Qt Company recently announced a new toolkit: Qt for MCU.
Qt for MCU can run on devices without an operating system, allowing developers to create smooth user interfaces on cost-effective microcontrollers. Qt-based applications can now be deployed on traditional operating systems and microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex M7.

How is Qt for MCU implemented? The answer is Qt Quick.
Qt Quick is a framework for developing mobile applications, with its core being QML, a declarative language for describing user interfaces. Syntax-wise, it has a JSON feel, and the low-overhead runtime allows QML GUIs to bind with backend C/C++ code, enabling the GUI to be portable across multiple platforms.
Qt for MCU applications are rendered using a new runtime that provides high performance with low memory consumption. This is achieved through a new QML to C++ conversion, along with a new declarative property binding engine. Additionally, the new runtime allows applications to run directly on the processor without an operating system, referred to as “running on bare metal.” Applications can also be deployed on more powerful devices running operating systems like Linux and Windows using standard Qt libraries.

While developing any applications for MCU, developers can still use their powerful declarative UI language QML and the rich set of ready-made Qt Quick controls.
Qt for MCU Hardware Compatibility
Renesas RH850
In addition to examples and technical documentation, Qt for MCU also provides Qt Quick Controls to assist developers in their development process. Qt’s design and development tools QT Design Studio and Qt Creator will support the development of the new graphical toolkit.
The Qt team also ensures that current users of Qt can continue to use their existing workflows to develop applications for microcontrollers, with the company expecting to release an evaluation version for users to download in mid-September.
Click “Read the Original” for more details.
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