All-in-One vs Mini Host + Monitor: Which is the Better Choice?

All-in-One vs Mini Host + Monitor: Which is the Better Choice?

Which is better, the all-in-one or the “mini host + monitor”? Without considering desktop and laptop options, which is better? Experts, please give your opinion, thank you. If it were me, I would prioritize recommending the all-in-one because it has been developed earlier than the mini host, making it relatively more mature. Additionally, as long … Read more

Common Computer Issues and Practical Solutions

Common Computer Issues and Practical Solutions

1. Replace the chip to solve motherboard issues: Problem description: A compatible computer’s motherboard integrated a graphics card. One day after turning on the computer, the monitor showed no display, and the speaker inside the case emitted a “beep, beep” sound. Problem analysis and solution: Since the speaker was alarming, it indicated a hardware issue. … Read more

Understanding the Complete Series of Raspberry Pi

Understanding the Complete Series of Raspberry Pi

【Click the above「blue text」 to follow DF Maker Community and become a technology enthusiast】 Newcomers may ask, what is a Raspberry Pi? In fact, we wrote a brief introduction last year titled – “What is Raspberry Pi? Can it be eaten?” Those who joined midway must be familiar with the Raspberry Pi 4B series, but … Read more
