Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module – A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming

Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
The LCD1602 LCD display is a widely used character-type liquid crystal display module. It consists of a character-type liquid crystal display (LCD), a control driver main circuit HD44780, its extended driver circuit HD44100, and a small number of resistors, capacitors, and structural components assembled on a PCB board. The advantages of this display are low power consumption, small size, and low radiation.
The LCD1602 is mainly used to display numbers, letters, graphics, and a small number of custom characters. It can display 2 lines of 16 characters, has 16 pins, including an 8-bit data bus D0-D7, and three control ports RS, R/W, EN, with a working voltage of 5V, and features character contrast adjustment V0 and backlight source AK.
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
The naming of the LCD screens we use is generally based on their resolution. For example, lcd1602 corresponds to a resolution of 16×2, while lcd12864 corresponds to a resolution of 128×64.
Module Name: Dot Matrix LCD Display
Module Model: LCD1602


Pin Description

The LCD1602 has a total of 16 pins, which are well categorized.
One VCC and GND are used to power the 1602.
One VCC and GND are used to power the backlight.
The remaining three functional pins:
RS (data command selection pin), high level selects data register, low level selects instruction register.
R/W (read/write selection pin), high level for read operation, low level for write operation.
E (enable signal), linked to timing.
8 D0~D7 pins are used for 8-bit bidirectional data transfer.

Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming


Software Flowchart

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Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming


