DIY AI Baby Monitor Using Raspberry Pi

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DIY AI Baby Monitor Using Raspberry Pi

Source | OSC Open Source Community (ID: oschina2013)
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Recently, a tech blogger named Fabio Manganiello, who just became a dad, created an intelligent baby monitoring system using Raspberry Pi and Tensorflow to better take care of his child. This system can not only automatically notify when the baby cries but also analyze the crying sounds to infer the baby’s needs.

It is reported that Fabio usually stays in his home studio and often has difficulty hearing the sounds from the baby’s room due to being focused on work. Therefore, he needed a smart device that could monitor the baby and automatically send notifications. However, the baby monitors available on the market only serve as simple “intercoms” and are not intelligent enough. As a programmer, Fabio came up with the idea of creating his own baby monitoring device.

Fabio first defined some required features for this “smart baby monitor”:
  • Based on low-cost Raspberry Pi and USB microphone.
  • This device is not just a simple intercom. It can detect the baby’s crying and send notifications (ideally via mobile phone) when the baby starts/stops crying or track data points on a dashboard, or run corresponding tasks.
  • The device can transmit audio to speakers, smartphones, computers, and other devices.
  • The system is not affected by the distance between the source and the speaker, and there is no need to move the speakers around the house.
  • Equipped with a camera, it can monitor the baby in real-time, capturing images or short videos of the crib when the baby starts crying to check if something is wrong.
Based on these requirements, Fabio chose to use the combination of Raspberry Pi Zero and PiCamera to create a monitoring device:

DIY AI Baby Monitor Using Raspberry Pi

The brief steps are to install the Linux operating system on the Raspberry Pi via SD card, run the Tensorflow model, and collect audio samples of the baby’s crying. With enough audio samples, a dataset can be generated and the model trained, then the model can be used to predict the baby’s crying behavior. Finally, videos can be viewed on a mobile phone using the VLC application or the RPi Camera Viewer application.

DIY AI Baby Monitor Using Raspberry Pi

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