1、reboot means to restart.
2、source makes the modified files take effect immediately, avoiding the problem of having to restart for the changes to take effect. For example, if we modify /etc/profile, the changes will not take effect immediately. In this case, we can enter source /etc/profile to apply the changes.
There will be more updates in the future.
3、chmod -R 777 /home/edu/practice sets all file permissions in the practice folder to 777.
4、Compress a single file: gzip -v etc.c The generated compressed name is: etc.c.gz.
5、Compress multiple files: gzip -v * // Compress all files in the current directory. * matches any non-hidden files and shows detailed information during the command execution.
6、bzip2 has a higher compression ratio than general compression. Using the -s option with the bzip2 command can make it use fewer system resources, but the compression will be slower.
7、bzip2 -v main.c // Shows detailed information about the compression process.
8、Compress multiple files: bzip2 -v *
9、shutdown -r now // Restart the system immediately.
10、shutdown -h now // Shut down the system immediately.
11、shutdown -h +10 “ this is a warning information ” // Shut down the system after 10 minutes.
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