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AudioCortex is an innovative intelligent sampling management software that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to first analyze your sampling audio files, and then quickly and automatically categorize them.
Using ready-made samples and loops to create music is very popular nowadays, but this method also has drawbacks. First, you need a large amount of storage space, and secondly, high-precision samples consume a lot of memory. Managing and using a massive collection of unsystematically categorized samples is definitely a headache.
AudioCortex’s advanced feature lies in its use of cutting-edge machine learning technology to analyze your samples. Simply drag the sampling files into its browser, and the software can automatically analyze and categorize the content, magically arranging them into 443 detailed pre-made categories. The developers indicate that this pre-made list is not static and will be gradually updated and improved in the future.It is important to note that AudioCortex cannot categorize complete songs but is designed for intelligent analysis and management of sampling files used in music production, sound design, or scoring work. Once intelligent categorization is complete, you can find the organized sound files in a simple sampling browser, which already includes important information about the audio files, such as category (similar sounds), file name, duration, frequency, sample rate, channels, modification date, etc. Supported file formats include aif, caf, wav, mp3, mp4, aac, and Apple Lossless. Additionally, the visual spectrum waveform view is also very convenient for inspection.
Please watch the introduction video for AudioCortex (original video link:
According to testers, this intelligent software has a good recognition rate and can perfectly categorize most samples and loops.However, it does have flaws, such as sometimes placing trumpets in the piano category and being unable to distinguish between 808 and 909 bass drums, etc.However, considering the current development of artificial intelligence technology, this is somewhat expected. The developers also stated that the current goal of this intelligent categorization software is to achieve 80% accuracy within specified categories. That said, it is already a considerable achievement, as manually sorting vast amounts of samples clearly requires a significant amount of effort, while this intelligent sampling categorization software can complete the task in just a few minutes, improving efficiency by several times or even dozens of times.
AudioCortex has only developed a Mac version and does not support Windows. It is now available on the Apple Store, with an initial special price of only $9.95. It is reported that the original price will be restored in early 2021.Purchase link:
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