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HLS materials are relatively scarce. Currently, apart from the official white paper (the best material), there is no detailed introduction on this aspect in China. However, today I saw that Teacher He Bin has published a book, which is the one below:
Looking at the publication date:
Author: He Bin, Zhang Yanhui
Publication Date: 2019-01
It is still fresh. Those interested can buy a physical book to learn, mine is still on the way…
Here are a few tutorials on HLS design, including official materials:
Mi Lian’s tutorial on HLS in image processing:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I15igy9iCaCwikZCkWwoVQ
Extraction Code: 2bhj
Source code for the above tutorial:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I15igy9iCaCwikZCkWwoVQ
Extraction Code: 2bhj
Official materials:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kblxn4Tq1XabglaxEHDDGA
Extraction Code: itjj
Xilinx FPGA Digital Signal Processing Guide: From HDL to Model and C Description
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1on7iZhxBVTrz-1idEAqznQ
Extraction Code: kstq
FPGA Design Guide: Devices, Tools, and Processes
This book helps you better understand the internal workings of FPGA:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vQnsinASz0gRDSdGe4J3jg
Extraction Code: rxgs
This book introduces what FPGA is, how FPGA works, how to program FPGA, and various concepts, devices, and tools encountered in FPGA design. The book presents what FPGA is, how FPGA works, how to program FPGA, and various concepts, devices, and tools encountered in FPGA design, such as traditional HDL/RTL-based simulation and logic synthesis, the latest pure C/C++ design capture and synthesis techniques, and DSP-based design processes. Additionally, the book covers a wealth of technical details required by engineers. This book is suitable for engineers designing with FPGA, software engineers developing embedded application tasks, and students and teachers in electrical engineering majors at higher education institutions.
Author Profile
Clive “Max” Maxfield, a well-known expert in the global semiconductor design field, is the editor-in-chief of the FPGA professional website Programmable Logic DesignLine. Mr. Maxfield has extensive experience in circuit design and development and is renowned worldwide for his outstanding writing skills. He has long contributed columns to top magazines and websites such as EDN and EE Design and has written several bestselling books on electronic technology.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What is FPGA
1.2 Why FPGA is Interesting
1.3 Uses of FPGA
1.4 Content of This Book
1.5 What This Book Does Not Include
1.6 Target Audience
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts
2.1 Core of FPGA
2.2 Simple Programmable Functions
2.3 Fuse Connection Technology
2.4 Anti-Fuse Technology
2.5 Mask Programmable Devices
2.6 PROM
2.7 EPROM-based Technology
2.8 EEPROM-based Technology
2.9 Flash-based Technology
2.10 SRAM-based Technology
2.11 Summary
Chapter 3 Origins of FPGA
3.1 Related Technologies
3.2 Transistors
3.3 Integrated Circuits
3.4 SRAM/DRAM and Microprocessors
3.5 SPLD and CPLD
3.5.1 PROM
3.5.2 PLA
3.5.3 PAL and GAL
3.5.4 Other Programmable Options
3.5.5 CPLD
3.6 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (Gate Arrays, etc.)
