1. Hardware Preparation
Raspberry Pi -
Breadboard -
Jumper wires -
2. Configuration Steps
1. Connect the hardware according to the wiring diagram

2. Enter the example folder
cd example/

Create and edit a Python file named shutdown_button.py
nano shutdown_button.py
Enter the code in the editing interface:
from gpiozero import Button
from subprocess import check_call
from signal import pause
def shutdown():
check_call(['sudo', 'poweroff'])
shutdown_btn = Button(4, hold_time=2)
shutdown_btn.when_held = shutdown

3. After editing, press ctrl+x
to exit, press y
to confirm. Run the test:
sudo python3 shutdown_button.py
Long press the button for 2 seconds, and the Raspberry Pi will shut down.
– END –
Hardware Arsenal
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