FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

The manual porting process is complex and tedious. First, use cubemx for quick configuration:

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

First, print a message to the serial port:

  /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */    printf("hello shxi\r\n");
  /* USER CODE END 2 */
  /* Call init function for freertos objects (in freertos.c) */  MX_FREERTOS_Init();  

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

OK proves that the configuration is correct!

Tasks are processes/threads. Creating a task allocates a space.

Task creation and deletion related functions:

xTaskCreate() //Dynamically create a task

xTaskCreateStatic()//Statically create a task

vTaskDelete()//Delete a task

The stack for dynamically created tasks is allocated by the system, while the stack for statically created tasks is passed by the user. Generally, dynamic task creation is used.

    /*    BaseType_t xTaskCreate(TaskFunction_t                                    pxTaskCode,         //Pointer to the task function, the task must implement a never-returning continuous loopconst configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE                      usStackDepth ,//Task stack sizeconst char* const                                 pcName,   //Task name, maximum lengthconfigMAX_TASK_NAME_LENvoid *const                                       pvParameters,       //Parameters passed to the task functionUBaseType_t                                       uxPriority, //Task priority, the greater the number, the higher the priorityTaskHandle_t *const                               pxCreatedTask,  //Task handle, which is the task's control block            )*/

Next, create tasks taskled1 & taskled2 that blink LED1 and LED2 at different frequencies:

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

Note the details of selected projects:

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

Task name: taskled1


Dynamic creation: Dynamic

Entry name: Starttaskled1

Similarly for CV taskled2:

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

Next, open GPIOB8, GPIOB9 to pull up the port voltage

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

Then generate code:

/* USER CODE END Header_Starttaskled1 */void Starttaskled1(void const * argument){  /* USER CODE BEGIN Starttaskled1 */  /* Infinite loop */  for(;;)  {        HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_8);        osDelay(400);      }  /* USER CODE END Starttaskled1 */}
/* USER CODE END Header_Starttaskled2 */void Starttaskled2(void const * argument){  /* USER CODE BEGIN Starttaskled2 */  /* Infinite loop */  for(;;)  {        HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_9);
    osDelay(100);  }  /* USER CODE END Starttaskled2 */}

Successfully lit display effect:

FreeRTOS Operating System: A Comprehensive Guide

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