Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

Event Time

September 16 (this Thursday)


Event Schedule

20:00-20:45 Keynote Sharing

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

  • Current status of TensorFlow Lite and TensorFlow Lite Micro

  • Key points and implementation methods of running TensorFlow Lite on Coral

  • Compilation process and technical points of TensorFlow Lite Micro

20:45-21:00 Interactive Q&A

Organizing Community

GDG Shanghai

Bilibili Live

Visit the link below or click to read the original text for more information

Instructor Introduction

Wang Yucheng

Google Developer Expert (Machine Learning/IoT)

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices
  • Currently working at Tuya Smart

  • Engaged in IoT and embedded systems R&D

  • Including but not limited to operating systems, wireless communication protocols, edge AI, and other related technologies

About Community Talks

“Community Talks” is a community project jointly launched by Google Developer Group and Google Developer Expert Program. Every Thursday evening from 8 to 9, we have small online meetings to share technology, conduct code live streaming, discuss products, and share experiences with tech enthusiasts.

The events will be hosted by different Google developer communities and invite Google Developer Experts from various technical directions in China and guests who are passionate about technology and willing to share, to talk about recent projects, code they have written, or casual discussions among tech friends.

See you this Thursday at 8 PM.

Past “Community Talks” Reviews

  • Write less code, accomplish more — Speed up application development with Annotation

  • Wechaty: Build a conversational interface application based on personal WeChat and Whatsapp in 6 lines of code

  • Kotlin Compiler Plugin: What are we really expecting?

  • Hybrid Quantum with TensorFlow Quantum: Classical Machine Learning

  • Jetpack Compose Analysis and Practice

  • The Past and Present of the Android Virtual Machine

  • Plain Language Kotlin Coroutines

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

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Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

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Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices


Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices


Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices


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