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Using raspi-config
makes it very convenient to configure some common settings for the Raspberry Pi system. Below are some commonly used configurations.
sudo raspi-config
System Settings
Setting Up WIFI
::: tip This configuration only works for users using dhcpcd, it is ineffective for Network Manager !!!:::
1 System options
-> S1 Wireless LAN
If the country has not been set, a prompt will appear to select the country. Here, choose the country code for China: CN
Enter the SSID
, which is the WiFi username, and then enter the PASSWORD
, which is the WiFi password.
Changing Password
1 System options
-> S3 Password
Change the user password.
1 System options
-> S4 Hostname
You can directly modify the Hostname
here, and it will take effect after saving and rebooting.
Interface Settings
Enabling SSH
3 Interface Options
-> I2 SSH
Select yes
to enable SSH.
Enabling VNC
3 Interface Options
-> I3 VNC
Select yes
to enable VNC.
Enabling SPI
3 Interface Options
-> I4 SPI
Select yes
to enable SPI.
Enabling I2C
3 Interface Options
-> I5 I2C
Select yes
to enable I2C.
Enabling Debug Serial Port
3 Interface Options
-> I6 Serial Port
Select no
and then select yes
to enable the debug serial port.
Regional Personalization Configuration
Setting Timezone
The default is Standard International Time; domestic time needs to be modified.
5 Localisation Options
-> L2 Timezone
Select Asia
and then select shanghai
or another domestic city. After setting, save and exit, and the time will be adjusted to Beijing time.
Changing Keyboard Layout
5 Localisation Options
-> L3 Keyboard
Choose American or Chinese keyboard layout in the keyboard settings, save to take effect.
Advanced Settings
Setting Proxy
6 Advanced Options
-> A5 Network Proxy Settings
Then select the required proxy.
Setting Boot Method
6 Advanced Options
-> A6 Boot Order
You can set the boot method.
B1 SD Card Boot Boot from SD Card if available, otherwise boot from USBB1 defaults to booting from SD card.B2 USB Boot Boot from USB if available, otherwise boot from SD CardB2 defaults to booting from USB.B3 Network Boot Boot from network if SD card boot failsB3 defaults to booting from the network.
Setting BOOTLOADER Version
6 Advanced Options
-> A7 Bootloader Version
Two Bootloader versions are available: the latest version and the factory version.