3.6.1 Full Custom
3.6.2 Micromatrix and Micromosaic
3.6.3 Gate Arrays
3.6.4 Standard Cell Devices
3.6.5 Structured ASIC
3.7 FPGA
3.7.1 FPGA Platforms
3.7.2 FPGA-ASIC Hybrid
3.7.3 How FPGA Manufacturers Design Chips
Chapter 4 Comparison of FPGA Architectures
4.1 A Reminder
4.2 Some Background Information
4.3 Anti-Fuse vs. SRAM and Others
4.3.1 SRAM-based Devices
4.3.2 Security Issues and Solutions for SRAM-based Devices
4.3.3 Anti-Fuse-based Devices
4.3.4 EPROM-based Devices
4.3.5 EEPROM/FLASH-based Devices
4.3.6 FLASH-SRAM Hybrid Devices
4.3.7 Summary
4.4 Fine, Medium, and Coarse-Grained Architectures
4.5 MUX and LUT-based Logic Blocks
4.5.1 MUX-based Structures
4.5.2 LUT-based Structures
4.5.3 MUX vs. LUT
4.5.4 3, 4, 5, or 6 Input LUT
4.5.5 LUT vs. Distributed RAM and SR
4.6 CLB, LAB, and Slices
4.6.1 Xilinx Logic Units
4.6.2 Altera Logic Components
4.6.3 Slicing and Dicing
4.6.4 CLB and LAB
4.6.5 Distributed RAM and Shift Registers
4.7 Fast Carry Chains
4.8 Embedded RAM
4.9 Embedded Multipliers, Adders, MACs, etc.
4.10 Embedded Processor Cores (Hard and Soft)
4.10.1 Hard Microprocessor Cores
4.10.2 Soft Microprocessor Cores
4.11 Clock Trees and Timing Managers
4.11.1 Clock Trees
4.11.2 Clock Managers
4.12 General I/O
4.12.1 Configurable I/O Standards
4.12.2 Configurable I/O Impedance
4.12.3 Core and I/O Voltage
4.13 Gigabit Transmission
4.14 Hard IP, Soft IP, and Firm IP
4.15 System Gates vs. Actual Gates
4.16 FPGA Year
Chapter 5 FPGA Programming (Configuration)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Configuration Files
5.3 Configuration Units
5.4 Anti-Fuse-based FPGAs
5.5 SRAM-based FPGAs
5.5.1 The Quick Process Deceives the Eye
5.5.2 Programming Embedded (Block) RAM, Distributed RAM
5.5.3 Multi-Programming Chains
5.5.4 Quick Reinitialization of Devices
5.6 Using Configuration Ports
5.6.1 FPGA as Master Device for Serial Download
5.6.2 FPGA as Master Device for Parallel Download
5.6.3 FPGA as Slave Device for Parallel Download
5.6.4 FPGA as Slave Device for Serial Download
5.7 Using JTAG Ports
5.8 Using Embedded Processors
Chapter 6 Who is Involved in the Game
6.1 Introduction
6.2 FPGA and FPAA Providers
6.3 FPNA Providers
6.4 Full Line EDA Providers
6.5 Specialized FPGA and Independent EDA Providers
6.6 FPGA Design Consultants Using Specialized Tools
6.7 Open Source, Free, and Low-Cost Design Tools
Chapter 7 FPGA vs. ASIC Design Styles
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Coding Styles
7.3 Pipelining and Logic Levels
7.3.1 What is Pipelining
7.3.2 Pipelining in Electronic Systems
7.3.3 Logic Levels
7.4 Asynchronous Design Practices
7.4.1 Asynchronous Structures
7.4.2 Combinational Circuits
7.4.3 Delay Chains
7.5 Clock Considerations
7.5.1 Clock Domains
7.5.2 Clock Balancing
7.5.3 Gated Clocks and Enabled Clocks
7.5.4 PLL and Clock Adjustment Circuits
7.5.5 Reliability of Data Transfer Across Clock Domains
7.6 Register and Latch Considerations
7.6.1 Latches
7.6.2 Flip-Flops with Set and Reset Inputs
7.6.3 Global Reset and Initialization Conditions
7.7 Resource Sharing (Time Division Multiplexing)
7.7.1 Use It or Lose It
7.7.2 Other Content
7.8 State Machine Coding
7.9 Testing Methodology
Chapter 8 Schematic-Based Design Flow
8.1 The Good Old Days
8.2 Early EDA
8.2.1 Front-End Tools, Such as Logic Simulation
8.2.2 Back-End Tools, Such as Layout Design
8.2.3 CAE + CAD = EDA
8.3 Simple Schematic-Driven ASIC Design Flow
8.4 Simple (Early) Schematic-Driven FPGA Design Flow
8.4.1 Mapping
8.4.2 Packaging
8.4.3 Layout and Routing
8.4.4 Timing Analysis and Post-Layout Simulation
8.5 Flat Schematics vs. Hierarchical Schematics
8.5.1 Dull Flat Schematics
8.5.2 Hierarchical (Module-Based) Schematics
8.6 Today’s Schematic-Driven Design Flow
Chapter 9 HDL-Based Design Flow
9.1 Problems with Schematic-Based Flow
9.2 Emergence of HDL-Based Design Flow
9.2.1 Different Levels of Abstraction
9.2.2 Early HDL-Based ASIC Design Flow
9.2.3 Early HDL-Based FPGA Design Flow
9.2.4 FPGA Flow with Known Structure
9.2.5 Logic Synthesis vs. Physical Synthesis
9.3 Life of Graphical Design Input
9.4 Absolute Surplus of HDL
9.4.1 Verilog HDL
9.4.2 VHDL and VITAL
