Today, I organized a list of useful websites.
Collected at github.com/zhaoolee/ins, below is the text version.
1. Zihun
Website: https://izihun.com/
Description: Font download_Free font download_Custom font design–Zihun
Tags: Fonts;
2. Qiuzi
Website: https://www.qiuziti.com/
Description: Font download-Qiuzi provides Chinese and English font library downloads, recognition and preview services, a good helper for finding fonts.
Tags: Fonts;
3. Font Squirrel
Website: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/
Description: Font Squirrel searches for high-quality legal free fonts on the internet. Download thousands of completely legal, high-quality free fonts.
Tags: Fonts;
4. Ziyou
Website: https://www.hellofont.cn/
Description: Ziyou is a font download management tool tailored for designers. It collects thousands of selected fonts from home and abroad, allowing you to use fonts easily, freely, and efficiently, while displaying detailed information and selected font articles for each font. Ziyou will become a good helper in your design, letting you experience more exciting aspects of fonts in design.
Tags: Fonts;
5. Fontfabric
Website: https://www.fontfabric.com/
Description: A digital type foundry that produces retail and custom fonts for various brands. Shares a passion for premium fonts, calligraphy, and engraving.
Tags: Fonts;
6. 100Font
Website: https://www.100font.com/
Description: A website dedicated to collecting “free commercial fonts”.
Tags: Fonts;
7. Color Hunt
Website: https://colorhunt.co/
Description: Provides ready-made high-quality color scheme examples.
Tags: Design;
8. Online Image Compression
Website: https://www.iloveimg.com/zh-cn/compress-image
Description: Compress JPG, PNG, or GIF while maintaining the best file quality and compression level. Reduce the size of multiple image files at once.
Tags: Online Tools;
9. Lazy but Diligent
Website: https://masuit.com/
Description: With Mark Ding’s ban on the entire family, lazy but diligent, sharing the spirit of the internet, diligent in discovery, and happy to share.
Tags: Resource Market;
10. Windows System Activation with One Command
Website: https://v0v.bid/
Description: An ancient activation art.
Tags: Resource Market;
11. Douyin Short Video Download without Watermark
Website: http://tool.liumingye.cn/douyin/
Description: Download Douyin original videos through Douyin video sharing links~
Tags: Resource Market;
12. Online White Noise Generator
Website: https://neal.fun/ambient-chaos/
Description: White noise synthesizer for cafes, rainy days, bonfires, etc., to help you focus more at work and sleep more soundly.
Tags: Online Tools; White Noise;
13. Copy Rabbit
Website: http://cp.anyknew.com/
Description: Share files to another computer through 4 characters.
Tags: Online Tools;
14. Counter
Website: https://cn.piliapp.com/counter/
Description: A simple and easy-to-use counter that supports keyboard keys and perfectly adapts to various screen sizes.
Tags: Online Tools;
15. Free Online Version of Photoshop
Website: https://www.photopea.com/
Description: A more powerful online tool than the original PhotoShop.
Tags: Online Tools;
16. Bilibili Entry Must-Brush List
Website: https://www.bilibili.com/h5/good-history
Description: A collection of the most representative works since Bilibili was established.
Tags: Resource Market;
17. Today’s Hot List
Website: https://tophub.today/
Description: A webpage to see the hot list at a glance.
Tags: Information Flow; Daily Browsing;
18. Hitokoto
Website: https://hitokoto.cn/
Description: Hitokoto is a website that provides API services to fetch a sentence.
Tags: Information Flow;
19. HTML/URL To Markdown
Website: https://devtool.tech/html-md
Description: Online input webpage URL to convert to Markdown.
Tags: Online Tools;
20. Fenglingyueying
Website: https://flingtrainer.com/cn/community/forums/trainer-release/
Description: Game auxiliary tool release.
Tags: Resource Market;
21. Deer Share
Website: https://deershare.com/send
Description: A simple, secure, and efficient P2P file transfer service.
