The Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer the size of a credit card, capable of running Linux and Windows 10 operating systems. Despite its small size, the Raspberry Pi is powerful and highly expandable, living up to the saying “though the sparrow is small, it has all the vital organs.”
However, many users buy a Raspberry Pi, use it for a few days, and then let it “gather dust” at home. This issue largely stems from users not knowing how to utilize the Raspberry Pi effectively. Below are ten amateur radio applications that will get your Raspberry Pi moving, helping it to avoid being unused!
Decoding Digital Signals
The Raspberry Pi supports audio input through an external USB sound card to decode digital signals. In fact, you can install FLDigi software on your Raspberry Pi to decode various signal data modes, including RTTY, PSK (Phase Shift Keying), and CW (such as common Morse code). This might be the first project I recommend to newcomers eager to enter the Raspberry Pi world.
Once you successfully decode a signal, you can send the received signals to the Reverse Beacon Network, which is easily accomplished in the FLDigi configuration.
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
You can build the cheapest (maybe) SDR receiver using a Raspberry Pi, USB sound card, and RTL adapter (200 RMB on Taobao). You can receive signals in the frequency range of 25MHz to 1800MHz, and by connecting it to a Yagi antenna, you have a very powerful signal scanner.
You can achieve all of this using the SDR# software on Raspbian.
More importantly, you can remotely access the Raspberry Pi receiver from your laptop, tablet, or other devices at home. Of course, you need to connect the Raspberry Pi to your home network, with two options available: WiFi or a physical Ethernet cable. I recommend using a physical cable for a more stable connection.
(SDR receiver sold on Taobao, can connect to Raspberry Pi)
Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR)
One of the incredible features of the Raspberry Pi is its ability to output RF signals in the frequency range of 0-250MHz using the GPIO interface. Thus, we have a powerful LF/MF/HF/VHF weak signal propagation reporter. The Raspberry Pi has transistors that can achieve this, although it needs calibration in the WsprryPi software to ensure accuracy for WSPR.
The Raspberry Pi provides an output power of about 10mW, which is not high RF, but sufficient for WSPR applications. Note that its square wave output requires a low-pass filter, and you also need a stable power supply to ensure frequency stability.
<Note> To put it simply, the wireless signal emitted by the Raspberry Pi may not be strong, while WSPR allows you to track in real-time where your signal propagates around the world. Below is a simple device:
Using WSPR to track signals can even cross the Atlantic:
Amateur Satellite Tracking
This might be the simplest Raspberry Pi project you can master. Install GPredict ( on your Raspberry Pi, and you have a powerful satellite tracker that allows you to track any imaginable satellite in real-time (though not really = = ).
You can filter the types of satellites you track; just select the satellites you are interested in to see their status in real-time. The first thing you need to do is connect the antenna to your Raspberry Pi. (The SDR receiver mentioned earlier theoretically also works)
<Note> Here, I want to promote the small satellite LilacSat-2 developed by Harbin Institute of Technology. It not only opens its commands for anyone to track its status but also allows it to take pictures of the Earth and return the images, while providing free radio relay services for amateur radio enthusiasts. Project homepage:
Digital Voice (DV) Hotspot
Programming a digital voice hotspot on the Raspberry Pi is another popular use, with many expansion components available to turn your Raspberry Pi into a D-STAR, Fusion, or DMR network access point. The Raspberry Pi can seamlessly integrate the internet with RF signals without needing any DV repeaters.
Currently, there are two expansion components available:
DVD4Mini USB Dongle
DV-Mega Add On Board
Automatic Position Reporting System
You can turn your Raspberry Pi into an APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System) Digipeater to track the positions of amateur radio enthusiasts (including yourself). After connecting an HT to the Raspberry Pi, you can receive packets from the radio and send them to APRS-IS (internet-based APRS network), and vice versa. A detailed guide can be found here: RX only APRS I-Gate (
ADS-B Flight Tracking
Using PiAware software, you can track flight information broadcasted by the ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast) system in real-time. This allows you to track the positions of airplanes in your area, which is very cool. I live not far from London Heathrow Airport, so I’ve tracked quite a few planes, as you can see in the image.
Antenna Rotator Controller
There are some experiments online that use the Raspberry Pi to control antennas, such as PiRotator (
Wireless Extension Gateway
The Raspberry Pi can help you extend the coverage of your home wireless network, allowing every corner of your home or office to receive a signal. You can even create a separate wireless network for guests. You will need an SD card and a USB Wi-Fi dongle, and with a small amount of coding, you can set everything up correctly, following the instructions from MagPi.
Radio Transmitter
You can use the Raspberry Pi to create a radio transmitter, allowing devices like mobile phones to receive signals sent out by the Raspberry Pi from a short distance:
Reminder: When using the Raspberry Pi for amateur radio, please adhere to national laws and regulations, and use amateur radio functions within the legal limits, taking responsibility for your actions!
Top Ten Raspberry Pi Applications for Amateur Radio:
Creating a Radio Transmitter with Raspberry Pi:
Fan Benefits: Follow the public account “Chen Yu Programmer Learning Notes“, reply with the keyword “Raspberry Pi” in the public account dialog box, and I will give you the download link for the Raspberry Pi learning e-book!
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