Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive GuideUnderstanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Previous Article: Understanding FreeRTOS Application Scenarios

In this article, the term “stack” refers to the memory area accessed by the computer (including MCU) processor through the stack pointer register. Common access methods include Push/Pop, as well as indirect addressing based on the stack pointer register. Let’s first review how local variables are stored in C language. For example, when the main() function calls func1(), and then func1() calls sub2(), as shown in the figure below.Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

When the CPU executes the sub2() function, the local variables in main() and func1() are out of scope, but their storage is preserved. Therefore, by passing pointers as parameters, sub2() can access the data of the local variables in main(). However, when the sub2() function returns, the space occupied by the local variables of sub2() is reclaimed, and even if it returns a pointer value to func1(), the address obtained by func1() is invalid. This is because when a C language function is executed, it reserves a space on the stack for its local variables and saves important registers. Generally, the current stack pointer is saved at the entrance of the function and restored before returning.

The usage of the stack in the above calling relationship is generally as follows:Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

From left to right, it is the process of function calls (nesting); from right to left is the process of functions returning one by one. In addition, the interrupt service routine (ISR) is also a type of function, slightly special. When an interrupt occurs, the CPU retrieves the entry address of the corresponding interrupt service routine from the interrupt vector table, automatically saves critical registers onto the stack, and then jumps to the entry address of the interrupt service routine to execute it. The interrupt service routine also reserves a space on the stack for its local variables and saves some registers that are not automatically saved. The main program and its called subroutines have no way of knowing when the interrupt service routine is called (only when using sleep instructions to pause execution is an exception). How to implement multitasking? As mentioned above, suppose a multitasking requirement is that sub2() wants to wait for a while but does not return, allowing func1() to continue executing. This implies that func1() thinks sub2() has already returned, which is clearly incorrect because once sub2() returns, the stack pointer is reverted to the state when func1() was executing, and the stack space reserved by sub2() is reclaimed and can be overwritten at any time (for example, if func1() calls any subfunctions or if an interrupt occurs), making it impossible for it to continue executing. It can be analyzed that to achieve multitasking, each task function must have its own stack space that remains valid during the task period and cannot be overwritten by other tasks. Thus, we need a scheduler to coordinate stack usage. Furthermore, tasks are at the same level and do not have mutual calling relationships, so they can only be called by the scheduler. Let’s improve and see if the stack is used as follows:

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide We have a scheduler that creates task1() and runs it, then creates task2() and switches to execute task2(). At any time, we can switch back to execute task1() and switch back to task2(). When a task ends, the stack space it occupies is reclaimed. For now, we do not manage the implementation details of the scheduler; using the stack in this way seems to allow multitasking. However, intuitively, there is an imperfection, as the previous task ending will cause “memory fragmentation.” If the newly created task requests stack space that is not exactly right…

Wait, how does the scheduler know in advance how much stack space a task function will use? C language function calls do not need to know how much stack a subfunction uses—you can use it all, it’s all yours. But for multitasking, one task cannot use all the stack.

There are still issues: in the third diagram from the left, if task1() wants to call a subroutine, it cannot. Because if it modifies the stack pointer, it will destroy the private data of task2(). If subroutines cannot be called, inter-task communication and synchronization in a multitasking system will be difficult to achieve…

Therefore, the stack space reserved for a task cannot just be the size of the stack space occupied by the task’s function itself. Now let’s take a look at how FreeRTOS manages the stack of tasks.

Using the diagram from the Tutorial Guide

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

FreeRTOS allocates a block of memory to store the stack of tasks and the task configuration (Task Control Block). This space is managed by FreeRTOS itself, and the creation and destruction of tasks correspond to the allocation and release of this memory (note that it is independent of the C function malloc() and free() memory management).