Tags: Online Tools;
22. I Tell You
Website: https://msdn.itellyou.cn/
Description: A repository of historical versions of Windows installation images.
Tags: Resource Market;
23. GitHub Trending
Website: https://github.com/trending
Description: The most popular open-source projects on GitHub right now.
Tags: Resource Market; Open Source Information; Daily Browsing;
24. Bing Wallpaper
Website: https://www.todaybing.com/
Description: Download historical ultra-clear Bing wallpapers.
Tags: Wallpaper;
25. macOS Wallpapers
Website: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNNQyeVrqxBdNmBkq9ILswizuj-RYJFNt5GlxJZ90Y6hx0okrVSLKSnmFFbX7j5Mg?key=RV8tSXVJVGdfS1RIQUI0Q3RZZVhlTmw0WmhFZ2V3
Description: Get wallpapers from various generations of macOS.
Tags: Wallpaper;
26. iOS Wallpapers
Website: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNi8VN2pw2Ya_xCV8eFgzEZmiXDy1-GwhXbqFtvXoH3HypF10as9puV8FdoVZpOZA?key=WkZjQTIxQTM5a01oZkNUYTE2ZllKTVJKZk1CMTR3
Description: Get wallpapers from various generations of iOS.
Tags: Wallpaper;
27. Zhihu Top 1000 High-Vote Answers
Website: https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19776749/top-answers
Description: Essence of Zhihu’s root topics (previous).
Tags: BBS;
28. Pixiv Welfare Illustrations!
Website: https://www.pixiv.net/ranking.php?mode=male
Description: The most popular illustrations on Pixiv ranked by male users.
Tags: Ladies; Daily Browsing;
29. GIF to MP4 Converter
Website: https://convertio.co/zh/gif-mp4/
Description: Can convert GIF images under 100MB to MP4.
Tags: Online Tools;
30. Apple Product Update Cycle Table
Website: https://buyersguide.macrumors.com/
Description: Avoid entering the military for 49 years.
Tags: BBS;
31. Hacker News
Website: https://news.ycombinator.com/
Description: A high-quality English forum.
Tags: Information Flow; Daily Browsing;
32. V2EX
Website: https://www.v2ex.com/go/meet
Description: V Station startup team, everything is ready, just missing a programmer.
Tags: BBS;
33. Mac Application Sharing
Website: https://xclient.info/
Description: A Mac application sharing site with a good reputation, using third-party cloud storage to keep old versions of software.
Tags: Resource Market;
34. DeviantArt
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/
Description: A community for artists to exchange works, a rich source of inspiration.
Tags: Information Flow; Resource Market;
35. Apple iTunes Movie Trailers
Website: https://trailers.apple.com/
Description: A collection of beautiful iTunes trailers, movie trailers are often better than the actual films.
Tags: Resource Market;
36. SkyPixel
Website: https://www.skypixel.com/
Description: A photography website focused on aerial photography, showcasing excellent aerial works and strategies from photographers around the world.
Tags: Resource Market; Information Flow; Photography;
37. 1x
Website: https://1x.com/
Description: A collection of high-quality photography works, watching for an hour every day will significantly enhance your aesthetic.
Tags: Resource Market; Photography;
38. Behance
Website: https://www.behance.net/
Description: GitHub for designers.
Tags: Information Flow; Resource Market; Design;
39. TED
Website: https://www.ted.com/
Description: A collection of TED talk videos, excellent ideas can change people’s views of the world.
Tags: Resource Market; Courses;
40. Product Hunt
Website: https://www.producthunt.com/
Description: A product recommendation website to discover the best new products in the tech field.
Tags: Information Flow; BBS;
41. 52pojie Official Teaching Training Area
Website: https://www.52pojie.cn/forum-68-1.html
Description: 52pojie forum public course.