9.4.3 Mixed-Language Design
9.4.4 UDL/I
9.4.5 Superlog and SystemVerilog
9.4.6 SystemC
9.5 Worth Considering
9.5.1 Worrying, Very Worrying
9.5.2 Serial vs. Parallel Multiplexers
9.5.3 Caution with Latches
9.5.4 Smart Use of Constants
9.5.5 Resource Sharing Considerations
9.5.6 Other Content Not to Be Ignored
Chapter 10 Silicon Virtual Prototypes in FPGA Design
10.1 What is a Silicon Virtual Prototype
10.2 ASIC-based SVP Methods
10.2.1 Gate-Level SVP (Generated by Fast Synthesis)
10.2.2 Gate-Level SVP (Generated by Gain-Based Synthesis)
10.2.3 Cluster SVP
10.2.4 RTL-Based SVP
10.3 FPGA-Based SVP
10.3.1 Interactive Operation
10.3.2 Incremental Layout and Routing
10.3.3 RTL-Based FPGA SVP
Chapter 11 C/C++ Based Design Flow
11.1 Problems with Traditional HDL Design Flow
11.2 C vs. C++ and Parallel Execution vs. Sequential Execution
11.3 SystemC Based Design Flow
11.3.1 What is SystemC and Where Does It Come From
11.3.2 SystemC 1.0
11.3.3 SystemC 2.0
11.3.4 Levels of Abstraction
11.3.5 Optional SystemC Based Design Flow
11.3.6 Love It or Hate It
11.4 Enhanced C/C++ Based Design Flow
11.4.1 What is Enhanced C/C++
11.4.2 Optional Enhanced C/C++ Design Flow
11.5 Pure C/C++ Based Design Flow
11.6 Different Levels of Abstraction for Synthesis
11.7 Mixed Language Design and Verification Environment
Chapter 12 DSP-Based Design Flow
12.1 Introduction to DSP
12.2 Optional DSP Implementation Solutions
12.2.1 Choose Any Device, But Don’t Let Me See Which One
12.2.2 System-Level Evaluation and Algorithm Verification
12.2.3 Software Running in DSP Cores
12.2.4 Dedicated DSP Hardware
12.2.5 FPGA Resources Related to DSP
12.3 FPGA-Centric Design Flow for DSP
12.3.1 Domain-Specific Languages
12.3.2 System-Level Design and Simulation Environment
12.3.3 Floating Point vs. Fixed Point Representation
12.3.4 System/Algorithm Level to RTL Conversion (Manual)
12.3.5 System/Algorithm Level to RTL Conversion (Automatic)
12.3.6 System/Algorithm Level to C/C++ Conversion
12.3.7 Module-Level IP Environment
12.3.8 Don’t Forget the Test Platform
12.4 DSP and VHDL/Verilog Mixed Design Environment
Chapter 13 Embedded Processor-Based Design Flow
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Hard Cores vs. Soft Cores
13.2.1 Hard Cores
13.2.2 Microprocessor Soft Cores
13.3 Dividing Design into Hardware and Software Parts
13.4 Worldview of Hardware and Software
13.5 Using FPGA as Its Own Development Environment
13.6 Enhancing Design Visibility
13.7 Other Mixed Verification Methods
13.7.1 RTL (VHDL or Verilog)
13.7.2 C/C++, SystemC, etc.
13.7.3 Physical Chips in Hardware Simulators
13.7.4 Instruction Set Simulators
13.8 A Quite Clever Design Environment
Chapter 14 Modular Design and Incremental Design
14.1 Treating Design as a Large Module
14.2 Dividing Design into Smaller Modules
14.2.1 Modular Design
14.2.2 Incremental Design
14.2.3 Issues That Exist
14.3 There Are Always Other Ways
Chapter 15 High-Speed Design and Other PCB Design Considerations
15.1 Before You Start
15.2 We Are All Young, So
15.3 An Era of Change
15.4 Other Considerations
15.4.1 High-Speed Design
15.4.2 Signal Integrity Analysis
15.4.3 SPICE and IBIS
15.4.4 Startup Power
15.4.5 Using Internal Termination Resistance
15.4.6 Serial or Parallel Data Processing
Chapter 16 Observing FPGA Internal Nodes
16.1 Lack of Visibility
16.2 Using Multiplexing Techniques
16.3 Dedicated Debugging Circuits
16.4 Virtual Logic Analyzers
16.5 Virtual Lines
16.5.1 Problem Description
16.5.2 Virtual Line Solutions
Chapter 17 IP
17.1 Sources of IP
17.2 Manually Optimized IP
17.2.1 Unencrypted RTL-level IP
17.2.2 Encrypted RTL-level IP
17.2.3 Netlist-level IP Before Layout and Routing
17.2.4 Netlist-level IP After Layout and Routing
17.3 IP Core Generators
17.4 Synthesis Materials
Chapter 18 Porting Between ASIC Design and FPGA Design
18.1 Alternative Design Methods
18.1.1 Only Doing FPGA Design
18.1.2 Conversions Between FPGAs
18.1.3 Conversion from FPGA to ASIC
18.1.4 Conversion from ASIC to FPGA
Chapter 19 Design Tools for Simulation, Synthesis, Verification, etc.
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Simulation (Cycle-Based, Event-Driven, etc.)
