Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

Embedded software may experience coupling between drivers and applications due to hardware resource limitations. However, for large projects with ample resources, complex business logic and the need for future expansion and maintenance necessitate the adoption of layered and modular thinking, which is the essence of architectural patterns.

Common architectural patterns available in the market include the following:
  • Layered Architecture
  • Multi-tier Architecture
  • Pipeline-Filter Architecture
  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Model-View-Controller Architecture
  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Microservices Architecture
Among these, the bolded sections are suitable architectural patterns for embedded systems. In actual development, multiple patterns are generally nested to ensure software isolation and decoupling.


Layered Architecture Pattern

The most common architectural pattern is the layered architecture, which typically consists of four layers: presentation layer, business layer, persistence layer, and database layer, as shown below:

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

1. Context

Complex systems often experience independent development and evolution of various parts. For this reason, system developers need to clearly and logically separate concerns so that each module of the system can be developed and maintained independently.

2. Problem

Software needs to be divided in such a way that each module can be developed and evolved independently, with minimal interaction between parts, supporting portability, modifiability, and reusability.

3. Solution

To achieve separation of concerns, the layered pattern divides software into units called “layers.” Each layer is a set of modules that provides a cohesive set of services. Its usage must be one-way. A set of software is treated as a complete partition, with each partition exposing a public interface.

✪ The first concept is that each layer has specific roles and responsibilities. For example, the presentation layer is responsible for handling all user interfaces. This separation of concerns in layered architecture makes it very simple to construct efficient roles and responsibilities.

✪ The second concept is that the layered architecture pattern is a technical partitioning architecture rather than a domain partitioning architecture. They are composed of components rather than domains.

✪ The final concept is that each layer in the layered architecture is marked as closed or open. A closed layer means that requests moving from one layer to another must pass through the layer directly below it to reach the next layer down. Requests cannot skip any layers.

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

4. Weaknesses

Layering can lead to performance degradation. This pattern is not suitable for high-performance applications because the efficiency of processing a business request through multiple layers of architecture is not high. It can also increase the upfront costs and complexity of the system.

5. Uses

This approach should be applied to small, simple applications.


Multi-tier Pattern

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

Many systems’ execution structures are organized into a series of logically grouped components. Each group is referred to as a layer.

1. Context

In a distributed deployment, it is often necessary to distribute the system’s infrastructure into different subsets.

2. Problem

How do we partition the system into multiple independently executing structures: software and hardware groups connected by some communication medium?

3. Weaknesses

High upfront costs and complexity.

4. Uses

Used in distributed systems.


Pipeline-Filter Architecture

A recurring pattern in software architecture is the pipeline-filter pattern.

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

1. Context

Many systems require conversion of discrete data streams from input to output. Many types of transformations recur in practice, so it is ideal to create them as independent reusable parts.

2. Problem

These systems need to be divided into reusable, loosely coupled components with simple common interaction mechanisms, allowing them to flexibly combine with each other. These common loosely coupled components can be easily reused. Independent components can execute in parallel.

3. Solution

The pipelines in this architecture constitute the communication channels between filters. The first concept is that, for performance reasons, each pipeline is undirected and point-to-point, accepting input from a source and often directly outputting to another source.

In this pattern, there are four types of filters.

✪ producer (source): the starting point of a process.

✪ transformer (map): transforms some or all data.

✪ tester (reduce): tests one or more conditions.

✪ consumer (sink): the endpoint.

4. Weaknesses

Not well-suited for interactive systems due to their transformational nature.

Excessive parsing and depParsing can lead to performance loss and increase the complexity of writing filters themselves.

5. Uses

The pipeline-filter architecture is used for various applications, especially for simplifying single-task processing.


Client-Server Architecture

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

1. Context

Many shared resources and services are desired by numerous distributed clients, hoping to control access or service quality.

2. Problem

By managing a set of shared resources and services, we can improve modifiability and reusability by decomposing common services and modifying them in a single or few locations. We aim to enhance scalability and availability by concentrating control over these resources and services while distributing them across multiple physical servers.

3. Solution

In the client-server model, components and connectors have specific behaviors.

The component called “client” sends requests to a component called “server” and then waits for a reply.

The server component receives the client’s request and sends a reply back.

4. Weaknesses

The server can become a performance bottleneck and a single point of failure.After the system is built, decisions about functionality locations (on the client or on the server) are often complex and have highchange costs.

5. Uses

For systems where many components (clients) send requests to other components (servers) providing services, we can use the client-server model to model part of this system: online applications, such as email, shared documents, or banking services.


Model-View-Controller Architecture (MVC)

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

1. Context

The user interface is often the most frequently modified part of an interactive application. Users typically want to view data from different perspectives, such as bar charts or pie charts. These representations should reflect the current state of the data.

2. Problem

How can user interface functionality be independent of application functionality while still responding to user input or changes in underlying application data?

When underlying application data changes, how can multiple views of the user interface be created, maintained, and coordinated?

3. Solution

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern divides application functionality into three types of components:

✪ Model, which contains the application’s data.

✪ View, which displays some of the underlying data and interacts with the user.

✪ Controller, which mediates between the model and the view and manages notifications of state changes.

4. Weaknesses

For simple user interfaces, the complexity may not be worth it.

The abstractions of model, view, and controller may not apply to certain user interface toolkits.

5. Uses

MVC is a commonly used architectural pattern for developing user interfaces for websites or mobile applications.


Event-Driven Architecture

1. Context

There is a need to provide computing and information resources to process incoming application-generated independent asynchronous events, which can scale with increased demand.

2. Problem

Building distributed systems that can serve asynchronously arriving event-related information and can scale from simple small systems to complex large ones.

3. Solution

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

Deploy independent event processes or handlers for event processing. Incoming events enter a queue. The scheduler pulls events from the queue according to scheduling policies and assigns them to the appropriate event handlers.

4. Weaknesses

Performance and error recovery can be problematic.

5. Uses

eCommerce applications using this model would work as follows:

Order Service creates an Order, which is in a pending state, and then publishes an OrderCreated event.

✪ Customer Service receives this event and attempts to reserve credit for this Order. Then it publishes either a Credit Reserved event or a CreditLimitExceeded event.

✪ Order Service receives the event sent by Customer Service and changes the order status to approved or canceled.


Microservices Architecture

1. Context

Deploying server-based enterprise applications that support various browsers and native mobile clients. The application processes client requests by executing business logic, accessing databases, exchanging information with other systems, and returning responses.

2. Problem

Integrated applications become too large and complex to be effectively supported and deployed for optimal distributed resource utilization, such as in cloud environments.

3. Solution

Architectural Patterns Suitable for Embedded Software

Build the application into a suite of services. Each service is independently deployable and scalable, with its own API boundary. Different services can be written in different programming languages, manage their own databases, and be developed by different teams.

4. Weaknesses

The system design must tolerate service failures and requires more system monitoring. Service orchestration and event collaboration can be quite costly.

5. Uses

Many use cases can apply microservices architecture, especially those involving large data pipelines. For example, a microservices system for reporting on a company’s retail store sales would be ideal. Each step in the data presentation process would be handled by a microservice: data collection, cleaning, normalization, aggregation, reporting, etc.

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