Smart Manufacturing: Memory and Storage Considerations for IoT Gateways and Edge Servers

Smart Manufacturing: Memory and Storage Considerations for IoT Gateways and Edge Servers

1The Rise of Smart Manufacturing The digital transformation of industries not only establishes the development direction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) but also brings new opportunities to the manufacturing sector—smart manufacturing. The goal of smart manufacturing is to convert all data and information from interconnected machines into meaningful insights, … Read more

Building a Low-Cost Home Storage Server: Part One

Building a Low-Cost Home Storage Server: Part One

This article documents the process of building a backup server. Introduction This year, I considered building a dedicated machine for data backup. Firstly, due to increased travel demands this year, the historical devices have been used for several years, and I need a newer device to take over; secondly, I want to verify the reliability … Read more

Maximizing Embedded Design in a 132㎡ Home: What’s the Experience?

Maximizing Embedded Design in a 132㎡ Home: What’s the Experience?

It is often said that two major challenges test couples and partners: long-distance travel and home renovation. When the preferences of a couple differ, how should a designer create an ideal home? Today, we will explore a home that beautifully blends the styles favored by both partners. The husband prefers a rugged modern style, while … Read more