19.2.1 What is an Event-Driven Logic Simulator
19.2.2 Brief History of Event-Driven Logic Simulators
19.2.3 Logic Values and Different Logic Value Systems
19.2.4 Mixed Language Simulation
19.2.5 Other Delay Formats
19.2.6 Cycle-Based Simulators
19.2.7 Choosing the Best Logic Simulator in the World
19.3 Synthesis (Logic/HDL Synthesis and Physical Synthesis)
19.3.1 Logic/HDL Synthesis Techniques
19.3.2 Physical Synthesis Techniques
19.3.3 Timing Re-timing, Duplication, and Secondary Synthesis
19.3.4 Choosing the Best Synthesis Tool in the World
19.4 Timing Analysis (Static and Dynamic)
19.4.1 Static Timing Analysis
19.4.2 Statistical Static Timing Analysis
19.4.3 Dynamic Timing Analysis
19.5 General Verification
19.5.1 Verifying IP
19.5.2 Verification Environment and Creating Testbench
19.5.3 Analyzing Simulation Results
19.6 Formal Verification
19.6.1 Different Types of Formal Verification
19.6.2 What Exactly is Formal Verification
19.6.3 Terminology and Definitions
19.6.4 Other Optional Assertion/Property Specification Techniques
19.6.5 Static Formal Verification vs. Dynamic Formal Verification
19.6.6 Summary of Various Languages
19.7 Mixed Design
19.7.1 HDL Language to C Language Conversion
19.7.2 Code Coverage
19.7.3 Performance Analysis
Chapter 20 Choosing the Right Device
20.1 A Rich Selection
20.2 It Would Be Nice to Have a Selection Tool
20.3 Process
20.4 Basic Resources and Packaging
20.5 General I/O Interfaces
20.6 Embedded Multipliers, RAM, etc.
20.7 Embedded Processor Cores
20.8 Gigabit I/O Capability
20.9 Available IP
20.10 Speed Grades
20.11 Easy Annotation
Chapter 21 Gigabit Transceivers
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Differential Pairs
21.3 Various Standards
21.4 8bit/10bit Encoding, etc.
21.5 Deep Inside Transceiver Modules
21.6 Combining Multiple Transceivers
21.7 Configurable Resources
21.7.1 Comma Detection
21.7.2 Differential Output Swing
21.7.3 On-Chip Termination Resistance
21.7.4 Pre-emphasis
21.7.5 Equalization
21.8 Clock Recovery, Jitter, and Eye Diagrams
21.8.1 Clock Recovery
21.8.2 Jitter and Eye Diagrams
Chapter 22 Reconfigurable Computing
22.1 Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic
22.2 Dynamically Reconfigurable Interconnects
22.3 Reconfigurable Computing
Chapter 23 Field Programmable Node Arrays
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Algorithm Evaluation
23.3 picoChip’s picoArray Technology
23.3.1 An Ideal picoArray Application: Wireless Base Stations
23.3.2 picoArray Design Environment
23.4 QuickSilver’s ACM Technology
23.4.1 Designing Mixed Nodes
23.4.2 System Controller Nodes, Input/Output Nodes, and Other Nodes
23.4.3 Space and Time Division
23.4.4 Creating and Running Programs on ACM
23.4.5 More Content
23.5 This is Silicon, but Not as We Know It
Chapter 24 Independent Design Tools
24.1 Introduction
24.2 ParaCore Architect
24.2.1 Generating Floating-Point Processing Function Modules
24.2.2 Generating FFT Function Modules
24.2.3 Network-Based Interfaces
24.3 Confluence System Design Language
24.3.1 A Simple Example
24.3.2 More Features
24.3.3 Free Evaluation Version
24.4 Do You Have This Tool?
Chapter 25 Creating Open Source-Based Design Flows
25.1 How to Start an FPGA Design Studio from Scratch
25.2 Development Platform: Linux
25.3 Verification Environment
25.3.1 Icarus Verilog
25.3.2 Dinotrace and GTKWave
25.3.3 Covered Code Coverage Tool
25.3.4 Verilator
25.3.5 Python
25.4 Formal Verification
25.4.1 Open Source Model Checking
25.4.2 Open Source-Based Automated Inference
25.4.3 What is the Real Issue
25.5 Accessing Public IP Components
25.5.1 OpenCores
25.5.2 OVL
25.6 Synthesis and Implementation Tools
25.7 FPGA Development Boards
25.8 Synthesis Materials
Chapter 26 The Future of FPGA Development
26.1 A Concern
26.2 Next-Generation Architectures and Technologies
26.2.1 Billion Transistor-Level Devices
26.2.2 Ultra-Fast I/O
26.2.3 Ultra-Fast Configuration
26.2.4 More Hard IP
26.2.5 Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices
26.2.6 ASMBL and Other Architectures
26.2.7 Different Architectural Granularities
26.2.8 Embedded FPGA Cores in ASIC Structures
26.2.9 Embedded FPNA Cores in ASIC and FPGA Structures or Vice Versa
26.2.10 MRAM-based Devices
26.3 Design Tools
26.4 Expecting the Unexpected
Appendix A Introduction to Signal Integrity
Appendix B Submicron Delay Effects
Appendix C Linear Shift Registers
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