Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

CAADRIA 2018 Workshop is hosted by Tsinghua University School of Architecture

DADA and Tsinghua University (School of Architecture) – Central South Real Estate Digital Architecture Research Center co-host

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop


Time: May 12-16, 2018

Location: Tsinghua University School of Architecture

Registration: www.caadria2018.org

Contact: Teacher Luo, +86 18511280257

Asia-Pacific Digital Architecture Design Research Conference (CAADRIA)

The Asia-Pacific Digital Architecture Design Research Conference (CAADRIA) is one of the four most influential digital architecture conferences in the world, held annually in major cities across the Asia-Pacific region, including Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, and Sydney, attracting participation from digital architecture experts worldwide. Tsinghua University School of Architecture hosts the 2018 Asia-Pacific Digital Architecture Design Research Annual Conference and offers workshops.

This year’s conference theme is: “Learning, Prototyping, Adapting”.

Workshop WS10:Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design

This is a soft article about the hard robotic arm workshop, even those who are “afraid of the hard” cannot overlook it!

Let’s start with a few small questions.

Then…, we wrap up…

  • What are the differences and similarities between this CAADRIA workshop and previous ASW workshops?

    Industrial robots are connected using PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)….


Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

In this post, we should not mention these purely technical and terrifying professional terms, but rather systematically introduce some insights into the development of industrial robots in the field of architecture.

So let’s change the tone, this… is a guide post.

Arduino and KUKA robots, this pairing started unintentionally at the 2014 Shanghai workshop. Back then, we created a world-shocking device. Yes, dealing with robotic systems requires some knowledge outside of the discipline, as hardware and programming are the ways to communicate directly with robots. Arduino, such a trendy open-source toy, if we don’t take this opportunity to share with everyone, it would be a pity.

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: Arduino MEGA control terminal for the robotic spider hand

Video: Robotic spider hand (multi-axis spatial bionic 3D printing, Digital Future 2014, Shanghai)

  • Is participating in this workshop to overcome psychological fears of new technologies?

    How does designing a robotic arm construction system relate to architectural design? I think this is a question that most students, and even teachers, are quite puzzled about. Saying too much or going too deep here is actually not very useful; it’s just an important, lengthy part of my doctoral dissertation. However, one undeniable phenomenon is: Digital Fabrication is becoming increasingly popular at the forefront of academic and practical architecture globally. A more noble statement is: An architect’s career should be closely related to materials, processes, and methods; a simpler and clearer statement is: If you don’t master some new things, you won’t be able to mix in anymore.

    Therefore, the main content of this workshop is to introduce some methods and routines related to robotic arm construction to everyone, integrating some cutting-edge knowledge on the basis of basic literacy, and creating a large-scale prototype as a result, which will ultimately be exhibited during the CAADRIA 2018 international conference.

  • Why use so many devices to work with robots?

    Returning to the technical theme, why dialogue between Arduino and KUKA? This is a fundamental question in establishing a robotic arm system. If Arduino is not used as the command controller to collaborate with the robotic system for automated operation, then humans would need to be part of the robotic arm system’s operation. Simply put: If Arduino doesn’t serve the robotic arm, then humans must serve the robotic arm, which makes the entire system appear very unprofessional and clumsy. At least it reduces the system’s efficiency and adds to the laughable anecdotes.

    Taking the KUKA industrial robotic arm as an example, its bus system has at least 24 I/O interfaces…

    Alright, if I go on, most people will be confused. In short, the main purpose of attending this workshop is to understand and experience robotic arm system design, which has certainly gathered the essence of various explorations from the ASW studio over the past five years. Actively learning does not belong to “stealing art”.

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: KUKA robot’s data bus

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: Arduino UNO as the external logic processing execution terminal

  • Will we continue to carve wood?

    ASW has accumulated three years of results in Tsinghua’s summer workshop (carving wood for three years, the difference is that the wood has gotten larger), this workshop will replace wood with acrylic materials for better precision and performance.

  • What technical points will we learn? (Of course, you should have some prior knowledge)

    Arduino, KUKA|prc, KUKA|Bechoff I/O, Grasshopper, Rhino, no need to mention them.

  • Wow, after saying so much, who will be teaching?

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Yu Lei (Brother Lei)

PhD from Tsinghua University, Master’s from Harvard University

Founder of ASW studio

Co-initiator of DADA

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Yang Daoqian (Panda)

Author of GH Panda plugin

Parametric guru

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Xu Boyang (Fat Yang)

Senior engineer in 3D printing

  • Previous Tsinghua Summer Parametric Workshop Achievements

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: 2015 Robot Bird’s Nest

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: 2016, Robotic Arm Making Interlocking Structures

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

Image: 2017 Robotic Arm Tree Structure Wooden Bridge


Event Time: May 12-16, 2018

Location: Tsinghua University School of Architecture

Registration: www.caadria2018.org

Contact: Teacher Luo, +86 18511280257

Exploring the Dialogue Between Arduino and KUKA: Generating Interlocking Structures and Robotic Arm System Design at CAADRIA 2018 Workshop

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