Getting Started with SDR: ADI ADALM-Pluto for Communication Studies

Today, I would like to introduce a very suitable tool for students learning communication technology.

SDR Active Learning Module

Software Defined Radio Active Learning Module

Getting Started with SDR: ADI ADALM-Pluto for Communication Studies

This device is called


SDR Software Defined Radio Starter Kit

ADALM Pluto SDR is a software-defined radio product based on ADI's AD9363.

Since it is an SDR radio, its most important performance is the frequency bands it supports. The default frequency range is from 325MHz to 3800MHz, supporting a channel bandwidth

Building an SDR FM Radio Based on ADALM Pluto with GNU Radio

Today, I will share how a senior communications engineer, 【Urban Wood】, implemented an SDR FM player using the graphical programming tool GNU Radio on Windows, and added stereo modulation functionality.

Here we go, enjoy!

Funpack Activity Report - Issue 5

Part One: Completion Status of Activity Tasks

I chose the first topic, the FM player. On one hand, it was my first time using both the software and hardware, and this topic was relatively easier to implement; on the other hand, GNURadio is something

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