This is why when creating a task, it is necessary to specify the stack size—allocate as much as needed, and if it is insufficient, the task cannot be created; if too much is allocated, it cannot be exceeded, regardless of how the task is nested calling functions. In addition, FreeRTOS also has dynamic memory allocation functionality, allowing tasks to use memory beyond the stack. However, the pre-specified stack size is important because resources on microcontrollers are limited, and excessive allocation will affect other tasks. Fortunately, tasks running on microcontrollers are generally not too complex, and stack usage can be determined through analysis or testing during development. My first FreeRTOS program created two tasks to drive two LEDs. In main() and within the task functions, I output the addresses of their respective local variables to determine the stack allocation position:

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

The output from the serial port shows that the local variables of main() are located on the total stack, which is near the position of the stack pointer after the total program initialization (usually at the end of SRAM). Global variables are arranged sequentially in the .data or .bss segments. The stack allocation for the two tasks is at the lower end of the memory, appearing to be taken from a fixed allocation of memory in the .bss segment.

By using the arm-none-eabi-objdump tool to view the statically allocated memory in the generated ELF file:

  1. 20040000 g .data 00000000 _sdata

  2. 20040000 l O .data 00000004 uxCriticalNesting

  3. 20040000 l d .data 00000000 .data

  4. 20040004 l O .data 00000004 xFreeBytesRemaining

  5. 20040008 g .bss 00000000 __bss_start__

  6. 20040008 g .bss 00000000 _sbss

  7. 20040008 g .data 00000000 _edata

  8. 20040008 l O .bss 00000014 xSuspendedTaskList

  9. 20040008 l d .bss 00000000 .bss

  10. 2004001c l O .bss 00000014 xPendingReadyList

  11. 20040030 l O .bss 00000004 pxDelayedTaskList

  12. 20040034 l O .bss 00000004 xNextTaskUnblockTime

  13. 20040038 l O .bss 00000004 xTickCount

  14. 2004003c g O .bss 00000004 pxCurrentTCB

  15. 20040040 l O .bss 00000004 uxTopReadyPriority

  16. 20040044 l O .bss 00000004 pxOverflowDelayedTaskList

  17. 20040048 l O .bss 00000004 uxCurrentNumberOfTasks

  18. 2004004c l O .bss 00000064 pxReadyTasksLists

  19. 200400b0 l O .bss 00000014 xDelayedTaskList1

  20. 200400c4 l O .bss 00000014 xDelayedTaskList2

  21. 200400d8 l O .bss 00000014 xTasksWaitingTermination

  22. 200400ec l O .bss 00000004 xSchedulerRunning

  23. 200400f0 l O .bss 00000004 uxTaskNumber

  24. 200400f4 l O .bss 00000004 uxDeletedTasksWaitingCleanUp

  25. 200400f8 l O .bss 00000004 uxSchedulerSuspended

  26. 200400fc l O .bss 00000004 xIdleTaskHandle

  27. 20040100 l O .bss 00000004 xNumOfOverflows

  28. 20040104 l O .bss 00000004 uxPendedTicks

  29. 20040108 l O .bss 00000004 xYieldPending

  30. 2004010c l O .bss 00000001 ucMaxSysCallPriority

  31. 20040110 l O .bss 00000004 ulMaxPRIGROUPValue

  32. 20040114 l O .bss 00000008 xStart

  33. 2004011c l O .bss 00000004 xHeapHasBeenInitialised.5018

  34. 20040120 l O .bss 00012c00 ucHeap

  35. 20052d20 l O .bss 00000008 xEnd

  36. 20052d28 l O .bss 00000004 xTimerQueue

  37. 20052d2c l O .bss 00000014 xActiveTimerList1

  38. 20052d40 l O .bss 00000014 xActiveTimerList2

  39. 20052d54 l O .bss 00000004 pxCurrentTimerList

  40. 20052d58 l O .bss 00000004 pxOverflowTimerList

  41. 20052d5c l O .bss 00000004 xTimerTaskHandle

  42. 20052d60 l O .bss 00000004 xLastTime.5299

  43. 20052d64 g O .bss 00000010 dummy

  44. 20052d74 g O .bss 00000040 xQueueRegistry

  45. 20052db4 g .bss 00000000 __bss_end__

  46. 20052db4 g .bss 00000000 _ebss

It can be seen that 0x12c00 bytes are fixedly allocated to ucHeap, and the stack of the two tasks is taken from this space. In the FreeRTOSConfig.h header file I used, there is a line:

#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 75 * 1024 ) )

This value corresponds exactly to the memory size occupied by the ucHeap variable. Let’s study the details of FreeRTOS implementation.

