If the digital display header is not configured, the transmitter’s cover delivered for use is a blind cover type. In this case, the operating menu at the factory setting is 10, which sets the LS disable mode valid, meaning only the zero point and range can be adjusted.
According to the following instructions, the output current of this series of transmitters can be set to 4mA corresponding to the zero point, 20mA corresponding to the range, and it can be completed without a current meter during operation.
Zero Point Setting: Set the reference pressure corresponding to the zero point, then press [↑] and [↓] at this time the zero point is set to 4mA and stored.
Range Setting: Set the reference pressure corresponding to the range, press the [M] key to set the range output current, then press [↑] and [↓] keys, at this time the range is set to 20mA and stored.
Thus, the zero point and range settings of the transmitter are completed.