Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions


In today’s world, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has made significant progress, and IoT devices have become an important part of people’s daily lives. However, the security issues surrounding IoT devices cannot be underestimated, as network attacks targeting these devices are frequent and ongoing. This article will describe the current attitudes and measures taken by the academic and industrial sectors towards IoT security from three different perspectives: challenges, opportunities, and practices, reflecting the current state of development in the field of IoT security.



We are currently in the golden age of IoT technology: the performance of embedded processors and the richness of on-chip resources have significantly improved, and the functions that embedded devices can achieve have gradually diversified; wireless communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 5G have become widespread, lowering the barriers to “connecting everything” to an unprecedented level; at the same time, collaboration between embedded devices and smart devices such as mobile phones and routers has greatly increased, significantly enhancing the functionality and user experience of embedded devices. IoT technology has penetrated various aspects of ordinary people’s lives: from household cleaning robots, smart speakers, and Bluetooth switches to industrial logistics robots and drones, which are typical applications of IoT technology.
However, the security issues surrounding IoT devices cannot be underestimated. Compared to common computing devices like personal computers (PCs) and smartphones, IoT devices are more prone to security vulnerabilities and are more easily targeted by network attacks. There are many reasons for this, as illustrated below:
  • IoT devices have limited computing resources, and complete operating systems are usually not deployed on them, so IoT devices rarely use binary security hardening measures commonly found on PCs and smartphones, such as Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), non-overlapping writable and executable memory, and Stack Smashing Protection (SSP). This makes software vulnerabilities on these devices more easily exploitable by attackers to gain control over the devices.
  • Similarly, IoT devices typically do not have complex security mechanisms such as firewalls, and their security heavily relies on the safety of the surrounding network environment.

  • Some (especially low-end) IoT devices have overly simplistic security mechanism designs, and the code on these devices has not undergone thorough security audits, making them more susceptible to security weaknesses, increasing the risk of security attacks.

  • Due to the omnipresence of IoT devices and their long online durations, they are more easily scanned and attacked. Especially for devices that are long exposed to the public network, such as routers and Raspberry Pis, these devices are prime targets for hackers to research, scan, and attack. Once an IoT device is compromised and enters a botnet, it can cause long-term and persistent damage to other devices on the same network, and it may be difficult for the device owner to detect.

The characteristics of IoT devices make them more sensitive to physical layer side-channel attacks. For example, the power consumption of IoT devices is strongly correlated with the CPU’s execution state, making it easy for attackers to infer the CPU’s execution state by measuring changes in the device’s power consumption, potentially leaking confidential information such as user passwords. Additionally, IoT devices are also more susceptible to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks; for instance, an attacker can repeatedly wake an IoT device to reduce its lifespan.

Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions

Figure 1: Types of attacks on IoT devices

For the above reasons, security analysis and hardening for IoT devices differ significantly from traditional PC devices, and the field of IoT security requires new technologies and methodologies. Currently, some research on IoT security has emerged in academia and industry, but the industry’s awareness of the security of IoT devices is generally insufficient, and network attacks targeting IoT devices remain very active. As the market share of IoT devices steadily increases, IoT security is gradually becoming an important topic in the field of information security.
This article is mainly divided into four parts. In the first part, we briefly discuss the current state of IoT technology and the reasons IoT devices are susceptible to security threats. The second part reviews the main threats faced by existing IoT devices. The third part describes some unique security mechanisms for IoT devices. In the fourth part, we briefly outline some security practices established in the industry for IoT devices. Finally, we will summarize the entire article.


Security Threats to IoT Devices

Traditionally, an IoT system can be roughly divided into three layers:
Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions

Figure 2: IoT System Model

1. Perception Layer, responsible for providing physical sensors and communication networks, such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and GPS (Global Positioning System);
2. Transportation Layer, responsible for establishing communication between IoT devices and the Internet, such as Bluetooth gateways;
3. Application Layer, responsible for implementing the functions of IoT devices themselves, such as the automatic navigation of cleaning robots and the voice recognition functions of smart speakers.
The characteristics of these three different layers vary, so they face different security threats, detailed as follows.

