Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller[1]

Welcome to C# enthusiasts, in this article we will use the C# nanoframework to develop a program to read temperature and humidity from the DHT11 sensor on the ESP32 microcontroller.

To implement this, we need to prepare and configure the environment for ESP32. You can refer to a previous article on setting up ESP32: How to write microcontroller programs using C# – hejiale010426 – Blog Garden ([2]

Then purchase a DHT11 sensor (available for a few dollars on online shopping sites) as shown in the image.

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Now we can start the development.

The first step is to create a nanoframework project Demo.

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller
Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Click on NuGetImplementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Search for nanoFramework.Iot.Device.Dhtxx.Esp32 and install it into your project.

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller
Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller
Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

The version of the installed nanoFramework.Iot.Device.Dhtxx.Esp32 dependency must match the version of nanoFramework.CoreLibrary. Please copy the following code block.

using Iot.Device.DHTxx.Esp32;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace DemoDHT11
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            // 12, 24 represent pin numbers
            using (Dht11 dht = new Dht11(12, 14))
                var temperature = dht.Temperature; // Get temperature
                var humidity = dht.Humidity; // Get humidity percentage
                if (dht.IsLastReadSuccessful) // Check if read was successful
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Temperature: {temperature.DegreesCelsius} °C, Humidity: {humidity.Percent} %");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error reading DHT sensor");

Connect the wires as shown: 12 and 14 are out (data) external connections.

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller
Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Select the device and run the programImplementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Results: Temperature: 20.8 °C, Humidity: 64%

Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller

Thank you to those who love C# programming. I hope more people will enjoy C#, and even enjoy programming microcontrollers with C#.



Implementing DHT11 Temperature Sensor Parameters with C# on ESP32 Microcontroller:


How to write microcontroller programs using C# – hejiale010426 – Blog Garden (

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