Top 10 Raspberry Pi Blogs to Follow

Top 10 Raspberry Pi Blogs to Follow

If you are planning your next Raspberry Pi project, these blogs might be helpful.
— Ben Nuttall
Compiled from | Author | Ben Nuttall Translator | jlztan 🌟 Total translations: 1.0 Contribution time: 39 days

If you are planning your next Raspberry Pi project, these blogs might be helpful.

There are many great Raspberry Pi enthusiast websites, tutorials, code repositories, YouTube channels, and other resources online. Here are my top ten favorite Raspberry Pi blogs, in no particular order.

1. Raspberry Pi Spy

Raspberry Pi fan Matt Hawkins has written a wealth of comprehensive and informative tutorials on his website Raspberry Pi Spy[1] for a long time. I have learned a lot directly from this site, and Matt seems to be the first person to cover many topics. I received help from this site multiple times during my first three years of learning to use the Raspberry Pi.

Fortunately, this constantly adopting new technologies site remains strong. I hope to see it continue to exist, helping new community members when needed.

2. Adafruit

Adafruit[2] is one of the well-known brands among hardware hackers. The company makes and sells beautiful hardware and provides excellent tutorials written by employees, community members, and even Lady Ada herself.

In addition to the online store, Adafruit also runs a blog filled with exciting content from around the world. You can check out the Raspberry Pi category on the blog, especially on the last working day of the week, when an event called Friday is Pi Day[2] is held at Adafruit Towers.

3. Recantha’s Raspberry Pi Pod

Mike Horne (Recantha) is a significant member of the Raspberry Pi community in the UK, responsible for CamJam and Potton Pi & Pint[3] (two Raspberry Pi clubs in Cambridge) and Pi Wars[4] (an annual Raspberry Pi robot competition). He provides advice on establishing Raspberry Pi clubs for others and always has time to help beginners. Horne, along with his co-organizer Tim Richardson, developed the CamJam Edu Kit (a series of compact and affordable kits for beginners to learn physical computing with Python).

In addition, he runs Pi Pod[5], a blog that contains Raspberry Pi-related content from around the world. It might be the most frequently updated Raspberry Pi blog on this list, making it an excellent way to stay in touch with the Raspberry Pi community’s trends.

4. Raspberry Pi Official Blog

It must be mentioned that the Raspberry Pi Foundation[6] official blog covers a range of topics related to the foundation’s hardware, software, education, community, charity, and youth coding clubs. The major themes on the blog are home digitization, education empowerment, and official news on hardware versions and software updates.

The blog has been running since 2011[7] and provides an archive[8] of all 1800+ posts since then. You can also follow @raspberrypi_otd[9] on Twitter, which is a bot I created with Python[10] (tutorial here:[11]). The Twitter bot pushes Raspberry Pi posts from the blog archive on the same day in previous years.


Another pioneering member of the Raspberry Pi community is Alex Eames, who joined the Raspberry Pi community early on through his blog and YouTube channel[12]. His website provides high-quality, well-crafted video tutorials and written guides for many maker projects.

Alex’s website RasP.iO[13] has produced a series of Raspberry Pi add-ons and accessories, including handy GPIO pin headers, circuit board rulers, and more. His blog has also expanded to Arduino[14], WEMO[15], and other small sites.

6. pyimagesearch

Although not strictly a Raspberry Pi blog (the “py” in the name refers to “Python” rather than “Raspberry Pi”), the site’s Raspberry Pi section[16] contains a wealth of content. Adrian Rosebrock holds a Ph.D. in computer vision and machine learning, and his blog aims to share the machine learning skills he has learned while studying and creating his computer vision projects.

If you want to learn facial or object recognition using the Raspberry Pi’s camera module, this is the place to go. Adrian’s deep knowledge and practical applications of deep learning and artificial intelligence in image recognition are second to none, and he has written his projects so that anyone can try them.

7. Raspberry Pi Roundup

This blog[17] is maintained by The Pi Hut, one of the official Raspberry Pi distributors in the UK, and features weekly Raspberry Pi news. This is another excellent resource for keeping up with the latest news in the Raspberry Pi community, and previous articles are also worth reviewing.

8. Dave Akerman

Dave Akerman[18] is a leading expert in high-altitude balloon research, sharing knowledge and experience about launching balloons with Raspberry Pi at minimal costs. He comments on launches under photos taken by balloons in the stratosphere and provides his advice on personally launching Raspberry Pi balloons.

Check out Dave’s blog[18] for exciting near-space photography work.

9. Pimoroni

Pimoroni[19] is a world-renowned Raspberry Pi distributor headquartered in Sheffield, UK. This distributor has produced the famous Raspberry Pi Rainbow Case[20] and launched many excellent custom add-ons and accessories.

Pimoroni’s blog layout is as beautiful as its hardware design and branding, and the blog content is perfect for makers and hobbyists to create at home, with fun content available on the entertaining YouTube channel Bilge Tank[21].

10. Stuff About Code

Martin O’Hanlon transitioned from being a member of the Raspberry Pi community to an employee of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Initially, he developed “Minecraft” cheats on Raspberry Pi for fun and recently joined the Raspberry Pi Foundation as a content editor. Fortunately, Martin’s new job has not stopped him from updating his blog[22] and sharing useful anecdotes with the world.

In addition to much of the “Minecraft” content, you can find Martin O’Hanlon’s contributions on Python libraries, Blue Dot[23], and guizero[24], as well as some summary Raspberry Pi tips.


Author: Ben Nuttall[26] Topic: lujun9972 Translator: jlztan Proofreader: wxy

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and proudly presented by Linux China.

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