Simulating Linux Kernel Automatic Initialization on STM32

Simulating Linux Kernel Automatic Initialization on STM32

Hello everyone, I would like to recommend an article by my friend, the mixed bag master. There are many programming ideas to learn in Linux, and many experts apply these ideas and mechanisms to microcontroller programming. For example: cola_os introduced in the Embedded Mixed Bag Weekly | Issue 4, and the well-known RT-Thread. Also, the … Read more

How to Develop an Android Studio Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Develop an Android Studio Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Android Studio offers a wealth of plugins for developers, and many developers want to create their own Android Studio plugins. However: • There are few tutorials online, and the explanations are not detailed enough, making it difficult to quickly complete the development of an Android Studio plugin. • Different versions of the development IDE … Read more

Raspberry Pi Debug Probe: A Powerful Tool for Program Debugging and USB Serial Conversion

Raspberry Pi Debug Probe: A Powerful Tool for Program Debugging and USB Serial Conversion

【Click the above「Blue Text」 to follow DF Maker Community and become a tech enthusiast】 Since the launch of Raspberry Pi Pico and RP2040 microcontroller in January 2021, many have been using one Pico to debug programs running on another Pico. Inspired by this trend, yesterday, Raspberry Pi officially launched the Raspberry Pi Debug Probe—a hardware … Read more

Building a Game Joystick with ESP32 Chip

Building a Game Joystick with ESP32 Chip

Every weekend, Lao Jin plays single-player games with his two kids. One day, a thought crossed his mind to use a chip to create a simulated joystick with his daughter. He first gave his daughter a brief introduction to the names of the components: ESP32 chip, dual-axis XY sensor module, button module, breadboard. Popularizing the … Read more

Three Common Architectures in Embedded Software Development

Three Common Architectures in Embedded Software Development

Abstract: For microcontroller programs, everyone is familiar, but very few actually consider the architecture. With the increasing number of program developments, having an architecture is very necessary. There are roughly three types of application architectures: 1. Simple front and back sequential execution programs, this method is used by most people, without needing to think about … Read more

Creating Fireflies with Arduino: A Beginner’s Guide

Creating Fireflies with Arduino: A Beginner's Guide

Click the blue text above to follow “Innovation Forest Maker Space” for more information. Hands-on I Science I Fun Make creativity a habit for children. @Innovation Forest Maker Space If you are interested in technology education, you must be familiar with Arduino! So, let’s first learn about Arduino. What is Arduino? Arduino is a convenient, … Read more

Mastering Microcontroller Programming: A Practical Guide for Beginners

Mastering Microcontroller Programming: A Practical Guide for Beginners

Many microcontroller learners struggle to grasp the essentials, going from high enthusiasm at the start of their studies to frustration and giving up, leading to a love-hate relationship with microcontrollers. Among discussions with classmates at work and school, the most common phrase heard is, “Microcontrollers are too difficult.” In fact, it’s not that microcontrollers are … Read more

Arduino IDE: A Powerful Programming Tool for the Electronic World

Arduino IDE: A Powerful Programming Tool for the Electronic World

Introduction: Arduino IDE is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) designed specifically for Arduino boards. It provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the programming process, enabling electronics enthusiasts and makers to easily build various electronic projects. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the Arduino IDE, including its features, usage methods, and some common … Read more

The Evolution of Arduino Pro IDE: A New Era for Developers

The Evolution of Arduino Pro IDE: A New Era for Developers

Author: Xiaoyu, Layout: Xiaoyu WeChat Official Account: Chip Home (ID: chiphome-dy) Arduino is undoubtedly one of the most popular IDEs in the world. It is portable, flexible, and incredibly easy to get started with. It comes with standard and rich peripherals and interfaces, allowing anyone with a basic understanding of C language to develop simple … Read more
