Deserializer Subboard: MAX9296, MAX96712
Use i2cdetect to check if MIPI RX1 detects the Camera and MAX9296 subboard. If only address 0x28 is detected, it indicates no normal power supply.
i2cdetect -y -r 7 // Scan devices on the specified I2C bus
hrut_gpio 454 1 1 // Pull up the specified 454 pin levelhrut_gpio 455 1 1 // Pull up the specified 455 pin level
0x18 // Sensor, required
0x28 // POC power, optional
0x40 // Serializer, required
0x48 // Deserializer, required
0x50 // Sensor's EEPROM, optional
0x58 // Custom address of the module, also EEPROM, optional
2.2.1 Configuration File: (If the file is invalid, reply in the comments)
2.2.2 Configuration Information
2.2.3 Change List
sh l
gs_max_layer_en // Enable Gaussian hardware base layer count
gs_en // Enable Gaussian layer software output
gs_start_top // Starting row coordinate of gs layer roi
gs_start_left // Starting column coordinate of gs layer roi
gs_region_width // Output width of gs layer, must be even
gs_region_height // Output height of gs layer, must be even
gs_stride_y // Output y component stride of gs layer, must be 16 aligned
gs_stride_uv // Output uv component stride of gs layer, must be 16 aligned
ds_roi_layer // Choose the source data source of the downscale layer
ds_roi_sel // Source image type selection, original layer: 0, bl layer: 1, gs layer: 2
Linear Layer: Enable the first two layers of the linear layer, the first layer of downsampling, and select the second layer of the linear layer as the source image input.
Gaussian Layer: Enable the first two layers of the Gaussian layer, the first layer of downsampling, and select the second layer of the Gaussian layer as the source image input.
4.1.1 CIM Mode Interface Replacement
Replace the MAX9296 subboard from the MIPI RX1 interface to the RX0 interface, and need to modify the configuration file accordingly: