How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi 3 into a WiFi Hotspot using HOSTAPD

How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi 3 into a WiFi Hotspot using HOSTAPD

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This is a new Raspberry Pi, so amazing. It also has built-in WIFI, which is a double surprise! My first thought is, can I use it as a softAP? This idea came up, and it wasn’t that difficult, because the BCM43438 chip has an open-source brcmfmac driver.

Resource Packages

First, we need to install two resource packages: dnsmasq and hostapd; run the command: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq and hostapd; the roles of these two packages are:

· Hostapd This package allows the Raspberry Pi 3‘s built-in WIFI to act as an access point (AP)

· Dnsmasq This makes configuring DHCP and DNS services easier

If you need a bit more functionality, you can use the isc-dhcp-server and bind9 resource packages to configure DHCP and DNS respectively, but for our current needs, dnsmasq is sufficient.

Configure Network Card

First, you need to set a static IP for your wlan0 network card. In the latest version of Raspberry Pi, the network card is already handled by dhcpcd by default. We can ignore it for now because we are going to assign a static IP to it. Now please open the dhcpcd configuration file: sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf and add the following content at the end of the file

denyinterfaces wlan0

Note: This must be ABOVE any interface lines you may have added!

Now we need to configure our static IP. Please open the interface configuration file: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces and edit the wlan0 section, it should look like this:

allow-hotplug wlan0

iface wlan0 inet static





# wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Then sudo service dhcpcd restart to restart the dhcpcd service, sudo ifdown wlan0; sudo ifup wlan0 to restart the network card


Next, we need to configure hostapd. Create a new configuration file vim /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf, and add the following content:

# This is the name of the WiFi interface we configured above


# Use the nl80211 driver with the brcmfmac driver


# This is the name of the network


# Use the 2.4GHz band


# Use channel 6


# Enable 802.11n


# Enable WMM


# Enable 40MHz channels with 20ns guard interval


# Accept all MAC addresses


# Use WPA authentication


# Require clients to know the network name


# Use WPA2


# Use a pre-shared key


# The network passphrase


# Use AES, instead of TKIP


At this point, we need to confirm if hostapd can work, execute sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd and /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf. If everything goes smoothly, you should be able to see a WiFi network named Pi3-AP. If you try to connect to it at this time, you will see something being printed on your PI, but you will not be able to get an IP address, you still need to set up the dnsmasq file in the next step. Ctrl+C to close it.

We are not done yet, because we need to tell hostapd where to find the configuration file when it starts. Open the default configuration file vim /etc/default/hostapd and find#DAEMON_CONF=”” and replace it with thisDAEMON_CONF=”/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf”


The original dnsmasq configuration file contains some rich information, but it’s too much for us, we don’t need it. It is recommended to remove it (note: not delete), we create a new one to replace it.

sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig

sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Copy and paste the following content into the new file:

interface=wlan0 # Use interface wlan0

listen-address= # Explicitly specify the address to listen on

bind-interfaces # Bind to the interface to make sure we aren’t sending things elsewhere

server= # Forward DNS requests to Google DNS

domain-needed # Don’t forward short names

bogus-priv # Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.

dhcp-range=,,12h # Assign IP addresses between and with a 12 hour lease time

Set upIPV4 forwarding

Before we can successfully forward our packets, we need to do one last thing. Open the sysctl.conf file vim /etc/sysctl.conf and remove the # from the beginning of the line containing net.ipv4.ip_forward=1. This will take effect on the next reboot, if you are impatient, you can activate it immediately like this:sudo sh -c “echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward”

We need to share the PI‘s WIFI connection by configuring NAT between wlan0 and eth0. Use the command below.

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state –state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

However, we need these rules to apply to my Pi every time the machine is rebooted, so runsudo sh -c “iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat” to save these rules in /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat file. Now we need to enable these rules every time the machine reboots, so we also need to configure this file vim /etc/rc.local and add the following content above the line exit 0:

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

Almost successful!

Now we just need to restart our services:

sudo service hostapd start

sudo service dnsmasq start

That’s it! You should be able to connect to the Internet through your PI‘s WIFI!

Restart again to confirm if our configuration is correct!

EDIT: Thanks to Justin for helping iron out some of the errors in this post!

EDIT2: Thanks to Ashok for several performance related enhancements!

EDIT3: Thanks to Lasse for some amendments to the dnsmasq configuration!

EDIT4: Fixed race condition between dhcpcd and dnsmasq, wlan0 is no longer configured by dhcpcd.


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How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi 3 into a WiFi Hotspot using HOSTAPD

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How to Turn Your Raspberry Pi 3 into a WiFi Hotspot using HOSTAPD

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