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/**********************************Author: Turnas Electronics Website: https://www.mcude.com Contact: 46580829(QQ) Taobao Store: Turnas Electronics**********************************//**********************************Include Header File**********************************/#include "lcd1602.h"/**********************************Function Definitions**********************************//***********1602 Check Busy Function *****/void lcd1602_check_busy(){   P0=0xff; do { LCD1602_RS=0; LCD1602_RW=1; LCD1602_E=0; LCD1602_E=1; } while(LCD1602_BUSY==1); LCD1602_E=0;}/***********1602 Write Data Busy Function *****/void lcd1602_write_date(uchar date){ lcd1602_check_busy(); LCD1602_E=0; LCD1602_PORT=date; LCD1602_RS=1; LCD1602_RW=0; LCD1602_E=1; LCD1602_E=0;}/***********1602 Write Command Function *****/void lcd1602_write_com(uchar com){ lcd1602_check_busy(); LCD1602_E=0; LCD1602_PORT=com; LCD1602_RS=0; LCD1602_RW=0; LCD1602_E=1; LCD1602_E=0;}/***********LCD1602 Display Character Function *******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           dat: Character to be displayed, input format ' '*****/void lcd1602_display_char(uchar hang, uchar add, uchar dat){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(dat);}/***********LCD1602 Display String Function *******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           dat: String to be displayed, input format " "*****/void lcd1602_display_str(uchar hang, uchar add, uchar *dat){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line while(*dat != '\0') { lcd1602_write_date(*dat++); }}/***********LCD1602 Display Time Function (Display Format: **:**:**)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           time: Time to be displayed, in seconds*****/void lcd1602_display_time(uchar hang, uchar add, uint time){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(time/3600/10%10+48); //Hour Tens lcd1602_write_date(time/3600/1%10+48); //Hour Units lcd1602_write_date(':'); // : lcd1602_write_date(time%3600/60/10%10+48); //Minute Tens lcd1602_write_date(time%3600/60/1%10+48); //Minute Units lcd1602_write_date(':'); // : lcd1602_write_date(time%60/10%10+48); //Second Tens lcd1602_write_date(time%60/1%10+48); //Second Units}/***********LCD1602 Display Temperature Function (Display Format: **.*℃)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           temp: Temperature to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_temp(uchar hang, uchar add,uint temp){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(temp/100%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(temp/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('.'); lcd1602_write_date(temp/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(0xdf); //Display Temperature Degree Symbol, 0xdf is the address code of this symbol in the LCD character library lcd1602_write_date(0x43); //Display "C" Symbol, 0x43 is the address code of Capital C in the LCD character library}/***********LCD1602 Display Humidity Function (Display Format: **.*%)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           humi: Humidity to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_humi(uchar hang, uchar add,uint humi){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(humi/100%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(humi/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('.'); lcd1602_write_date(humi/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('%');}/***********LCD1602 Display Light Intensity Function (Display Format: **.*lx)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           light: Light Intensity to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_light(uchar hang, uchar add,uint light){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(light/100%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(light/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('.'); lcd1602_write_date(light/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('L'); lcd1602_write_date('x');}/***********LCD1602 Display Distance Function (Display Format: ***cm)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           distance: Distance to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_distance(uchar hang, uchar add,uint distance){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line if(distance > 99) lcd1602_write_date(distance/100%10+48); if(distance > 9) lcd1602_write_date(distance/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(distance/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('c'); lcd1602_write_date('m'); lcd1602_write_date(' '); lcd1602_write_date(' ');}/***********LCD1602 Display Gas Concentration (Display Format: 000ppm)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           gas_value: Gas Concentration to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_gas(uchar hang, uchar add,uint gas_value){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line if(gas_value > 999) lcd1602_write_date(gas_value/1000%10+48); if(gas_value > 99) lcd1602_write_date(gas_value/100%10+48); if(gas_value > 9) lcd1602_write_date(gas_value/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(gas_value/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('p'); lcd1602_write_date('p'); lcd1602_write_date('m'); lcd1602_write_date(' '); lcd1602_write_date(' '); lcd1602_write_date(' ');}/***********LCD1602 Display PM2.5 (Display Format: 000ug/m3)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           pm25_value: PM2.5 to be displayed*****/void lcd1602_display_pm25(uchar hang, uchar add,uint pm25_value){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line if(pm25_value > 999) lcd1602_write_date(pm25_value/1000%10+48); if(pm25_value > 99) lcd1602_write_date(pm25_value/100%10+48); if(pm25_value >= 