FreeRTOS kernel is developed in collaboration with leading chip companies around the world, and has been in the market for 15 years. It is the leading real-time operating system (or RTOS) and is the de facto standard solution for microcontrollers and small microprocessors. Blue-chip companies have millions of deployments across all market sectors because it is professionally developed, with strict quality control, robust support, and it is free to use in commercial products without having to disclose proprietary source code, and its IP is carefully managed. “At this point, it is safe to say that FreeRTOS has undergone more ‘peer review’ than any other RTOS on the planet. I have used it in several projects – one of which was a multiprocessor environment that utilized over 64 processors and needed to run reliably for months. The RTOS core performed well. FreeRTOS is the way to go.” – John Westmoreland FreeRTOS provides the best of both worlds: using FreeRTOS in commercial applications is truly free and supported. The FreeRTOS open source MIT license does not require you to expose your proprietary IP. You can even take your product to market using FreeRTOS without even talking to us, let alone paying any fees, and thousands of people do just that. If you want extra backup at any time, or your legal team needs additional written assurance or indemnity, then there is a simple low-cost commercial upgrade path. You can rest assured that you can choose the commercial route at any time.Here are some reasons why FreeRTOS is a good choice for your next application…1. Provides a single and independent solution for many different architectures and development tools.
2. Well known for its reliability. Activities conducted by the SafeRTOS sister project ensure confidence.
3. Feature-rich and still actively developing.
4. Minimal ROM, RAM, and processing overhead. Typically, the RTOS kernel binary image will be within the range of 6K to 12K bytes. Very simple – the core of the RTOS kernel consists of only 3 C files. Most of the files included in the .zip download pertain to numerous demonstration applications.
5. Truly free to use in commercial applications (see licensing terms for details).
6. Our partner WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems offers commercial licensing, professional support, and porting services in the form of OPEN RTOS.
7. Migration path to a safe RTOS, including certifications for medical, automotive, and industrial sectors.
8. A large and growing user base. Pre-configured examples for each port are included.No need to figure out how to set up the project, just download and compile!
9. An excellent, monitored, proactive free support forum.
10. Ensures commercial support when needed. Provides ample documentation.
11. Highly scalable and easy to use.
12. FreeRTOS provides a smaller, simpler real-time processing alternative for applications that are not suitable, not feasible, or not available for eCOS, embedded Linux (or real-time Linux), or even uCLinux.