Building a Low-Cost Home Storage Server: Part One

This article documents the process of building a backup server.


This year, I considered building a dedicated machine for data backup. Firstly, due to increased travel demands this year, the historical devices have been used for several years, and I need a newer device to take over; secondly, I want to verify the reliability of the solution to address some production environment needs I have encountered and my friends' issues.

Since I have already purchased several Synology devices, and this year the

Maximizing Embedded Design in a 132㎡ Home: What’s the Experience?

Maximizing Embedded Design in a 132㎡ Home: What’s the Experience?

It is often said that two major challenges test couples and partners: long-distance travel and home renovation. When the preferences of a couple differ, how should a designer create an ideal home?

Today, we will explore a home that beautifully blends the styles favored by both partners. The husband prefers a rugged modern style, while the wife loves the cozy artistic feel of American design, resulting in a simple yet

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