Security at the perception layer. The main threats faced by the perception layer include the following types:

  • Physical Attacks. Once an attacker has physical access to a device, they can directly extract sensitive data from the device or modify the device’s program to insert malicious code. Such attacks require physical contact with the device, making them relatively easy to prevent; however, device manufacturers also need to consider the physical security of the device itself, such as avoiding leaving debugging interfaces on the device’s circuit board.

  • Identity Spoofing. In IoT networks lacking effective authentication measures, identity impersonation is likely to occur, where malicious devices can steal sensitive data through this method. Additionally, insecure device initialization and pairing processes are also significant sources of security threats; for example, an attacker can inject malicious programs or configurations into the router during its first boot, when no password is set. To prevent such attacks, device manufacturers should carefully consider potential security issues in the authentication process and implement effective authentication mechanisms.

  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Attackers can exhaust a device’s computing power by keeping it in a high-power state for an extended period. Completely preventing such attacks is very difficult, but device manufacturers can minimize the damage caused by such attacks through reasonable security design. For example, for operations that consume a lot of computing power, effective client authentication mechanisms should be implemented, or the frequency of client operations should be limited, etc.

  • Data Transmission Attacks. For instance, attackers can intercept the data transmitted by devices or conduct Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks. General preventive measures against such attacks include increasing encryption and security verification mechanisms during data transmission, such as WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) in Wi-Fi, and EEA (EPS Encryption Algorithm) in LTE (Long Term Evolution).

Security at the Transportation Layer. The security threats at this layer mainly involve the security threats to access networks (such as Wi-Fi and 5G), with two main types of attacks: data transmission attacks and denial of service attacks. The preventive measures for these two types of attacks are similar to those in perception layer security and will not be repeated.
Security at the Application Layer. The security threats at this layer overlap somewhat with those faced by traditional PCs, primarily including the following types:
  • Data Leakage: Design flaws in programs may lead to the leakage of users’ private data to third parties. To avoid such vulnerabilities as much as possible, thorough security audits and evaluations of the program code on the devices are necessary.

  • Denial of Service Attacks: Similar to the denial of service attacks in perception layer security, and will not be repeated.

  • Remote Code Execution: By exploiting security vulnerabilities in device programs, attackers can control devices to perform unexpected actions or even execute arbitrary code uploaded by the attacker. Preventive measures against such security threats are similar to those for traditional vulnerabilities, mainly including: strengthening code security audits, conducting fuzz testing, and adopting binary security hardening measures such as ASLR. However, when preventing such vulnerabilities, the resource limitations of the devices themselves must also be considered.


Unique Security Mechanisms for IoT Devices

Compared to traditional PCs, IoT devices have many unique characteristics, such as: device functions tend to be specialized rather than generalized; hardware costs are significantly constrained, and the number of on-board resources is limited; devices often use battery power, which limits power consumption; device designs and functions are diverse; devices operate for long periods and are connected for long durations. Due to these characteristics, the security threats faced by IoT devices and their security design are very different from traditional PCs. In this section, we will describe some existing security mechanisms and characteristics designed for IoT devices in academia and industry.
Lightweight Encryption Algorithms. Since IoT devices are typically exposed to insecure physical environments and heavily rely on wireless communication, encryption algorithms are a “must-have” for IoT devices. However, cryptographic algorithms commonly found on PCs, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), often require considerable computing power and energy while ensuring high security. For instance, the AES encryption algorithm requires 10 to 14 rounds of iteration to encrypt 16 bytes of data. Therefore, if IoT devices encrypt large amounts of data using the AES algorithm for extended periods, it is not cost-effective in terms of performance and energy consumption. Some research on lightweight encryption algorithms has already been conducted in academia, such as the block cipher algorithms PRESENT and CLEFIA approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Hardware Fingerprints. Most computing devices currently operate in a deterministic manner; however, the manufacturing processes of the underlying physical components involve a certain degree of uncertainty, resulting in subtle physical differences between different products. This uncertainty can be used as a unique device fingerprint. If we denote the “physical fingerprint” of a specific IoT device as function f, then f possesses the property of being physically unclonable, known as a Physically Unclonable Function (PUF). There are already some logical circuit design schemes capable of implementing PUF, such as the Arbiter PUF circuit, which contains multiple identical data paths that output the shortest data path each time it is activated.
Lightweight and Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generators. Currently, random number generators (RNGs) in computers can be classified into pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) and true random number generators (TRNGs). True random number generators derive data from physical noise, while pseudo-random number generators derive data from a limited random seed. In cryptographic algorithms, to ensure the unpredictability of random numbers, both types of random number generators need a reliable external source of randomness. However, the sources of randomness available on IoT devices are much sparser than those on traditional PCs, making it a worthwhile question to explore how to generate cryptographically secure random numbers on IoT devices. Some research has been dedicated to providing lightweight pseudo-random number algorithms, such as the Warbler algorithm.