Tags: Information Flow; Courses;
42. Online Little Tyrant Game Console
Website: https://www.yikm.net/
Description: Contra, Snowman Brothers, Super Mario, Hot Blood Soccer, Three Kingdoms, Metal Slug, King of Fighters…
Tags: Games;
43. Juejin Office Fish-Moving Topic
Website: https://juejin.cn/pin/club/6824710203301167112
Description: Juejin office fish-moving topic, see what internet workers are thinking about daily.
Tags: Information Flow; BBS; Daily Browsing;
44. UI Gradients
Website: https://uigradients.com/
Description: Excellent gradient color recommendations.
Tags: Design;
45. The Pirate Bay
Website: https://thepiratebay.org/
Description: A globally renowned torrent download site, storing 80% of the internet’s unlicensed resources.
Tags: Resource Market;
46. Black Apple Little Soldier
Website: https://blog.daliansky.net/
Description: Provides Hackintosh installation images and tutorials.
Tags: Resource Market;
47. PTT Beauty PTT Crawler
Website: https://beautyptt.cc/
Description: A website dedicated to crawling beautiful girls from the PTT forum’s beauty section in Taiwan.
Tags: Information Flow; Ladies;
48. PTT Hot Posts
Website: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/hotboards.html
Description: A hot list page in Taiwan where you can see what topics Taiwanese people are discussing daily, this forum has a unique style and is open source https://github.com/ptt/pttbbs.
Tags: Information Flow;
49. Morning Bell Sauce
Website: https://jamcz.com/
Description: A cool developer on Ku’an who shares some interesting small tools for tech enthusiasts.
Tags: Mobile; Geek;
50. Do You Need Me to Help You Baidu?
Website: https://ffis.me/baidu/index.html
Description: A small tool that automatically generates Baidu animations by inputting questions.
Tags: Online Tools;
51. How Long Can a Game Be Played
Website: https://howlongtobeat.com/
Description: Statistics on the average completion time of each console game.
Tags: Games; Information Flow;
52. Annual Movie Posters
Website: http://www.impawards.com/
Description: A resource site that collects high-definition posters from various years, excellent learning materials for designers.
Tags: Design;
53. Uniform Map
Website: https://uniform.wingzero.tw/
Description: A collection of uniforms from various schools around the world, uniform photography.
Tags: Photography; Ladies;
54. DxO Mark
Website: https://www.dxomark.com/
Description: A must-see for photography enthusiasts, a camera review website that evaluates the image quality, parameters, and photo/video experience of smartphone cameras.
Tags: Photography; Reviews; Mobile;
55. Graphics Card Ladder List
Website: https://www.mydrivers.com/zhuanti/tianti/gpu/index.html
Description: Performance rankings of various graphics cards.
Tags: Reviews;
56. Relight
Website: https://clipdrop.co/relight
Description: Photography is the art of light and shadow, an online tool that can re-light images.
Tags: Design; Photography; Online Tools;
57. Flash Game Collection
Website: https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/
Description: As of 2022, provides 1.31TB of over 100,000 Flash games for download.
Tags: Games; Resource Market;
58. AI Drawing
Website: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion
Description: Input English to generate images.
Tags: Design; Online Tools;
59. Tampermonkey Scripts
Website: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts?sort=total_installs
Description: Tampermonkey script installation rankings.
Tags: Geek;
60. Raspberry Pi to Avoid Dust
Website: https://github.com/zhaoolee/pi
Description: Using internal network penetration, turn the credit card-sized Raspberry Pi into an online server, building a publicly accessible WordPress site, SMB, aria2, and resource download services.
Tags: Geek;
61. Coffee Time
Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/cafemusicbgmchannel
Description: A well-known coffee music channel on YouTube, excellent background music for home office entertainment.
Tags: Music; Daily Browsing;
62. Office White Noise Simulator
Website: https://imisstheoffice.eu/
Description: 996 blessing simulator.
Tags: White Noise;
63. Wallhaven
Website: https://wallhaven.cc/
Description: Supposedly the best wallpaper site on the internet.
