Understanding Linux Process Descriptors

Processes are the entities scheduled by the operating system, and the description of the resources possessed by a process is called the Process Control Block (PCB).

Describing Processes with task_struct

In the kernel, a process is described by the task_struct structure, known as the process descriptor, which stores all the information necessary for the normal operation of a process. The task_struct structure contains a lot of information; here, only a few member variables are listed. Interested readers can check the source code in the include/linux/sched.h header file.

struct task_struct {

   * For reasons of header soup (see current_thread_info()), this
   * must be the first element of task_struct.
  struct thread_info        thread_info;
  volatile long state;
  void *stack;
  struct mm_struct *mm;
  pid_t pid;
  struct task_struct *parent;
  char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
  struct files_struct *files;
  struct signal_struct *signal;

The main information categories in task_struct are:

1. Identifier: The unique identifier pid that describes this process, used to distinguish it from other processes.

2. State: Task state, exit code, exit signal, etc.

3. Priority: The priority relative to other processes.

4. Program Counter: The address of the next instruction to be executed in the program.

5. Memory Pointer: Includes pointers to program code and process-related data, as well as pointers to shared memory blocks with other processes.

6. Context Data: Data in the processor’s registers during process execution.

7. I/O State Information: Includes displayed I/O requests, allocated process I/O devices, and the list of files used by the process.

8. Accounting Information: May include total processor time, total clock used, time limits, accounting numbers, etc.

  • struct thread_info thread_info: Information about the scheduling execution of the process.
  • volatile long state: -1 means not running, =0 means running state, >0 means stopped state. Below are some important process states and their conversion processes.Understanding Linux Process Descriptors
  • void *stack: A pointer to the kernel stack; the kernel allocates kernel stack space for each process through dup_task_struct and records it here.
  • struct mm_struct *mm: Information related to the process address space.Understanding Linux Process Descriptors
  • pid_t pid: The process identifier.
  • char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]: The name of the process.
  • struct files_struct *files: Open file table.
  • struct signal_struct *signal: Related to signal handling.

Relationship Between task_struct, thread_info, and Kernel Stack sp

Next, let’s look at the thread_info structure:

struct thread_info {
        unsigned long           flags;          /* low level flags */
        mm_segment_t            addr_limit;     /* address limit */
        u64                     ttbr0;          /* saved TTBR0_EL1 */
        union {
                u64             preempt_count;  /* 0 => preemptible, <0 => bug */
                struct {
                        u32     need_resched;
                        u32     count;
                        u32     count;
                        u32     need_resched;
                } preempt;
        void                    *scs_base;
        void                    *scs_sp;

Next, let’s look at the definition of the kernel stack:

union thread_union {
        struct task_struct task;
        struct thread_info thread_info;
        unsigned long stack[THREAD_SIZE/sizeof(long)];

When the CONFIG_THREAD_INFO_IN_TASK configuration is enabled, only the stask member exists in the thread_union structure.

During kernel startup, the kernel initializes the kernel stack in head.S through __primary_switched:

        adrp    x4, init_thread_union
        add     sp, x4, #THREAD_SIZE
        adr_l   x5, init_task
        msr     sp_el0, x5                      // Save thread_info

The address of init_thread_union is saved to x4, then the offset of THREAD_SIZE stack size is applied to initialize sp. The address of the init_task process descriptor is assigned to x5 and saved to sp_el0.

Next, let’s look at the definitions of init_thread_union and init_task:

extern union thread_union init_thread_union;

struct task_struct init_task
= {
        .thread_info    = INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task),
        .stack_refcount = REFCOUNT_INIT(1),

Thus, the relationship between these three can be described by the following diagram:

Understanding Linux Process Descriptors

How to Get the Current Process

In the kernel, the current macro is often used to obtain the struct task_struct structure corresponding to the current process. Using current, along with the content introduced above, let’s look at the specific implementation.

static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
    unsigned long sp_el0;
    asm ("mrs %0, sp_el0" : "=r" (sp_el0));
    return (struct task_struct *)sp_el0;
#define current get_current()

The code is quite simple; it can be seen that by reading the value of the user space stack pointer register sp_el0, and then casting this value to the task_struct structure, we can obtain the current process. (sp_el0 stores init_task, which is the address of thread_info, and thread_info is at the beginning of task_struct, thus finding the current process.)

Understanding Linux Process Descriptors

Understanding Linux Process Descriptors

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