Three Secrets to Maximize Efficiency in ARM Cortex M3/M4 MCU Designs

Three Secrets to Maximize Efficiency in ARM Cortex M3/M4 MCU Designs

Most applications using Cortex-M3/M4 MCUs are portable and powered by batteries or energy harvesting systems. Therefore, most of the concepts discussed in this article involve how to reduce overall system energy consumption. However, in many cases, these energy-saving technologies are also powerful tools for processor application design, providing more cost-effective solutions, greater design redundancy for … Read more

Book Recommendation: Principles and Implementation of the Fully Programmable SoC based on ARM Cortex-M0

Book Recommendation: Principles and Implementation of the Fully Programmable SoC based on ARM Cortex-M0

Want to use FPGA to create your own CPU? A few years ago, it was the era of MIPS and RISC, and making a MIPS or RISC processor on FPGA was the dream of every beginner in FPGA. Then, RISC-V created a huge wave, but currently, commercially available RISC-V products are quite rare, and the … Read more
