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The Arduino Easy Learning course has been updated. Last week we learned about installing Arduino and tried two simple cases: controlling an LED light. This week we will learn about Arduino’s loop operations, analog signal input, and PWM control through three cases.
Course Schedule
Lesson 5: Traffic Warning Light
The combination of loops and variables can achieve rich program variations. Last lesson combined the for loop with the global variable delay to simplify program writing. This lesson introduces the combination of for loop and local variable – loop variable i, to achieve multi-port output control for a cool traffic warning light.

Hardware required for this lesson: Arduino UNO, IO expansion board, LED lights x3.
Lesson 6: Analog Input, Value Mapping, and Serial Monitor
This lesson covers the concept of analog signals, methods for Arduino to obtain analog input, and the use of the serial monitor.
From this lesson onwards, course examples will include sensor data reading (analog input), data processing (value mapping), and information display (serial monitor) in a complete input-output process.
Hardware required for this lesson: Arduino UNO, IO expansion board, angle sensor.
Lesson 7: Dimming Table Lamp
This lesson explains the implementation method and principles of Arduino analog signal output using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

Hardware required for this lesson: Arduino UNO, IO expansion board, angle sensor, LED light.
Course Assignments
All three lessons this week have accompanying assignments to be completed in “Assignments and Challenges”. The deadline is April 2nd, remember to complete them.

Technology Classroom
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