Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources

Recently, someone asked a question: how to find authoritative information about STM32?
Actually, I have always recommended that everyone obtain information from the chip manufacturer (official sources), as this information is generally the most authoritative.

This article mainly introduces methods and tips for quickly finding STM8 and STM32 software tools and documentation.

ST Website

ST Official Website:www.st.com

ST Community:www.stmcu.org.cn

ST Chinese Website:www.stmcu.com.cn

(Note: The public account does not support external links; please copy the URL to your browser to open)

To find STM32 software tools and documentation, it is recommended to visit the above three websites, but it is advised to find information on the ST official website (latest and most authoritative).

ST Official Website

ST Official Website:www.st.com

Many friends feel that the ST official website is in English (there is a Chinese version, but many contents are still in English), making it somewhat troublesome to find STM32 information.

This is not the case; the ST website has undergone multiple revisions, and finding software on the ST official website is the easiest, and it is the most up-to-date and authoritative.

This ease is reflected in two aspects:

  • Clear website navigation

  • Regular URL patterns

1. Clear URL Navigation

Navigation can be understood as a menu, using the menu as an entry point to step by step find the software tools and documentation you need.

Find documentation from the Products menu:

Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources

Find software tools from the Tools & Software menu:

Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources

If you frequently look for information through navigation, over time you will also gain experience.

2. Regular URL Patterns

Carefully observe the URLs below, can you find the pattern among them?

Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources

Using the above two methods, you can quickly locate URLs and find the software tools and documentation you need.

3. Specific MCU Models

Includes documentation and corresponding development tools, etc.

Documentation: Data sheets, reference manuals, programming manuals, user manuals, etc.

Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources

Tools: STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeProg, etc.
Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources
For example, STM32F103ZE:
If you want to find information and tools for STM32F407VE, just modify the MCU model in the URL.
Similarly, the same applies to STM8, for example, STM8S103F3:

Tip: The necessary documentation and tools for developing MCUs can mostly be found at this URL (remembering this URL is very important).

Common ST URLs

There are actually many patterns in ST URLs; by finding these patterns, you can quickly locate URLs and thus quickly find the corresponding documentation and software.

Here are some commonly used URLs (please carefully observe the URLs, and you will also discover the patterns).

1. STM8 and STM32 Standard Peripheral Libraries (SPL)

  • STM8 Standard Peripheral Library


Includes the entire series of STM8S, STM8AF, STM8L, STM8AL standard peripheral libraries, which can be expanded to see.

  • STM32 Standard Peripheral Library


Select STM32 Standard Peripherals Library to see the libraries for STM32F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, and L1 (F7, L0, L4 only provide HAL libraries on the official website).

2. STM32CubeIDE


3. STM8 and STM32CubeMX



4. STM32CubeProgrammer


5. STM32 ST-LINK Utility


6. STM32 Flash Loader


(Note: The public account does not support external links; please copy the URL to your browser to open)
Of course, there will be more content later; I will organize it in the bottom menu of the public account.
Tip: The URLs of ST may change after updates, but don’t worry; after the update, you can still use the previous URLs (mapping, compatibility).
Unlocking the Patterns of STM32 Resources


Source: strongerHuang
Copyright belongs to the original author; if there is any infringement, please contact for deletion.
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