The port I used is in the CORTEX_M3 directory (although running on a Cortex-m4 CPU, it does not use the floating-point processor), in the FreeRTOS code tasks.c, a structure is defined to describe the TCB data.

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide According to the configuration needs, many data fields in the TCB are optional, so those that are not needed are removed through conditional compilation to save memory. The global variable pxCurrentTCB always points to the current task’s TCB, allowing it to be viewed in the debugger at any time, for example:

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide Based on the task name string, it is determined that this is the TCB of the FreeRTOS system task Timer task. The first data field of the TCB, pxTopOfStack, is a pointer that points to the top of the task’s stack; pxStack should be the lowest address allocated for the task’s stack. I used GDB to trace the task creation process. When calling xTaskCreate() to create a task, it calls the pvPortMalloc() function twice to dynamically allocate memory, once for the task’s stack and once for the TCB. Then it calls prvInitializeNewTask() to initialize the task and calls prvAddNewTaskToReadyList() to add the task to the list of tasks in the Ready state for execution.

Among them, prvInitialiseNewTask() calls the platform-dependent pxPortInitialiseStack() in port.c to initialize the stack, let’s take a look:

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide This is interesting; it pushes a series of initial values for registers, including the address of the execution code, onto the task’s stack. When this task is executed, it will restore the context from the stack. Continuing to trace the code, after creating the task in the main function, vTaskStartScheduler() is called to start the scheduler, completing the mission of the main function. vTaskStartScheduler() also creates two tasks, Idle task and Timer task, and then calls xPortStartScheduler() in port.c to implement scheduling. Here, it accesses the ARM Cortex system registers (related to priority), and finally arrives at the prvPortStartFirstTask() function to start the first task.

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide Here, a few simple things are done: (1) Set the system stack register MSP, reloaded the initial value of SP from the interrupt vector table. This means that the local variables of main() are also destroyed since this function will not return. (2) Allow interrupts (3) Execute the system call instruction svcsvc, which will trigger a software interrupt, causing SVC_Handler to execute. Let’s take a look at the actual ISR program:

Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide First, the address of the current TCB is obtained from the global variable pxCurrentTCB, and then the first data of the TCB, which is the pointer to the task’s stack, is read. Then, it pops the values of the eight general-purpose registers r4 to r11 from the stack (which corresponds to the stack initialization code), and then sets the PSP register to the task stack pointer (now vPortSVCHandler uses the MSP stack). According to the stack initialization code, the content in the task stack should be popped in the following order: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC, xPSR. Then, the BASEPRI register is written to 0 (to not restrict the priority of exception handling), and finally, the bx lr instruction returns from vPortSVCHandler. A question arises: doesn’t returning just go back to the next instruction after the svc instruction in prvPortStartFirstTask() function?

No, if you understand the exception handling mechanism of ARM cortex-m, you will realize that the content of the LR register in the Exception handler (including ISR) state does not store the return address. This is also why you can write ARM cortex-m interrupt service routines with ordinary C functions, while other platforms often require the use of the interrupt keyword to tell the compiler to use interrupt return instructions. In the code of vPortSVCHandler, before the bx r14 (LR is an alias for R14) instruction, there is an orr r14, #0xd instruction that modifies the low 4 bits of the LR register to 0xd, indicating a return to Thread mode execution and using the PSP stack register, thus switching to the task’s stack.

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Understanding FreeRTOS Stack Management: A Comprehensive Guide

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