Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems

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Introduction to mr-library

The MR framework is a lightweight framework designed specifically for embedded systems. It fully considers the resource and performance needs of embedded systems. By providing standardized device management interfaces, it greatly simplifies the difficulty of embedded application development, helping developers quickly build embedded applications.

The framework provides developers with standardized interfaces for opening (open), closing (close), controlling (ioctl), reading (read), and writing (write). It decouples the application from the underlying hardware drivers. Applications do not need to understand the implementation details of the drivers.

When the hardware changes, only the underlying driver needs to be adapted, and the application can seamlessly migrate to the new hardware. This greatly improves the reusability of the software and the scalability to new hardware.

Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
Project Structure Diagram

Key Features

  • Standardized device access interfaces
  • Decoupling of application and driver development
  • Simplified development of low-level drivers and applications
  • Lightweight and easy to use, low resource consumption
  • Modular design, decoupled and independently developed parts, extremely low hardware migration costs
  • Supports use in bare-metal and operating system environments

Main Components

  • Device Framework: Provides standard interfaces for device access
  • Memory Management: Dynamic memory management
  • Utilities: Common data structures such as linked lists, queues, balanced trees, etc.
  • Various functional components

Standardized Device Interfaces

All operations on devices can be accomplished through the following interfaces:

Interface Description
mr_dev_register Register device
mr_dev_open Open device
mr_dev_close Close device
mr_dev_ioctl Control device
mr_dev_read Read data from device
mr_dev_write Write data to device


struct mr_spi_dev spi_dev;

int main(void)
    /* Register SPI10 device (CS active low) to SPI1 bus */
    mr_spi_dev_register(&spi_dev, "spi1/spi10", 0, MR_SPI_CS_ACTIVE_LOW);

    /* Open SPI10 device on SPI1 bus */
    int ds = mr_dev_open("spi1/spi10", MR_OFLAG_RDWR);
    /* Send data */
    uint8_t wr_buf[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04};
    mr_dev_write(ds, wr_buf, sizeof(wr_buf));
    /* Receive data */
    uint8_t rd_buf[4] = {0};
    mr_dev_read(ds, rd_buf, sizeof(rd_buf));
    /* Close device */

Configuration Tool

The MR framework provides a Kconfig visual configuration tool, allowing developers to configure without deep understanding of the source code.

Kconfig will automatically generate a configuration options interface based on the configuration file. Developers can easily select the required functional components and set related parameters through simple operations.

Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
Configuration Tool
Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
Configuration Tool 1

By modifying parameters, quickly trim the required functions. After configuration is complete, a Python script automatically generates the configuration file.

Directory Structure

Name Description
bsp Board Support Package
components Components
device Device Files
document Documentation
driver Driver Files
include Library Header Files
source Library Source Files
Kconfig Configuration Files Automatic Configuration Script

Getting Started

Configuring the Kconfig Environment

Note: Kconfig is not mandatory, but recommended (installation and configuration are very quick, and subsequent tutorials will also take Kconfig as an example).

  1. Verify that Python is installed on the system. Run python --version in the command line to check the Python version (Kconfig depends on python, if python is not installed, please install it yourself).

  2. Use the command shown to install Kconfig in the command line:

    python -m pip install windows-curses
    python -m pip install kconfiglib
  3. Run menuconfig -h in the command line to verify if the installation was successful.

Importing the Framework into the Project

  1. Download the latest version of the source code from the Gitee or Github repository to your local machine.

  2. Import the source code into the directory where your project is located. For example, in an STM32 project:

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory
  3. If the chip you are using has already been adapted with BSP, please refer to the configuration tutorial in the corresponding BSP to complete the BSP configuration.

  4. Remove unnecessary files in the bsp, document, and module directories (if GIT is not needed, you can also remove the .git files). After completion, the directory structure is as follows:

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 1
  5. Add files to the IDE (most IDEs can automatically recognize files under the project path, this step is not necessary). For example, in keil:

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory Keil

    Add all files from the source, device, and driver directories.

Configuring Menu Options

  1. Open the command line tool in the mr-library directory, run menuconfig for menu configuration.

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 2

    Note: When adding the corresponding chip driver, Device configure and Driver configure will be displayed. Please refer to the tutorial in BSP for corresponding Driver configure.

  2. Select Device configure and press enter to enter the menu, configure functions as needed.

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 3
  3. After configuration is complete, press Q to exit the menu configuration interface, press Y to save the configuration.

Generating Configuration Files

  1. Open the command line tool in the mr-library directory, run python, and automatically generate the configuration file mr_config.h.

Adding Include Paths

  1. Add the include path of mr-library in the compiler, for example in keil:

    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 4
  2. Configure automatic initialization (GCC environment), look for the linker script file with the suffix .ld in your project (usually link.ld), and add the following code in the script file: Note: If you are in an environment like keil that can automatically generate linker scripts, please skip this step.

    /* mr-library auto init */
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _mr_auto_init_start = .;
    _mr_auto_init_end = .;


    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 5
  3. Configure GNU syntax. If you are using a non-GCC compiler, please enable GNU syntax. For example in keil:


    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 6


    Lightweight Framework Designed for Embedded Systems
    Project Directory 7
  4. Include #include "include/mr_lib.h" in your project.

  5. Add mr_auto_init(); automatic initialization function in the main function.

Let’s Light Up

#include "include/mr_lib.h"

/* Define LED pin (PC13)*/
#define LED_PIN_NUMBER                  45

int main(void)
    /* Automatic initialization */

    /* Open PIN device */
    int ds = mr_dev_open("pin", MR_OFLAG_RDWR);
    /* Set to LED pin */
    mr_dev_ioctl(ds, MR_CTL_PIN_SET_NUMBER, mr_make_local(int, LED_PIN_NUMBER));
    /* Set LED pin to push-pull output mode */
    mr_dev_ioctl(ds, MR_CTL_PIN_SET_MODE, mr_make_local(int, MR_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT));

        /* Light up LED */
        mr_dev_write(ds, mr_make_local(uint8_t, MR_PIN_HIGH_LEVEL), sizeof(uint8_t));
        mr_dev_write(ds, mr_make_local(uint8_t, MR_PIN_LOW_LEVEL), sizeof(uint8_t));

Hello World

#include "include/mr_lib.h"

int main(void)
    /* Automatic initialization */

    /* Open Serial-1 device */
    int ds = mr_dev_open("serial1", MR_OFLAG_RDWR);
    /* Output Hello World */
    mr_dev_write(ds, "Hello World\r\n", sizeof("Hello World\r\n"));

This article is sourced from the internet, free to convey knowledge, and copyright belongs to the original author. If there are copyright issues regarding the work, please contact me for deletion.

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