Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi
Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi



Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

During the project development process using the HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi, we will utilize various functions. Some functions may seem insignificant, but they are very important in actual application development. Next, HongKe shares several common issues encountered during the application of the industrial Raspberry Pi and provides solutions to help everyone quickly get started with using the HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi:

  • RevPi Flat module WIFI configuration issues

  • CODESYS-based serial port application configuration issues

  • FTP server installation application configuration issues

HongKe Technology









RevPi Flat module WIFI configuration issues

The RevPi Flat module itself supports WIFI functionality, but the WIFI feature of this module is not configured in the same way as a regular Raspberry Pi, and cannot be configured via shortcut commands; it can only be modified through underlying files. The following content will guide how to enable the WIFI function of the Flat module and connect to WIFI.

1. Enter the command line window

2. Input the following code:

nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

3. Add the wifi name and password at the ssid and psk respectively, and save and exit after modification

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

4. Power off, unplug the network cable, and restart


CODESYS-based serial port application configuration issues

Reading sensor data through CODESYS serial or MODBUS RTU protocol is a common application in industry. However, the underlying port numbers of the industrial Raspberry Pi are represented differently from the CODESYS port numbers. Configuring the industrial Raspberry Pi to map its serial ports to the CODESYS port numbers is key to connecting serial devices with CODESYS on the industrial Raspberry Pi. The following content will share how to achieve serial port mapping.

1. Serial port mapping settings

a. Edit /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg;

nano /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg

b. Add the following code at the end of the file:



Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

c. Restart the device

Note: After this setting, the mapping relationship of the serial port numbers is as follows:

/dev/ttyUSB0 -> COM Port 1/dev/ttyUSB1 -> COM Port 2

/dev/ttyUSB2 -> COM Port 3/dev/ttyUSB3 -> COM Port 4 …

2. Confirm the serial port number

a. Without inserting the serial device, input the following command:

ls -l | grep -i usb

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

b. Insert the serial device and input the same command to compare in order to obtain the corresponding serial port number of the serial device

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

3. Verification

Add the serial device in CODESYS, fill in the corresponding serial port number, and log in to the device

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi


FTP server installation application issues

During file transfer, users often need to use an FTP server. So how to correctly install and configure the FTP server? Here comes the HongKe tutorial!

1. Try to install directly using the command sudo apt-get install vsftpd. If successful, switch to root permissions and then jump to step 7; otherwise, continue to look at step 2.

2. If the installation fails with a package not found error, as shown in the figure below, you need to change the source.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

3. Switch to root permissions using sudo su (the following operations are assumed to have root permissions), then use nano to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file, delete all the original content, and replace it with the following content:

deb stretch main non-free contrib rpi

deb-src stretch main non-free contrib rpi

(After modification, the nano commands used are: 【Exit】Ctrl+X; 【Confirm Save】Y; 【Continue】Enter)

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

4. Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list file, delete all the original content, and replace it with the following content:

deb stretch main ui

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

5. After editing, execute apt-get update. The speed may be slow, depending on the network environment. If it executes successfully, jump to step 6.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

6. If the update times out or takes too long, consider terminating the update with Ctrl+C, then enter the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory, and modify the following two files by adding a # in front of each line to temporarily comment them out. After finishing, delete the # as needed:

revpi.list teamviewer-revpi.list

Then execute apt-get update again

7. Re-execute apt-get install vsftpd, and wait patiently.

8. Edit /etc/vsftpd.conf, find the following line, and remove the # in front of it.


9. Run vsftpd using the following command

service vsftpd start

10. At this point, open any FTP client, such as FileZilla, (the following scenario is the FileZilla test environment).

(1) The FileZilla download version includes client and server versions. Here, download the client version, link:

(2) Input the IP address, username (pi), password, and click “Quick Connect” to connect to the Raspberry Pi’s FTP server.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

(3) A pop-up may appear during the connection, just confirm it. Note that the files transferred via FTP need to have their permissions changed as needed.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

(4) When uploading files via FTP, try to upload to the /home/pi directory, as other directories have permission restrictions that may cause upload failures.

11. To close the FTP server after completion, use the method: service vsftpd stop.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi
Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

HongKe–Industrial Internet of Things

HongKe is a high-tech company with many years of experience in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) industry. HongKe collaborates with top companies in the world, including EXOR, KUNBUS, HiveMQ, CODRA, etc., to provide advanced high-end Industrial 4.0 industrial touch screens, industrial gateways, edge computing software, MQTT, OPC UA, industrial-grade Raspberry Pi, SCADA, predictive maintenance and other solutions. All members of the IoT department have received professional training and obtained professional qualifications, with an average of over 3 years of technical experience and a consistent level that has won excellent reputation from customers. We actively participate in industry associations and have made significant contributions to the promotion of advanced technology. To date, HongKe has provided various solutions from hardware to software for many users in the industry, and has participated and assisted in numerous OEM equipment research and development and migration projects, as well as smart factory and Industrial 4.0 upgrade projects for end-users.

Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

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Essential Tips for Using HongKe Industrial Raspberry Pi

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