Creating a Microsecond Resolution Task Scheduling Solution in ThreadX

Creating a Microsecond Resolution Task Scheduling Solution in ThreadX

Explanation:1. In general applications, we usually set the task RTOS system clock tick (heartbeat) to 1ms, but if we directly set the RTOS system clock tick to 1us, the system burden is very high, and many RTOS cannot switch tasks every 1us at a 100MHz main frequency, resulting in the RTOS not having time to … Read more

Understanding Open Source Licenses for µC/OS, FreeRTOS, RT-Thread, and ThreadX

Understanding Open Source Licenses for µC/OS, FreeRTOS, RT-Thread, and ThreadX

Follow+Star public number, don’t miss wonderful content Author | strongerHuang WeChat Public Account | Embedded Column Currently, there are many types of open source licenses on the market, such as:GPL, BSD, MIT, Mozilla, Apache, and LGPL etc. When choosing an RTOS, factors such as open source, market share, supporting materials and examples, and supporting components … Read more

ThreadX: An Advanced and Reliable Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

ThreadX: An Advanced and Reliable Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

ThreadX is an advanced real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for deeply embedded applications. It is known for its efficiency, reliability, and scalability, widely used in various fields, from automotive electronics to industrial automation and Internet of Things devices. This article will delve into the core features, architecture, modules, and usage of ThreadX, helping readers gain … Read more

Understanding Azure RTOS (ThreadX) for Embedded Applications

Understanding Azure RTOS (ThreadX) for Embedded Applications

Getting straight to the point: Azure RTOS (ThreadX) is a high-performance real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for embedded applications. So, what is a real-time operating system: A real-time operating system is one that serves real-time running objects, with the English name real-time operating system, abbreviated as RTOS. RTOS aimed at MCU or microcontrollers is … Read more

Understanding Byte Alignment in Linux

Understanding Byte Alignment in Linux

Recently encountered a problem where ThreadX running on ARM crashed while communicating with DSP using message queues (the final implementation principle is interrupt + shared memory). After investigation, it was found that the structure used for message passing did not consider the issue of byte alignment. Here’s a brief overview of byte alignment issues in … Read more
