Display orientation settings: “Portrait”, “Landscape”, “Automatic”; -
Calendar mode settings: Mode 1 “Image + Calendar + ToDo”, Mode 2 “Image + Calendar”, Mode 3 “Image”; -
Image source settings: “Metmuseum”, “Selected” (TOP1000), “Gallery” (photos); -
Upload custom images; -
Select and display specified images.

Overall Design Idea
Screen: I chose the E-Ink screen because its display effect is the most natural, closest to the paper effect. -
Data Update: The E-Ink terminal is only responsible for receiving the final image data to be displayed, while the acquisition and processing of basic data are completed on the server. This design is beneficial for maintenance (and remote sending of surprises) since the hardware won’t be at my side during later use. -
To-Do Data: Must come from existing software, preferably with an API. I chose Microsoft ToDo.

// StreamClient.ino
void setup() {
wifiMulti.addAP(ssid, password);
void loop() {
if((wifiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED)) {
void updateEink(){
bool requestGET(String bodyName){
For computers, images are composed of pixels, and the size of the space occupied by each pixel determines the possible states (colors) of that pixel. The simplest black-and-white image occupies one bit (1Bit) per pixel, which can either be 0 or 1—black or white. As the number of colors increases, the space each pixel occupies grows larger, to eight bits, sixteen bits, twenty-four bits…
We have seven colors, so at least three bits of data are needed to represent all colors. However, to simplify calculations, we add a 0 in front, meaning we use four bits of data to represent the color of a pixel, allowing one byte (1Byte) to represent two pixels. Therefore, the number of bytes written to the display = 600*448/2=134,400 Bytes.

void UpdateEink(){
HTTPClient http;
int httpCode = http.GET();
if(httpCode > 0) {
if(httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
int len = http.getSize();
// create buffer for read
uint8_t buff[1280] = { 0 };
// get tcp stream
WiFiClient * stream = http.getStreamPtr();
// read all data from server
int numData = 0;
String headString = "";
while(http.connected() && (len > 0 || len == -1)) {
// get available data size
size_t size = stream->available();
int c = 0;
if(size) {
// read up to 1280 byte
c = stream->readBytes(buff, ((size > sizeof(buff)) ? sizeof(buff) : size));
String responseString((char*)buff, c);
responseString = headString + responseString;
String temp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < responseString.length(); i++) {
char cAti = responseString.charAt(i);
if (cAti == ',') {
if (numData < 67200){
gImage_5in65f_part1[numData] = temp.toInt();
} else if(numData == 67200){
gImage_5in65f_part1[numData-67200] = temp.toInt();
} else if(numData > 67200 && numData < 134399){
gImage_5in65f_part1[numData-67200] = temp.toInt();
} else if(numData == 134399){
gImage_5in65f_part1[numData-67200] = temp.toInt();
temp = ""; // Clear temporary string
numData++; // Increment array index by 1
} else {
temp += cAti; // Add character to temporary string
if (temp.length() > 0) { // Process the last number
headString = temp;
} else{
headString = "";
if(len > 0) {
len -= c;
Metmuseum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the largest art museum in the United States, with a collection of 3 million exhibits, providing a selected dataset of over 470,000 artworks from its collection, which can now be used on any media without permission or payment. This can be accessed through their API. Here is a simple use case:parkchamchi/dailyArt[1]. Through the API provided by Metmuseum, we can “randomly” obtain images from specified categories.
Famous Oil Paintings. The images obtained from Metmuseum may not necessarily be suitable for the E-Ink display in terms of color and size (too large or too small, colors too faint). Therefore, a locally stored collection of world-famous paintings was constructed. The “TOP1000 Oil Paintings” was obtained from the most-famous-paintings[2] website and stored in Apitable. Below is the Python script. -
Festival Images. Custom festival and solar term-themed images are stored in Apitable. -
Photos. Custom photos are stored in Apitable.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
url = 'http://en.most-famous-paintings.com/MostFamousPaintings.nsf/ListOfTop1000MostPopularPainting?OpenForm'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
for element_img in soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'mosaicflow__item'}):
imgRatio = int(element_img.img.get('width')) / int(element_img.img.get('height'))
rank = 1
for i in artist:
painter = i[:i.index('\n')]
painting = i[i.index('\n')+1:i.index('(')]
ratio = ratios[rank-1]
img = images[rank-1]
rank += 1
with open('famouspaintings.csv', 'w', newline='',encoding="UTF-8") as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["Rank", "Name", "Painting","Ratio","Link"])
for i in details:
Image Processing
from PIL import Image
def dithering(image, selfwidth=600,selfheight=448):
# Create a palette with the 7 colors supported by the panel
pal_image = Image.new("P", (1,1))
pal_image.putpalette( (16,14,27, 169,164,155, 19,30,19, 21,15,50, 122,41,37, 156,127,56, 128,67,54) + (0,0,0)*249)
# Convert the source image to the 7 colors, dithering if needed
image_7color = image.convert("RGB").quantize(palette=pal_image)
return image_7color
ratio < 0.67: Fill blank on both sides to ratio=0.67, display horizontally; -
0.67 <= ratio <= 1: Display horizontally; -
1 < ratio < 1.49: Display vertically: -
1.49 < ratio: Fill blank above and below to ratio=1.49, display vertically.
Calendar Data Processing
def get_dominant_color(pil_img):
img = pil_img.copy()
img = img.convert("RGBA")
img = img.resize((5, 5), resample=0)
dominant_color = img.getpixel((2, 2))
return dominant_color
ToDo Data Processing

Image Stitching
# concaten pic
img_concat = Image.new('RGB', (EINK_WIDTH, EINK_HEIGHT),WHITE_COLOR)
if DisplayMode == "Portrait":
img_concat.paste(img_photo, (0, 0))
img_concat.paste(img_date, (img_photo.width, 0))
img_concat.paste(img_info, (img_photo.width, img_date.height))
img_concat.paste(img_todo, (img_photo.width + img_info.width, img_date.height))
elif DisplayMode == "Landscape":
img_concat.paste(img_date, (0, 0))
img_concat.paste(img_todo, (0, img_date.height))
img_concat.paste(img_info, (0, img_date.height + img_todo.height))
img_concat.paste(img_photo,(img_date.width, 0))
buffs = buffImg(dithering(img_concat))
if len(buffs) == EINK_HEIGHT * EINK_WIDTH / 2:
def buffImg(image):
image_temp = image
buf_7color = bytearray(image_temp.tobytes('raw'))
# PIL does not support 4 bit color, so pack the 4 bits of color
# into a single byte to transfer to the panel
buf = [0x00] * int(image_temp.width * image_temp.height / 2)
idx = 0
for i in range(0, len(buf_7color), 2):
buf[idx] = (buf_7color[i] << 4) + buf_7color[i+1]
idx += 1
return buf

Settings completed through the WebAPP will take effect during the next HTTP request; -
Uploaded images through custom forms will be added to the “gallery” collection; -
By utilizing Apitable’s “mini-program” feature, a picture picker can be created to select specified images for display, which will take effect during the next HTTP request.
//YOUR_APITABLE_SPACE Apitable space id
//YOUR_APITABLE_SHEET Apitable sheet id
//YOUR_APITABLE_FILED Apitable field id
//YOUR_WEBHOOK Trigger flow webhook
const datasheet = await space.getDatasheetAsync('YOUR_APITABLE_SPACE');
const record = await input.recordAsync('Please select a record:', datasheet);
const data = {
record: record.title
const response = await fetch('YOUR_WEBHOOK', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)