What to Do When Household Communication Shows Module Exception 3 and Module Exception 4?

What to Do When Household Communication Shows Module Exception 3 and Module Exception 4?

“Household Communication” live satellite television service is implemented to address the long-standing issue of rural communities being unable to access broadcast television, as per the directives of central leadership. Approved by the Propaganda Department, this service is organized by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television. Residents in the service area can voluntarily purchase “Household Communication” reception facilities to watch CCTV channels 1 to 16, one provincial satellite channel, China Education Television channels 1 and 7, as well as 13 channels from the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, 3 from China International Broadcasting Station, and one provincial radio program for free. The live satellite “Household Communication” fundamentally solves the problem of access to radio and television for rural households at the lowest cost and fastest speed, helping to reduce the urban-rural gap and promote equitable public broadcasting services, allowing rural residents to share in the benefits of China’s reform and opening up.Recently, some users reported issues with the “Household Communication” system showing module exception 3 and module exception 4, inquiring whether they need to return the unit for repair. We need to analyze this issue in detail to avoid unnecessary financial losses.Module Exception 3What to Do When Household Communication Shows Module Exception 3 and Module Exception 4? Reason Analysis: The “Household Communication” set-top box is one-to-one bound with the smart card. If the smart card number inserted into the set-top box does not match the number recorded in the user management system, the error “Position Locking Module Exception 3” will occur.This issue can be categorized into the following two scenarios:

One is that the user or seller mistakenly inserted a smart card from another set-top box.

The other scenario is that the card was not moved, but the operator in the user management system replaced the smart card, resulting in a mismatch between the set-top box and the current smart card, causing “Position Locking Module Exception 3”.Solution: Have the seller or the operator who opened the account for this machine check in the user management system whether the smart card bound to the set-top box matches the actual smart card number inserted, and then match the corresponding smart card.Module Exception 4What to Do When Household Communication Shows Module Exception 3 and Module Exception 4? Reason Analysis:Module upgrade failure or module malfunction, or issues with the reset circuit can cause “Position Locking Module Exception 4”.Solution:1. If the module upgrade fails, as long as the module is not damaged, the set-top box will force an upgrade after powering on. Do not interrupt the power during this process; wait for the upgrade to complete.2. If the module is damaged or malfunctions, it will require factory repair.3. Issues with the reset circuit can also lead to module exceptions during the upgrade process.4. Relevant circuits can be checked.5. If base station information cannot be found, please contact installation or customer service personnel.Note: For repair of Position Locking Module Exception 4, it must be handled by a professional who understands circuits; individuals should return for factory repair.

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