Weige says: In AS, using plugins to assist development can improve development efficiency. Below is a compilation of 22 plugins recommended by most netizens. Take a look, and feel free to share more plugins.
Part One: Introduction to PluginsGoogle introduced Android Studio based on IntelliJ IDEA java IDE at the I/O Developer Conference in May 2013. Android Studio is a comprehensive development tool that also provides support for third-party plugins, enabling developers to create programs more quickly and effectively.
Part Two: Installing Plugins in Android Studio: Go to File → Settings → Plugins → Browse repositories and search for the plugin name, or in Android Studio: go to download the jar and install it by going to File → Settings → Plugins → Install plugin from disk. Part Three: Summary of Plugins Android ButterKnife Zelezny ButterKnife is a view injection framework focused on the Android system, which can significantly reduce the amount of findViewById and setOnClickListener code, allowing for visual one-click generation. PS: I won’t attach screenshots; you can see them by opening the plugin download address and source code address, and it’s quite laggy to load screenshots. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7369?pr=androidstudio Plugin source code address: https://github.com/avast/android-butterknife-zelezny Plugin tutorial: http://blog.csdn.net/dreamlivemeng/article/details/51261170 Recommended rating: Five stars GsonFormat GsonFormat is a plugin that quickly formats JSON data and automatically generates entity class parameters. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7654?pr=androidstudio Plugin source code address: https://github.com/zzz40500/GsonFormat Plugin tutorial: http://blog.csdn.net/dreamlivemeng/article/details/51262538 Recommended rating: Four stars. To accommodate all Android screen sizes and densities, every Android project includes a drawable folder. Any developer with Android development experience knows that to support all screen sizes, you must import different canvases for each screen type. The Android Drawable Importer plugin makes this task easier. It reduces the workload required to import scaled images into Android projects. Android Drawable Importer adds an option to import canvases at different resolutions or scale specified images to defined resolutions. This plugin accelerates the developers’ canvas work. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7658?pr=androidstudio Plugin source code address: https://github.com/winterDroid/android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin Plugin tutorial address: http://blog.csdn.net/lee_sire/article/details/49684385 Recommended rating: Three stars android-selector-chapek / SelectorChapek for Android Automatically generate corresponding selectors based on resources. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7298 Plugin source code address: https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek Recommended rating: Three stars Android Parcelable code generator A plugin for quickly implementing the Parcelable interface. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7332?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/mcharmas/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin/ Plugin tutorial address: http://blog.csdn.net/kroclin/article/details/40902721 Recommended rating: Four stars Markdown Markdown is a markup language that can be written with a plain text editor. Through HTML-like markup syntax, it can format ordinary text content. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/5970?pr= Plugin documentation address: https://github.com/nicoulaj/idea-markdown Recommended rating: Four stars Android Postfix completion Quickly complete code based on suffixes. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7775?pr= Plugin tutorial address: http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2014/03/postfix-completion/ Recommended rating: Five stars AndroidAccessors A plugin for quickly implementing get and set methods. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7496?pr= Plugin documentation address: https://github.com/jonstaff/AndroidAccessors Recommended rating: Three stars Lifecycle Sorter Can sort the positions of lifecycle methods based on the Activity or fragment lifecycle. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7742?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/armandAkop/Lifecycle-Sorter Recommended rating: Five stars ADB WIFI Debugging via WiFi without root. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7856?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/layerlre/ADBWIFI Recommended rating: Five stars ADB Idea ADB debugging tool, Uninstall App, Kill App, Start App, Restart App, Clear App Data, Clear App Data and Restart. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7380?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/pbreault/adb-idea/ Recommended rating: Five stars CodeGlance The main use is for quickly locating code. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7275?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance Recommended rating: Five stars JSONOnlineViewer Can debug interface data directly in Android Studio, allowing you to select request types, customize request headers and bodies, and format JSON data for display. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7838?pr= Recommended rating: Four stars FindBugs-IDEA Helps you find hidden bugs and bad practices through FindBugs. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/3847?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/andrepdo/findbugs-idea/tree/master Recommended rating: Four stars jimu Mirror This is a plugin that allows you to quickly test layouts on real devices. Jimu Mirror allows you to preview Android layouts with coding updates on the device. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7517?pr= Plugin tutorial address: http://www.itnose.net/detail/6204426.html Recommended rating: Four stars JavaDoc Adds comments and allows custom templates. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?idea_ce&pluginId=7157 Plugin source code address: https://github.com/setial/intellij-javadocs Recommended rating: Five stars Android strings.xml tools Can be used to manage string resources in Android projects. It provides basic operations for sorting Android local files and adding missing strings. Although this plugin has limitations, it is very useful if the application has a large number of string resources. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7498?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/constantine-ivanov/strings-xml-tools Recommended rating: Five stars Robotium Recorder Robotium Recorder is an automation testing framework for testing native and hybrid mobile applications on emulators and Android devices. Robotium Recorder allows you to record test cases and user operations. You can also view system functions and user testing scenarios during different Android activities. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7513?pr= Official plugin website: http://robotium.com/ Recommended rating: Four stars Android Holo Colors Generator Generates corresponding Drawable and layout files by customizing Holo theme colors. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7366?pr= Plugin source code address: https://github.com/jeromevdl/android-holo-colors-idea-plugin Recommended rating: Four stars lint-cleaner-plugin Deletes unused resources, including String strings, colors, and sizes. This is a Gradle plugin, so you can check the GitHub source for configuration details. Plugin source code address: https://github.com/marcoRS/lint-cleaner-plugin Recommended rating: Four stars codota This website collects a large amount of code, claiming to have over 7 million code examples. It provides Chrome and AS plugins. Plugin download address: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7638?pr= Official website: https://www.codota.com/ Recommended rating: Five stars ECTranslation A translation plugin in Android Studio (translates English to Chinese). It can currently only be installed in jar format. The jar download address and usage method are detailed on the GitHub source code address. Plugin source code address: https://github.com/Skykai521/ECTranslation Recommended rating: Four stars
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