When we embark on a challenging task, the most difficult part is actually whether you can start taking action. As long as you take action, you have already completed 80% of the task.
Then we will go through a process where, after working hard for a long time, we receive no feedback and see no results. At this time, we need to maintain a calm mindset, adopting the attitude of making efforts for the causes and accepting the results as they come. We should not have too much hope for the results; instead, we should focus on doing well at each step in the process, and often we will receive more surprises.
After we set our goals, it forces us to complete the tasks. Many experts do this, but if you ask me to force myself to do it, I haven’t developed that ability yet, as my overall capabilities are still lacking.
So, for friends like me with a weak foundation, as long as you start doing it and adjust your mindset, progressing little by little every day will show results. Every inch of progress brings joy.
Additionally, we can give ourselves positive feedback. For example, if I worked hard today, I reward myself with a big meal or a shopping trip, or buy myself a small gift. This kind of reward is actually positive feedback.
Never feel like giving up just because you haven’t seen results after a long time; you might be just a small step away from success, already at the brink of dawn. Therefore, we must learn to assess what stage we are currently at in our endeavors, and success will be within reach.