What are the Differences Between Automotive Technicians with a Monthly Salary of 1000 and 10000?

What are the Differences Between Automotive Technicians with a Monthly Salary of 1000 and 10000?

Have you ever thought about a question: Although they are all automotive technicians, some earn over ten thousand a month and have reached the peak of their careers; while others are constantly struggling at a subsistence level?

What are the Differences Between Automotive Technicians with a Monthly Salary of 1000 and 10000?

After various research and analysis, I found that those excellent automotive technicians often possess the following qualities:

1Great passion for automotive repair

Interest is the cornerstone of success. Anyone who is not interested in cars will find it very difficult to learn automotive repair well.

This interest cannot just be stated verbally; it must be observed with the eyes, liking to disassemble and assemble everything, and with a certain level of professional knowledge and patience, one can learn automotive repair well and thrive in the automotive repair industry.

2Ability to learn proactively

The ability to learn proactively determines whether an automotive technician can have a high level of technical skill.

Excellent automotive repair talents cannot just rely on following their master; they must have their own ideas and thoughts, and their own technical knowledge base.

You can observe the excellent automotive technicians around you: they are constantly learning, summarizing, and improving themselves. They often summarize the automotive repair cases they have encountered and will buy various automotive repair-related books for study.

3Strong logical reasoning ability

Repair technicians should possess a special logical analysis ability for automotive faults. This requirement is partly determined by the actual situation of the automotive repair industry in our country.

Currently, the main task of the repair industry is still “diagnosis”; as the saying goes, “seven parts diagnosis, three parts repair”.

The level of a repair technician is truly reflected in the accuracy of their diagnosis. During the diagnostic process, it is required that the diagnostician “understands principles, can analyze, can reason, and diagnose cleverly”.

Excluding a difficult problem can sometimes be like a good detective novel, except that the protagonist of the novel is the various systems of the car.

Therefore, someone who cannot reason or analyze logically will find it difficult to become a good repair technician.

4 Has a certain foundation in English

The development of automotive technology means that it is no longer just a matter of one country; international cooperation is needed.

A significant portion of the cars we repair are imported, so having a certain foundation in English becomes particularly important.

In work, one not only needs to consult some relevant models’ English materials but also can conveniently understand the latest foreign automotive technologies, repair manuals, and diagnostic methods.

5Organic integration of machinery, electricity, and hydraulics

The traditional concept in the automotive repair industry is that mechanics and electricians are separate; they are two independent trades.

However, with the rapid development of automotive technology, this division has become unrealistic, and there is a strong need to combine mechanics and electricians, supplemented by hydraulic technology, to create an ideal automotive repair talent.

6Mastery of certain computer knowledge

Modern cars require repair personnel to master certain computer knowledge; not only must they understand the correct use of computers, but they must also understand the basic principles and control principles of automotive single-board computers; otherwise, they may not understand many fault phenomena.

7Ability to select, use, and extend the purpose of equipment

The level of a repair technician’s ability largely depends on their application of equipment.

If you observe carefully, you will find that in many repair shops, there are many pieces of equipment that are just for show, and some repair shop equipment has not even been unwrapped.

The reason for purchase is simply because the regulatory department requires it, and even the most basic exhaust analysis instrument does not use data to make inferences.

Therefore, a truly talented automotive technician must be able to develop and utilize automotive testing equipment.

What are the Differences Between Automotive Technicians with a Monthly Salary of 1000 and 10000?

The summary provided may not be very comprehensive, what other qualities do you think excellent automotive technicians possess?

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What are the Differences Between Automotive Technicians with a Monthly Salary of 1000 and 10000?

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