Tags: Wallpaper; Daily Browsing;
64. Taiko Master
Website: https://tg.lv5.ac/
Description: Taiko Master online simulator.
Tags: Games;
65. Listen1
Website: http://listen1.github.io/listen1/
Description: The internet music player with the richest music library, Listen1 can search and play songs from NetEase Cloud Music, QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, Bilibili, and Migu Music websites, making your music library more comprehensive.
Tags: Music; Daily Browsing;
66. Life Restart Simulator
Website: https://liferestart.syaro.io/public/index.html
Description: Text-based life simulation.
Tags: Games; Online Tools;
67. Nuclear Explosion Simulator
Website: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/
Description: Choose real-world cities and real nuclear weapons in this nuclear explosion simulator, wishing for world peace.
Tags: Games; Online Tools;
68. Sounds of the Forest
Website: https://www.tree.fm/
Description: Random forest white noise, supports download.
Tags: Music;
69. Coding Fonts
Website: https://www.codingfont.com/
Description: Choose your favorite coding font.
Tags: Resource Market;
70. Big Pixel
Website: http://pf.bigpixel.cn/zh-CN/city/1.html
Description: See the world in trillions of pixels.
Tags: Photography;
71. YesOrNo
Website: https://yesno.wtf/
Description: Randomly returns Yes or No.
Tags: Online Tools;
72. Two-Dimensional Girls
Website: https://anime-pictures.net/
Description: A site for two-dimensional girl images.
Tags: Ladies; Daily Browsing;
73. Deyi Black
Website: https://atelier-anchor.com/typefaces/smiley-sans/
Description: Deyi Black, an open-source curved narrow slant Chinese font.
Tags: Fonts;
74. DT Shot
Website: https://www.dtshot.com/
Description: Lossless music download forum.
Tags: Music; BBS;
75. Rutracker
Website: https://rutracker.org/
Description: A well-known Russian resource cracking website, can find resources in unregistered status, can search Adobe related resources through adobe site:rutracker.org.
Tags: Games; Resource Market;
76. Airdroid
Website: http://web.airdroid.com/
Description: Connect your computer to your phone via the web.
Tags: Online Tools; Mobile;
77. Panzoid
Website: https://panzoid.com/
Description: Create simple video intros.
Tags: Online Tools;
78. Look at the Ladies
Website: https://www.kanxiaojiejie.com/
Description: A website dedicated to looking at ladies.
Tags: Ladies; Daily Browsing;
79. Anti-Fight Free
Website: https://free.apprcn.com/
Description: Messages about temporarily free game app software.
Tags: Games; Mobile; Daily Browsing;
80. Raspberry Pi Internal Network Penetration File Service
Website: https://frp.v2fy.com/
Description: Zhaoolee’s website built with Node.js http-server on Raspberry Pi, containing various lightweight software, accessible to the public.
Tags: Geek;
81. Ancient Operating System Software Museum
Website: https://winworldpc.com/library/operating-systems
Description: A collection of ancient operating systems and software installation packages.
Tags: Geek;
82. A Pure Torrent Site for Quickly Updating Mac Software
Website: https://www.torrentmac.net/
Description: The end of resource websites is torrents.
Tags: Resource Market;
83. NGA Player Forum Mobile Research Institute
Website: https://bbs.nga.cn/thread.php?fid=722
Description: The mobile discussion area of the game BBS, fewer water army and navy.
Tags: Mobile; BBS;
84. Shortcut Commands
Website: https://www.rcuts.com/
Description: An iOS shortcut command sharing site.
Tags: Mobile;
85. Two Pots
Website: https://twopots-design.com/
Description: God-level contrasting color matching works.
Tags: Design;
86. Juejin Excellent Open Source Projects Topic
Website: https://juejin.cn/pin/club/6824710203196309518
Description: Juejin boiling point excellent open-source project self-recommendation, mainly some Chinese open-source projects.
Tags: Geek; Open Source Information;
87. Open Source Weekly Report
Website: https://openingsource.org/weekly/
Description: A weekly report of Chinese open-source projects.
