Troubleshooting Desktop Computer Display Issues

The computer has been idle for a few days, or it was working fine before I left work yesterday, but today it won’t start. Symptoms – the fan turns on briefly and then stops, repeating this cycle. Alternatively, the computer might start but the screen remains blank.
Troubleshooting Desktop Computer Display Issues
This issue is something I hear from customers the most and is one of the most common problems encountered throughout the year. Desktop computer general faults often lead customers to firmly believe that a specific component is faulty. My first reaction is to realize it’s time for a test.
I can tell the customer that something is broken; or I can say that it’s just a memory contact issue. The former certainly brings in good revenue, but the latter is what I consistently advocate.
Knowing what to do and what not to do, it’s easier to just be a person.
First, force shutdown the computer and remove the memory.
Troubleshooting Desktop Computer Display Issues
Use an eraser to gently clean the contact points on the motherboard, commonly referred to as the “gold fingers”. Be sure to apply some pressure, they can handle it.
Troubleshooting Desktop Computer Display Issues
If possible, use a dry brush to clean the memory slots on the motherboard.
Troubleshooting Desktop Computer Display Issues
After completing these three steps, return the memory to its original place, ensuring to confirm that the memory is correctly seated in the memory slot and is fully locked in place. In most cases, the computer should boot normally.
If it still won’t start, you can repeat the three steps above.
Most of these types of faults are invariably caused by poor memory contact. If you’re interested, you can give it a try.

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