
Download the image writing tool – Etcher
Address: https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Writing the system to the SD card
After writing, to allow the Raspberry Pi to connect to Wi-Fi directly, and to log into the Raspberry Pi OS using SSH tools, two preparatory steps are needed:
Open the boot drive letter, create a new ssh file without an extension. This opens the SSH service on the Raspberry Pi.
In the boot drive, create a wpa_supplicant.conf file with the following content:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid=”Your Wi-Fi Name”
psk=”Your Wi-Fi Password”
Insert the image SD card into the Raspberry Pi, provide power, wait a few minutes, and when you see the yellow light flashing, check your router list to see if a new network has joined. Record its IP.
Then you can use software like SecureCRT for remote connection.
The default username and password are: pi raspberry
Login successful!
Enable Raspberry Pi VNC
Enter the command line:
sudo raspi-config
Select option 5 Interfacing Options, press Enter
Select option 3: “VNC” and enable it.
Connect using a VNC client.
If it opens in a black screen state,
You need to adjust the resolution to resolve it.
Enter the command line: sudo raspi-config
Select 7 and press Enter
Select a resolution other than the first, finish and reboot.
Open again, success!