Overview of Cloud Connectivity Applications Based on STM32

We provide a rich software example package, corresponding documentation, and supporting evaluation boards for cloud connectivity applications based on STM32;
Based on typical customer needs analysis, we have written detailed training materials and developed rich cloud connectivity courses in collaboration with third-party developers.
The cloud connectivity of node devices is an application that spans from embedded development to website development to database management. Many roles are involved in the entire industry chain, and we focus on serving our customers together with many partners on an open platform and ecosystem.
In our software example package, the supporting evaluation boards mainly focus on the L4, F4, and F7 series. However, this does not mean that these are the only options available during the initial selection phase of your cloud connectivity application.
When we talk about the basic function of “connection,” it does not have special requirements for MCU hardware: the serial and SPI interfaces required for communication with external wireless communication modules are peripherals supported by all MCUs; in terms of software, different IoT protocols must be used based on different applications, so any STM32 that meets the required FLASH and RAM size will suffice.
Furthermore, if considering the power consumption of node devices, the STM32L series represented by L0, L1, L4, and L5 can help narrow down the selection; if high security requirements for node devices are also considered, then L4 and L5 are the best choices among low-power series.
If processing performance is more important, H7 and F4 are more suitable choices.

Currently, the cloud connectivity kit we provide supports cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, Watson, and other mainstream foreign cloud IoT platforms, as well as domestic platforms like Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Cloud, and Gizwits. Due to space limitations, this page does not list all the supported cloud platforms; please refer to the specific introduction in the subsequent slides.
The cloud connectivity kit supports various connection methods, including WIFI, 2G/3G, NB-IoT, LoRa, and Ethernet.
The typical IoT applications provided in the cloud connectivity kit include Telemetry (which refers to the basic function of node devices periodically uploading small amounts of data to the network platform and asynchronously but infrequently receiving and responding to commands from the cloud server); OTA for over-the-air upgrades of node devices; asset tracking and management, predictive maintenance, and other applications.
The above three dimensions are of great concern to users; from a developer’s perspective, further speaking, the cloud connectivity kit includes IoT protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, LWM2M, and HTTP, as well as TLS security transmission protocols, based on different applications and wireless transmission standards.