Tags: Information Flow; Open Source Information;
88. Electric Duck Community
Website: https://eleduck.com/
Description: A remote work community providing various remote work opportunities.
Tags: BBS;
89. Readspike
Website: https://readspike.com/
Description: Simple news aggregator, an overseas multi-platform hot list aggregator.
Tags: Information Flow;
90. Buzzing
Website: https://www.buzzing.cc/
Description: Browse popular discussions in foreign social media in Chinese, quickly read in your native language, and dive deeper into the original text if interested.
Tags: Information Flow; Daily Browsing;
91. Mo Yu Duck
Website: https://moyuduck.com/
Description: The average cost of lying in the ICU of a top-tier hospital for a day is about ten thousand yuan. If you enter the ICU a day later, you earn an extra ten thousand for your family. Work less, fish more. Working is to help the boss make money, while fishing is to earn money for the boss! Finally, I wish all the fishing people in the world a pleasant day!
Tags: Information Flow;
92. Qike
Website: https://www.solidot.org/
Description: An open-source news platform.
Tags: Information Flow;
93. LearnKu
Website: https://learnku.com/
Description: A knowledge community for lifelong programmers.
Tags: BBS;
94. Tuchong Portrait Photography Selection
Website: https://portrait.tuchong.com/
Description: A library of reference materials for posing in photography.
Tags: Photography;
95. Yousuf Karsh
Website: https://karsh.org/
Description: Canadian photographer Yousuf Karsh, a world-renowned portrait photography master of the 20th century, specialized in capturing the faces of the era, photographing hundreds of important figures of the 20th century, including famous politicians, writers, poets, musicians, painters, actors, and ordinary people, known as the “Rembrandt of photography”.
Tags: Photography;
96. 500px
Website: https://500px.com/popular
Description: Showcasing the most popular photography works on 500px.
Tags: Photography;
97. Hummingbird
Website: https://bbs.fengniao.com/jinghua-101.html#p=2
Description: Hummingbird selected portrait photography.
Tags: Photography;
98. iPhone Photography Awards
Website: https://www.ippawards.com/
Description: iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) is the first and longest-running iPhone photography competition since 2007.
Tags: Photography; Mobile;
99. World Press Photo Awards
Website: https://www.worldpressphoto.org/
Description: Connecting the world to the stories that matter.
Tags: Photography;
100. Web Assembly Weekly Subscription Service
Website: https://wasmweekly.news/subscribe/
Description: Submit your email on the website to subscribe to content, the service will send you an email every week introducing the WebAssembly news worth paying attention to.
Tags: Geek;
101. Sci-Hub
Website: https://sci-hub.se/
Description: A non-profit website providing free access to academic papers, through Sci-Hub, you can download any paper for free without paying or accessing the school’s library.
Tags: Geek;
102. DiscoverDev
Website: https://www.discoverdev.io/
Description: The website lists 5 to 10 articles worth reading in software development daily, supporting email subscriptions.
Tags: Geek;
103. Computer Science Crash Course
Website: https://github.com/1c7/crash-course-computer-science-chinese
Description: Establish a collaborative group on Github to translate and move excellent courses from YouTube to Bilibili.
Tags: Geek;
This content is generated by a standardized CSV file and formatted with four lines of Python as follows:
import pandas as pd
# Output for better readability in Markdown
log_website_info_data = pd.read_csv("./website_info.csv")
for website_info_index, website_info_row in log_website_info_data.iterrows():
print("## " + str(website_info_index+1) + ". " + website_info_row['Name'] + "\n\n**网址**: " + website_info_row['Url'] + "\n\n**简介**: " + website_info_row['Description'] + "\n\n" + "**标签**: " +website_info_row['Tag'] +"\n\n")
For a better reading experience or a standardized website_info.csv file, you can go to https://github.com/zhaoolee/ins to get it.

The CSV file will continue to be updated, have a nice weekend ~