In addition to the “General Configuration” in the FreeRTOSConfig.h configuration file, the content of other configurations is relatively less used by beginners and is also relatively difficult to understand. To give beginners a general understanding, this article continues to discuss the content of FreeRTOSConfig.h configuration, and further discussions will be combined with applications in the future.
TIMERS Configuration
A TIMER is a timer, and in RTOS, a TIMER belongs to software timing. The precision of FreeRTOS timers is not high and will change as the timing increases, especially when the TIMER’s task priority is low and higher priority tasks occupy resources.
If high precision timing is required, hardware timers should be used (most processors now generally have multiple hardware TIMERS).
Whether to use software timers
Set to 0: Do not use
Set to 1: Use
Many other related functions need to be combined with this configuration to be used, and care should be taken to see if they are related when using.
Software timer task priority
Software timers actually require the creation of a task, which is done in the same way as our conventional tasks, but it is completed by the system kernel, and we do not need to write the task creation code ourselves.
The priority here is the priority of the timer task.
Software timer command queue length
The knowledge involved in the TIMER command queue is relatively complex, and will be further discussed later. See the figure below:
Stack space allocated to software timers
CO_ROUTINES Configuration
CO_ROUTINES is difficult to translate, and it is commonly called cooperative programs online, or cooperative routines, understood as programs that work together. Further discussions will be combined with applications.
Whether to use CO_ROUTINES
Set to 0: Do not use
Set to 1: Use
CO_ROUTINE priority
MEMORY Configuration
Memory allocation related configuration, this configuration is related to heap_x.c, which will be discussed again later.
Whether to support static allocation
Set to 0: Do not support
Set to 1: Support
Whether to support dynamic allocation
Set to 0: Do not support
Set to 1: Support
Heap allocated to the system
Memory for creating tasks, stacks, and both static and dynamic allocations comes from here.
Where the APP allocates the heap
Set to 0: Use system allocated heap
Set to 1: Use externally allocated heap
The default is to use the system allocated heap, see the definition below:
extern uint8_t ucHeap[configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE];
static uint8_t ucHeap[configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE];
RUN_TIME_STATS Configuration
Runtime statistics configuration
Whether to generate statistics
Set to 0: No
Set to 1: Yes
Whether to assist in visualization and tracing
Set to 0: No
Set to 1: Yes
This will add additional structures to implement.
Whether to provide statistical related functions
Set to 0: No
Set to 1: Yes
Setting macros configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY and configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS to 1 will compile vTaskList() and vTaskGetRunTimeStats() functions. If either of these macros is set to 0, the above two functions will not be compiled.
Other Configurations
Here is a brief overview of various configurations
Assertion configuration
2.Interrupt related
configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY: Kernel interrupt priority
configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY: Maximum priority for system calls
configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY: Maximum priority for API calls
This section is related to (Cortex) kernel hardware interrupts.
3.INCLUDE Configuration
#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet 1
#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete 1
This is easy to understand, whether to include these contents, which is quite common in UCOS.
Recommended reading:
FreeRTOSConfig.h Configuration File (1) – General Configuration
FreeRTOSConfig.h Configuration File (2) – HOOK Functions
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