ST provides two types of software extension packages, one prefixed with “X-CUBE-” and the other with “FP-“. In comparison, the X-CUBE software package supports more main control development boards, while the FP software package is more oriented towards real applications and may involve more functional extension boards (such as various sensors, wireless communication modules, etc.), or even dedicated mobile apps to work with this example. These software packages all have corresponding user manuals to describe the functions and usage of the package, as well as the corresponding hardware and software setup. Some user manuals have been translated into Chinese and are marked in green in the table.
There are four software packages for connecting to the AWS cloud platform: the first two packages have the same function, “connection”, allowing STM32 to send data to the AWS platform and receive commands from the cloud, supporting TLS encrypted transmission. Users can log in to the ST-AWS-Dashboard webpage to visually observe the uploaded data and control the device. In addition, X-CUBE-AWS integrates the SBSFU function for secure boot and secure firmware upgrades. The examples in X-CUBE-AWS can run directly on four main control MCU evaluation boards, providing connections to the AWS IoT platform via Wifi, Ethernet, and NB-IoT. The FP-CLD-AWS1 software package only supports two of these evaluation boards.
FP-IND-PREDMNT1 (industry predictive maintenance) integrates specialized sensor algorithms for predictive maintenance in industrial applications, achieving early warnings of potential failures. Besides connecting to AWS via Wi-Fi and visualizing data on the web dashboard, it also provides methods to view detection data via Bluetooth to mobile phones or USB to PCs.
FP-ATR-SIGFOX1 provides example routines for monitoring and tracking the status of Sigfox network nodes, allowing users to view reported data on the ST-Asset-Tracking-Dashboard webpage. It also allows mobile app ST Asset Tracking to set node device parameters via Bluetooth.
Connecting to Azure cloud platform and Google IoT platform software packages have similar functionalities to AWS; the only difference lies in the parameters and authentication methods when connecting to their respective IoT platforms, which will not be elaborated here.
There are also four software packages for connecting to Watson platform. The first two have the same functionality as previously connecting to AWS and Azure, allowing STM32 nodes to connect to Watson platform and exchange data. The FP function pack also supports configuring node devices via NFC and processing data from acceleration sensors using preset algorithms, which can be used for vibration detection in motors, pumps, and other equipment.
Until now, the examples we introduced are all about node devices connecting directly to cloud servers. The last two, starting with FP-NET, are example packages -BLESTART1 and -6LPWIFI1, demonstrating STM32 as a gateway device managing BLE star networks and SubG 6LowPAN networks, connecting to IBM Watson IoT platform via Wifi hotspot. In the -BLESTART1 example, the STM32-based gateway device can also establish a Bluetooth connection with a mobile phone and detect and control the Bluetooth network via a mobile app.
X-CUBE-CELLULAR software package, as the name suggests, cellular, connects to GroveStreams IoT platform via 2G/3G and NB-IoT. The application is relatively simple, demonstrating the basic data telemetry and device control, mainly showcasing the cloud connection method of a cellular wireless module with a SIM card.
X-CUBE-CLD-GEN software package provides example routines for connecting to MQTT servers using the open-source Eclipse Paho MQTT client and a simple HTTP client. It connects to platforms such as Eclipse Mosquittoâ„¢, Ubidots, Exosite, Grovestreams, etc.
ST also places great importance on cooperation with Chinese public cloud manufacturers’ IoT platforms. Let’s take a look at the cloud connectivity kit developed by the ST local technical support team and Chinese partners.
STM32 China has a long-standing and close cooperation with Alibaba Cloud IoT. The STM32 connection to Alibaba Cloud IoT software package is continuously iterating. This slide lists the courses jointly developed by ST and Alibaba Cloud IoT in 2019. Project codes and course materials have been published on the STM32 China official website, AI Electric Hall, and Alibaba Online University.
There are three software packages on the node side, all with the function of ordinary “telemetry”, i.e., data telemetry and device control. The connection methods use Wi-Fi and NB-IoT. The access protocol uses MQTT: among them, STM32-AliyunIoT-Paho and paho-bc28 use the open-source Paho MQTT client, adapted to connect to Alibaba Cloud IoT platform, while using binary data transparent transmission for applications with limited device resources. STM32-AliyunIoT-Linkkit is based on Alibaba’s public Linkkit SDK, using Alink data format for cross-platform portability, supporting TLS secure transmission for applications with rich device resources.
This course also covers server-side development content, including the use of web applications and databases, with corresponding project source code and tutorials. This part of the implementation allows users to view the data uploaded by devices and control the devices via the web.
I-Cube-Quectel software package’s functionality is similar to the previous Paho-bc28, mainly enriching the IDEs supported by the project, including not only IAR but also KEIL, STM32CubeIDE, and SW4STM32 project files.
STM32F769_OTA software package provides examples of remote wireless upgrades for STM32 using Baidu BOS services and IoT Hub. The corresponding usage and secondary development documentation can be found on the local Chinese official website.
I-Cube-Gizwits integrates Gizwits’ Gagent, allowing devices to access the Gizwits platform for data communication and OTA functionality.

The STM32 China technical support team, together with local partners, has done a lot of work to enrich our ecosystem. We have organized these achievements and experiences to share with our customers and STM32 enthusiasts through offline and online methods. Scan the QR code in the image to download and watch the cloud access training materials and videos.
We have also launched the “IoT Application Development Series Course Based on STM32 Nodes and Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform” in collaboration with Alibaba Cloud IoT. This course is aimed at both “traditional embedded developers” and “traditional web developers”. Using an STM32-based temperature and humidity controller as a node device, data is forwarded to the user’s own server via the Alibaba Cloud IoT platform, and a web-based user interface is developed to monitor and control the node end. The course covers three parts of operation:
STM32 node end development. Two implementation methods are proposed for resource-constrained devices and resource-rich devices: the former uses the open-source Paho MQTT to adapt to connect to Alibaba Cloud IoT; the latter uses the Alibaba Cloud IoT platform’s Linkkit SDK for rapid connection.
Usage and setup of Alibaba Cloud IoT platform
Building the user server
The sample code in the course is open source and available for free download and learning; you can scan the link in the image to get more details.

Many partners in the cloud connectivity field provide various solutions based on STM32, such as Alabi IoT OTA upgrade technology solutions, Dishang ST MCU FOTA systems, China Mobile IoT NB-IoT development boards, and connection solutions to OneNET platform.

“Cloud Connectivity” Series Articles:
“Porting Between Cloud Platforms” URL:
“Remote Firmware Upgrade” URL:
Or click the link at the end of the article to get related links.