Beginner’s Guide to Raspberry Pi (Part 1)
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I have resources shared by friends stored on a certain cloud, with issues like privacy security, slow upload & download speeds, etc. Where there are problems, there are needs, and I will gradually solve these needs below;
4.3 NAS Server
4.3.1 What is NAS? What does it do?
NAS: Network Attached Storage, used for downloading machines/personal cloud storage/media library management/book library management, etc.;
4.3.2 Deploying NAS
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list # Comment out the previous ones, copy the following USTC and Tsinghua mirror sources into the file deb buster main contrib non-free rpideb buster main contrib non-free rpideb-src buster main contrib non-free rpi
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list # Comment out the previous ones, copy the following USTC and Tsinghua mirror sources into the file deb buster main uideb buster main uideb-src buster main ui
# Update the system sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
2) Install and Log in to OMV
Get the installation script from the GitHub repository; Link as follows:
# Manually install sudo chmod +x ??? && sudo install ???
Finally, log in to the OMV web page by entering http://RaspberryPiIP in your computer’s browser
(Default: admin/openmediavault)
3) Set up OMV (optional operation)
In general settings, set the automatic logout time to 1 day;
Create shared folders based on the disk (SSD), enable SMB for sharing;
Get the omv-extras mirror plugin from Tsinghua source; Link as follows:
Then manually upload and install;
# Update omvextras software source sudo vi /etc/sources.list.d/omvextras.listdeb usul maindeb [arch=armhf] buster stablesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# Refer to the following content and set according to the actual situation sudo umount /dev/sda1sudo mkdir /mnt/ssdsudo vi /etc/fstab# Add the following content /dev/sda1 /mnt/ssd exfat defaults 00# Confirm effectiveness sudo mount -a && lsblk -f
2) Pull && Deploy Transmission
# pullsudo docker pull linuxserver/transmission:arm32v7-4.0.2# deploysudo docker run -d \ --name=transmission \ --net=host \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -e USER=admin \ -e PASS=passwd \ -v /data/transmission/config:/config \ -v /data/transmission/downloads:/downloads \ -v /data/transmission/watch:/watch \ -p 9091:9091 \ -p 51413:51413 \ -p 51413:51413/udp \ --restart=always \ linuxserver/transmission:arm32v7-4.0.2 # The above deploy lacks permission option configuration and PUID, PGID (id $user; select root) # docker logs transmission to see the print, supplement after that s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted s6-svscan: warning: executing into.s6-svscan/crash s6-svscan crashed. Killing everything and exiting. s6-linux-init-hpr: fatal: unable to reboot(): Operation not permitted sudo docker run --privileged --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -d \ --name=transmission \ -e PUID= \ -e PGID= \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -e USER=admin \ -e PASS=passwd \ -v /data/transmission/config:/config \ -v /media/WDssd/downloads:/downloads \ -v /data/transmission/watch:/watch \ -p 9091:9091 \ -p 51413:51413 \ -p 51413:51413/udp \ --restart=always \ linuxserver/transmission:arm32v7-4.0.2
3) Pull && Deploy qBittorrent
# pullsudo docker pull linuxserver/qbittorrent:arm32v7-4.5.3# deploy, default account password admin/adminadminsudo docker run --privileged --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -d \ --name=qbittorrent \ -e PUID= \ -e PGID= \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -e WEBUI_PORT=8080 \ -e TORRENTING_PORT=6881 \ -p 8080:8080 \ -p 6881:6881 \ -p 6881:6881/udp \ -v /data/qbittorrent/config:/config \ -v /media/WDssd/downloads:/downloads \ --restart=always \ linuxserver/qbittorrent:arm32v7-4.5.3
Ubuntu image as a test seed: