How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card

How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card

0x01. Camera SD Card Flashing Experience

Recently, I researched the SD card flashing function of a camera I have, which only supports FAT32 formatted SD cards. Therefore, I needed to format the SD card to FAT32 first. Additionally, Microsoft limits FAT32 to a maximum capacity of 32GB, so I could only use an SD card of 32GB or less for flashing.

Here I used a 32GB SD card for flashing.

How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card

Win10 format SD card command, X is the disk name of the SD card.

format /FS:FAT32 X:

Ready, place the firmware FIRMWARE.bin in the root directory of the SD card, and long press the reset button to flash.

However, I later found that it did not succeed; after flashing, it became a brick, and the camera did not start normally. The firmware flashed was still the normal firmware, and no modifications had been made, yet it directly became a brick. It was indeed a bit of a bad start, and I was unsure which link went wrong.

0x02. Rescue Operation for the Brick

After the camera failed to start normally after flashing, I considered connecting to the serial port to see where the problem lay.
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
After connecting the serial port, I powered on the device again and observed the following serial port logs:
IPL xxx
HW Reset
MXP found at 0x0000f000
XZ decomp_size=0x0004a19c
U-Boot 2015.01
WARNING: Caches not enabled
MMC:   MStar SD/MMC: 0
SF: Detected nor0 with total size 8 MiB
gpio debug MHal_GPIO_Pad_Set:603
gpio debug MHal_GPIO_Pad_Set:603
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   MAC Address E0:EF:02:88:AD:26
Link Status Speed:100 Full-duplex:1
gpio debug MHal_GPIO_Pad_Set:603
ddrsize 64
mtd_num 5, flash_size 0x00800000(8M)
To run up...
Using sstar_emac device
TFTP from server;
 our IP address is
Filename 'update.bin'.
Load address: 0x21000000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T 
Retry count exceeded; starting again
Using sstar_emac device
TFTP from server;
our IP address is
Filename 'update.bin'.
Load address: 0x21000000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T
From the log information, it can be seen that the camera’s IP address is, and the TFTP server address is The device attempted to load the firmware named update.bin from the TFTP server but failed.
This indicates that under the condition that the previous card flashing did not succeed, the device, after powering on, will actively try to use the TFTP function in uboot to load firmware from the address However, at this time, the server does not exist, so the camera gets stuck here after powering on and cannot start normally.
Attempting to use TFTP to rescue the camera, since the device cannot successfully interrupt uboot to enter the shell during startup, we cannot directly modify the default TFTP server IP and other operations through the uboot shell. We can only set up a TFTP server on the PC and change the IP to, naming the firmware to be flashed update.bin and placing it in the TFTP server file directory.
The TFTP server is ready. Power on the device again and observe that the device successfully downloaded the firmware from the server and wrote it to flash, successfully rescuing the brick.
Later, I followed the SD card flashing process again to try to flash the normal firmware, and finally, there was no more occurrence of becoming a brick.
IPL xxx
HW Reset
U-Boot 2015.01
WARNING: Caches not enabled
MMC:   MStar SD/MMC: 0
SF: Detected nor0 with total
size 8 MiB
gpio debug MHal_GPIO_Pad_Set:603
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
SF: Detected nor0 with total
size 8 MiB
Erasing SPI flash..._spi_flash_erase:
 addr 0x30000,
len 0x10000 100%(cost 248 ms)
Writing to
SPI flash..._spi_flash_write
to 0x30000,
len 0x10000 from
 0x23b01870 100%(cost 169 ms)
ddrsize 64
mtd_num 5,
flash_size 0x00800000(8M)
To run up...
Using sstar_emac device
TFTP from server;
our IP address is
Filename 'update.bin'.
Load address: 0x21000000

T #################################################

         237.3 KiB/s
doneBytes transferred =
7114336 (6c8e60 hex)
head_crc32 9ba634e1
 crc32 9ba634e1
MXIC REMS: 0xC2,0x16
SF: Detected nor0 with
total size 8 MiB
1507328 bytes @ 0x40000
Written: OK
head_crc32 4d5121d7 crc32 4d5121d7
Erasing SPI flash..._spi_flash_erase:
 addr 0x30000,
 len 0x10000 100%(cost 255 ms)
Writing to
SPI flash..._spi_flash_write
to 0x30000,
len 0x10000
from 0x23b018d0 100%(cost 175 ms)
resetting ...
##  Booting kernel
 from Legacy Image at 21000000 ...
Image Name:MVX4##I6B0xxxxxxxx
Image Type:
ARM Linux Kernel
 Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:1494344 Bytes = 1.4 MiB
   Load Address: 20008000
   Entry Point:  20008000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... 
[XZ] !!!reserved 0x21000000
 length=0x 1000000 for xz!!
   XZ: uncompressed size=0x2e2000,

Starting kernel ...

0x03. Analyzing Card Flash Firmware Verification

The normal SD card flashing process is roughly as follows: First, power off, insert the SD card containing the firmware into the camera, hold down the reset button, and turn on the power. At this point, the camera will load the SD card firmware for flashing. During the firmware writing process, the role of holding down the reset button is to force the camera into IPL mode (Initial Program Loader), also known as recovery mode.
This mode allows the device to load new firmware stored on the SD card and update the existing firmware.
In IPL mode, the device will not automatically run the existing firmware but will wait to load the new firmware from the SD card for writing.
Therefore, holding down the reset button is to ensure that the device can correctly enter IPL mode to complete the firmware update. In this log, it can be seen that the IPL (Initial Program Loader) has been successfully loaded and the check has passed.
The IPL_CUST firmware’s role is to start U-Boot, which then loads and runs the device’s operating system. During this process, U-Boot reads the firmware from the SD card and loads it into the camera’s memory, starting the Linux kernel.
Thus, the program that loads the SD card firmware is in U-Boot. From the above log, it can be seen that uboot performs a CRC check on the firmware when starting the firmware, so after modifying the firmware, the CRC check must also be considered for successful flashing.
Indeed, related strings about CRC checks were found in the uboot firmware from the above logs.
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
Analyzing the CRC check logic in uboot to reverse engineer the relevant fields that need to be calculated after modifying the firmware.
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card

0x04. Custom File System

After understanding the firmware structure, the next step is to implant our own program into the firmware file system. After modifying the firmware, calculate and adjust the corresponding size and CRC field values in the firmware, and re-flash it into the device via SD card.
Use Buildroot to compile a busybox that includes features like telnet and ftp, and port the newly compiled busybox to the original file system of the camera.
Download Buildroot and choose compile configuration.
make menuconfig
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
Next, compile BusyBox and include telnetd.
make busybox-menuconfig
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
After completing the above settings, execute make to compile. After compilation, an output folder is generated in the current directory, and the generated telnetd is linked to busybox, so here we directly copy the generated busybox to the camera’s file system. The compiled busybox is copied to the firmware file system’s /bin directory and named busybox_hack.
When unpacking the firmware, remember to use root privileges because the camera is a root user. Also, when copying busybox_hack to the camera’s file system, pay attention to modifying the file’s owner and group to be consistent with other files.
Add busybox_hack to the startup items in /etc_default/init.d/, and start telnetd, where the -l parameter links it to /bin/sh, allowing direct password-free login.
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card
Repack the file system.
sudo mksquashfs ./squashfs-root/ out.fs -comp xz -b 64K -noappend
Where ./squashfs-root is the directory to be packed, out.fs is the desired name of the repacked file. -comp xz tells mksquashfs to use the xz compression algorithm, -b 64K tells mksquashfs to use a block size of 64K. -noappend tells mksquashfs not to append new files to existing files.
Overwrite out.fs at the original firmware file system location and adjust the corresponding size and CRC field values in the firmware.
dd if=out.fs of=target.bin conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=1494600
if=out.fs indicates that the input file is out.fs.
of=target.bin indicates that the output file is target.bin.
conv=notrunc indicates not to truncate the output file, i.e., to keep the original content in the output file.
bs=1 indicates that one byte is read and written at a time.
seek=1494600 indicates to start writing at offset 1494600 in the output file, which is equivalent to appending the input file to the output file at offset 1494600.
Finally, flash the firmware via SD card, and the file system successfully starts, and telnetd also successfully starts, allowing direct connection to the camera shell via telnet.
How to Install Custom Firmware on a Camera via SD Card

Source: Security Guest

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