Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

This article uses the triplet information of the test device we created earlier:

“product_key”: “a1xHkDRtfRl”,”device_name”: “ZNFS0001″,”device_secret”: “xnOe5VcOkvXFTBAZaik4hz7y67t7IUhI”

Quickly connect to the Alibaba Cloud IoT platform using Arduino.

The AliyunIoTSDK Arduino library mentioned in the article can be found in the Arduino Library Store (search for AliyunIoTSDK).

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino
Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

AliyunIoTSDK can help you quickly connect to the Alibaba Cloud IoT platform. By cooperating with the Alibaba Cloud IoT development platform, various hardware applications can be quickly realized, including high-level encapsulation, without the need to parse the data body, just bind events. It has been fully tested on the ESP8266 platform (NodeMCU 1.0).

In addition to searching for the AliyunIoTSDK library directly in the Arduino Library Store, you can also manually clone the project from GitHub and place it in the Arduino library folder.

GitHub address:

Copy the test code from the above URL: Usage Example

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Arbitrarily name the file and save the code file:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Check the current serial port number occupied by the ESP8266 WiFi in the device manager:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Select the corresponding serial port in Arduino:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Fill in the triplet and WiFi information:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Click the checkmark to compile the project:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Compilation error:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Add: ArduinoJson Library

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Still getting errors after recompilation:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Error message as shown:

Arduino:1.8.8 (Windows 10), Board:"WeMos D1 R1, 80 MHz, Flash, Legacy (new can return nullptr), All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

Build options have changed, rebuilding all
C:\Users\juban\Documents\Arduino\libraries\AliyunIoTSDK\src\AliyunIoTSDK.cpp:3:26: fatal error: PubSubClient.h: No such file or directory

 #include <PubSubClient.h>


compilation terminated.

exit status 1
Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R1.

Enable "Show verbose output during compilation" option in File -> Preferences
This report would contain more information.

Because the AliyunIoTSDK library relies on the PubSubClient library for the underlying connection, continue to install: PubSubClient Library.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Missing: SHA256 library, continue to install: SHA256 library

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino
Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

“AWS-SDK-ESP8266” Library.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Recompilation succeeded.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Compile and download the program, upload the firmware to the mini D1 WiFi module.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

After a successful upload, it shows as follows:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

The four library files required for Alibaba Cloud on Arduino are: PubSubClient, ArduinoJson, AliyunIoTSDK, Crypto (SHA256).

PubSubClient.h is the header file for the publish/subscribe functionality;

SHA256.h is the header file for encryption functionality (already included in Crypto);

ArduinoJson.h is the header file that supports JSON data format;

AliyunIoTSDK.h is the header file for the Alibaba Cloud SDK.

Open the Arduino software, Tools -> Serial Monitor, to view the information printed by the module:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

The serial port number has changed, it is no longer COM7 as above, because I changed the USB port, so the serial port number has changed.

Below is the definition of error types in the PubSubClient.h file:

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Error MQTT Connect err : -2, indicating that MQTT is not connected.

The solution is to change the two macros MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE and MQTT_KEEPALIVE in the PubSubClient.h file to larger values, such as changing them to 1024 and 60.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino
Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

After modification, re-download the program, and then see that data can be uploaded normally.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Log in to the Smart IoT Platform – Feiyan Platform

Smart IoT Platform:

Check the Feiyan platform, you should normally see that the device is online.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

Click on the “View” button next to the device in the image above, then enter the operation status page below, where you can see the current temperature we uploaded: 26℃.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

This is consistent with the value we set in the code, indicating that the upload of attribute values was successful. Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

On the “Device Debugging” page, we select the debugging device as “ZNFS0001”, then select a debugging function, then choose a method, and click send command. We can check the logs of the issued data in real-time logs, indicating that the data has been successfully sent.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

At this time, check the printed information of the WiFi module, and you can see that the module has received the data packet issued by the server.

Connecting ESP8266 to Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform using Arduino

We only need to correctly parse the content of the above data packet, parse out {“PowerSwitch”:0}, and then the microcontroller can perform corresponding actions based on this content.

The data issued in the “Device Debugging” is actually the same logic as clicking a button in the mobile app, thus completing the upload of device properties and wireless control of the device.

In the following content, we will specifically design for the “smart fan”, achieving data interaction between STM32 + ESP8266 and Alibaba Cloud.

The complete code is as follows:

// Import the wifi module and instantiate it; the dependencies may vary for different chips
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
static WiFiClient espClient;

// Import the Alibaba Cloud IoT SDK
#include <AliyunIoTSDK.h>

// Set product and device information, view from Alibaba Cloud device information
#define PRODUCT_KEY "a1xHkDRtfRl"
#define DEVICE_NAME "ZNFS0001"
#define DEVICE_SECRET "xnOe5VcOkvXFTBAZaik4hz7y67t7IUhI"
#define REGION_ID "cn-shanghai"

// Set WiFi information

void setup()
    // Initialize WiFi
    // Initialize IoT, need to pass in the WiFi client and device product information
    // Bind a device property callback. When this property is modified remotely, powerCallback will be triggered
    // PowerSwitch is the id defined in the IoT model of the device product
    AliyunIoTSDK::bindData("PowerSwitch", powerCallback);
    // Send data to the cloud platform, CurrentTemperature is the id defined in the IoT model of the device product
    AliyunIoTSDK::send("CurrentTemperature", 26);

void loop()

// Initialize WiFi connection
void wifiInit(const char *ssid, const char *passphrase)
    WiFi.begin(ssid, passphrase);
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
        Serial.println("WiFi not Connect");
    Serial.println("Connected to AP");

// Power property modification callback function
void powerCallback(JsonVariant p)
    int PowerSwitch = p["PowerSwitch"];
    if (PowerSwitch == 1)
        // Start the device

Click “View” to show that I have read it


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