9) lcd1602_write_date(pm25_value/10%10+48); lcd1602_write_date(pm25_value/1%10+48); lcd1602_write_date('u'); lcd1602_write_date('g'); lcd1602_write_date('/'); lcd1602_write_date('m'); lcd1602_write_date('3'); lcd1602_write_date(' ');}/***********1602 Display Number (2 Digits)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           num: Data to be displayed, 2 digits*****/void lcd1602_display_num_2(uchar hang, uchar add, uint num){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line lcd1602_write_date(num/10%10+48); //Tens lcd1602_write_date(num/1%10+48); //Units}/***********LCD1602 Display Number Function (Maximum 4 Digits)*******Parameter Definition: hang: Input Display Line 1 First Line 2 Second Line*******           add: Offset, 0-15*******           num: Data to be displayed, maximum 4 digits*****/void lcd1602_display_num(uchar hang, uchar add, uint num){ if(hang==1) lcd1602_write_com(0x80+add); //First Line else lcd1602_write_com(0x80+0x40+add); //Second Line if(num > 999) lcd1602_write_date(num/1000%10+48); //Thousands if(num > 99) lcd1602_write_date(num/100%10+48); //Hundreds if(num > 9) lcd1602_write_date(num/10%10+48); //Tens lcd1602_write_date(num/1%10+48); //Units lcd1602_write_date(' '); lcd1602_write_date(' '); lcd1602_write_date(' ');}/***********LCD1602 Display Time Function*******Format: First Line: Year-Month-Day*************Second Line: Hour:Minute:Second Week (Abbreviation in English)*******Parameter Definition: time_buf[8]: Time Array*****/void lcd_display_alltime(uchar time_buf[8]){ uint nian; uchar yue,ri,shi,fen,miao,xingqi; nian = time_buf[0]/0x10*1000 + time_buf[0]%0x10*100 + time_buf[1]/0x10*10 + time_buf[1]%0x10; yue = time_buf[2]/0x10*10 + time_buf[2]%0x10; ri = time_buf[3]/0x10*10 + time_buf[3]%0x10; shi = time_buf[4]/0x10*10 + time_buf[4]%0x10; fen = time_buf[5]/0x10*10 + time_buf[5]%0x10; miao = time_buf[6]/0x10*10 + time_buf[6]%0x10; xingqi = time_buf[7]/0x10*10 + time_buf[7]%0x10; lcd1602_display_num(1,0,nian); //Display Year lcd1602_write_com(0x84); lcd1602_write_date('-'); //Display - lcd1602_display_num_2(1,5,yue); //Display Month lcd1602_write_date('-'); //Display - lcd1602_display_num_2(1,8,ri); //Display Day lcd1602_display_num_2(2,2,shi); //Display Hour lcd1602_write_date(':'); //Display : lcd1602_display_num_2(2,5,fen); //Display Minute lcd1602_write_date(':'); //Display : lcd1602_display_num_2(2,8,miao); //Display Second if(xingqi == 1) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Mon "); //Display Monday abbreviation } else if(xingqi == 2) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Tues"); //Display Tuesday abbreviation } else if(xingqi == 3) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Wed "); //Display Wednesday abbreviation } else if(xingqi == 4) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Thur"); //Display Thursday abbreviation } else if(xingqi == 5) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Fri "); //Display Friday abbreviation } else if(xingqi == 6) { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Sat "); //Display Saturday abbreviation } else { lcd1602_display_str(2,11,"Sun "); //Display Sunday abbreviation }} /***********LCD1602 Clear Screen Function *****/void lcd1602_clean(){ lcd1602_write_com(0x01);}/***********LCD1602 Initialization Function *****/void Lcd1602_Init(){ lcd1602_write_com(0x38); lcd1602_write_com(0x0c); lcd1602_write_com(0x06); lcd1602_write_com(0x01);}
/**********************************Author: Turnas Electronics Website: https://www.mcude.com Contact: 46580829(QQ) Taobao Store: Turnas Electronics**********************************/#ifndef _LCD1602_H_#define _LCD1602_H_/**********************************Include Header File**********************************/#include "main.h"/**********************************PIN Definition**********************************/#define LCD1602_PORT P0 //Data Bus P0.0-P0.7 sbit LCD1602_RS=P2^5; //Data/Command Selection Pin P2.5 sbit LCD1602_RW=P2^6; //Read/Write Selection P2.6 sbit LCD1602_E=P2^7; //Enable Signal Pin P2.7 sbit LCD1602_BUSY=P0^7; //Status Detection Pin P0.7/**********************************Function Declarations**********************************/void lcd1602_display_char(uchar hang, uchar add, uchar dat); //LCD1602 Display Character Function void lcd1602_display_str(uchar hang, uchar add, uchar *dat); //LCD1602 Display String Function void lcd1602_display_time(uchar hang, uchar add, uint time); //LCD1602 Display Time Function (Display Format: **:**:**) void lcd_display_alltime(uchar time_buf[8]); //LCD1602 Display Time Function (Display Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Week) void lcd1602_display_temp(uchar hang, uchar add,uint temp); //LCD1602 Display Temperature Function (Display Format: **.*℃) void lcd1602_display_humi(uchar hang, uchar add,uint humi); //LCD1602 Display Humidity Function (Display Format: **.*%) void lcd1602_display_light(uchar hang, uchar add,uint light); //LCD1602 Display Light Intensity Function (Display Format: **.*Lx) void lcd1602_display_distance(uchar hang, uchar add,uint distance); //LCD1602 Display Distance Function (Display Format: ***cm) void lcd1602_display_gas(uchar hang, uchar add,uint gas_value); //LCD1602 Display Gas Concentration (Display Format: 000ppm) void lcd1602_display_pm25(uchar hang, uchar add,uint pm25_value); //LCD1602 Display PM2.5 (Display Format: 000ug/m3) void lcd1602_display_num(uchar hang, uchar add,uint num); //LCD1602 Display Number Function (Maximum 4 Digits) void lcd1602_clean(); //LCD1602 Clear Screen Function void Lcd1602_Init(); //LCD1602 Initialization Function void lcd1602_display_num_2(uchar hang, uchar add, uint num);#endif
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Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
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Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming
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Understanding the LCD1602 LCD Display Module - A Guide for 51 Microcontroller Programming

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