Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

Concept of ComputerA computer, commonly known as a PC, is an electronic device that can perform arithmetic and logical operations at high speed, has internal and external storage capabilities, and is operated under program control.

Development of Computers
Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

▶ History of Theoretical Development

📌 Purpose of Computer Emergence:Scientific calculations (military field)

📌 Four Major Figures:John von Neumann, Alan Turing, Charles Babbage, Claude Shannon

John von Neumann: A Hungarian-American,father of the computer. Invented the principle of stored-program control, storing programs, and executing them automatically. Participated in the development of ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer; decimal system) and EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer; binary system)

Alan Turing: A British,founder of computer science. Invented the Turing machine, established the Turing machine model, laid the foundation for computability theory, and the Turing machine is an abstract computational model that replaces humans in performing mathematical calculations. The Turing test elucidates the concept of machine intelligence.

Charles Babbage: A British,inventor of the analytical engine. The analytical engine is the prototype of modern general-purpose computers. He wrote the world’s first monograph on computer programming.

Claude Shannon: An American,founder of information theory. Core: Information is uncertain data. Relation: The symbolization of information is data, and data is the carrier or manifestation of information.

▶ History of Hardware Development

📌 The first computer was built inFebruary 1946, atthe University of Pennsylvania, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) did not adopt the stored-program control principle.

📌 Four stages of computer hardware development

1946-1957: Vacuum tubes (machine language, assembly language, no operating system, used for scientific calculations)

1958-1964: Transistors (operating systems emerged, high-level languages, used for data processing and real-time control)

1965-1970: Medium and small-scale integrated circuits (MSIC, SSIC) (memory uses semiconductors)

1971 to present: Large-scale and very-large-scale integrated circuits (LSIC, VLSIC) (network technology, multimedia technology)

Trends in Computer Development
Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

Microcomputer development:“Five Trends” Giantization, Miniaturization, Networking

▶ Hardware Development

Biological Computers

Utilizing bioengineered proteins to create biological chips

Optical Computers

Using light as an information transmission medium, with super parallel processing capabilities and ultra-fast computing speeds

Quantum Computers

Utilizing atoms in multiple reality states for computation

▶ History of Computer Development in China


Quadrillions-level “Tianhe-1”; 2013: Hundred quadrillion-level “Tianhe-2”


Quintillion-level “Sunway TaihuLight” (China’s chip “Shenwei 26010”)


The American supercomputer “Summit” regained the world number one, 60% faster than Sunway

Chinese Supercomputer Models: Tianhe, Galaxy, Deepin, Dawn, Sunway

Classification of Computers
Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

1. Supercomputers

2. Microcomputers

1. Microcontroller:Integrates a complete computer system onto a single chip

2. Single-board computers:Assembles the entire functional circuit system onto a single printed circuit board

3. PC

4. Portable computers

3. Workstations, high-end general-purpose microcomputers with greater performance than personal computers

4. Servers, computer systems that provide services in a network environment

5. Embedded computers, computers embedded as information processing components within application systems

Applications of Computers
Quick Reference Guide to Computer Fundamentals in Inner Mongolia

1. Scientific Computing (Numerical Computing): Satellite orbit calculations, weather forecasting, high-performance physical research…

2. Information Processing (Data Processing): Office automation, text processing, financial and financial management…

3. Computer-Aided Technology

Computer-Aided Design
Computer-Aided Instruction
Computer Management Instruction
Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Computer-Aided Testing
Computer-Based Education
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Computer-Aided Process Planning

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that attempts to understand the essence of intelligence and produce a new type of intelligent machine that can react similarly to human intelligence. Research in this field includes robotics, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and expert systems.

5. Process Control: Using computers to automate continuous industrial production processes

6. Multimedia Applications, Network Applications

Next, the various colleges in Inner Mongolia will publishadmission guidelines, and students pleasekeep an eye on the public account for content updates.

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