Current Security Practices for IoT Devices

With the proliferation of IoT devices, the security of these devices has gradually gained attention from IoT device manufacturers and cloud computing providers. Particularly for IoT devices used in enterprise environments, the security of these devices is directly related to the productivity of the enterprise, thus requiring the high attention of business operators. This section will introduce some feasible security best practices in IoT devices, taking the IoT Security White Paper formulated by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an example.
1. Conduct formal security risk assessments using security frameworks. Systematic security assessments are the most effective way to identify security risks.
2. Enterprises should properly manage their IoT assets. For example, IoT assets can be classified according to characteristics such as importance and patchability. Only through sufficient and effective management can enterprises prepare for unexpected events.
3. When deploying IoT devices, assign unique identifiers and credentials to each device. Identifiers and credentials are the foundation of authentication and access control systems; regardless of whether a device currently has a corresponding need, it should be assigned a unique identifier and credentials for future contingencies.
4. Design appropriate device upgrade mechanisms. Device upgrades are the most effective way to patch existing security vulnerabilities.
5. Encrypt the inherent data stored on devices. Inherent data includes system programs, machine learning models, proprietary data, etc. This can help prevent consumers from reverse engineering the devices and stealing these private data.
6. Encrypt any data that needs to be transmitted. This is the most effective means of avoiding a series of transport layer attacks (such as man-in-the-middle attacks, packet sniffing, etc.).
7. While protecting IoT devices, also strengthen the security of the IT environment behind them to the same extent. IT resources (including servers, operations, management, etc.) provide sufficient support for the normal operation of IoT devices, and tasks such as authentication and device upgrades are closely related to IT resources. Therefore, equal attention should be given to these IT resources.
Provide mandatory security monitoring measures for both IoT devices and the IT environment behind them. Absolute security does not exist, so to prevent unexpected attacks, regular security monitoring of IoT devices and IT resources is necessary to avoid irreversible damage.



With the advancement of technology and society, computing devices are gradually achieving lightweight and energy-saving designs, and IoT devices have taken this opportunity to develop rapidly. Due to the unique characteristics of IoT devices, the security threats they face are more complex and profound than those faced by traditional PCs. However, there are still many shortcomings in the industry’s awareness and practices regarding the security of IoT devices; many low-end devices still have serious vulnerabilities, and attacks targeting IoT devices remain very frequent.
As IoT technology and the field of information security develop, the security issues surrounding IoT are gradually receiving attention, and some companies have begun drafting and publishing IoT security white papers. The emergence of research results such as lightweight cryptographic algorithms also indicates that IoT security issues are gaining more attention and investment from researchers in academia. As security solutions designed for traditional PCs cannot be directly applied to the IoT field, long-term exploration of security solutions for IoT devices is still needed; it is unrealistic to expect current IoT devices to achieve the same level of security as PCs. It can be anticipated that as IoT technology develops and matures, IoT security will become a crucial branch in the field of information security, just like PC software security.


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Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions

Author: Chen Yu, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Editor: Cai Beiping

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